Quote Originally Posted by Tamamo View Post
Gleeok with all do respect, the object-oriented programming has a purpose. When it's used fucking correctly that is. Eventually most of the core entities will be replaced with angelscript anyways. This is just an inbetween to make that easier to do in the future. Cause doing it straight from point A to B is not going to happen, trust me on that one. So yeah, that's all I have to say on that response. You have your opinions. I have mine. We'll just agree to disagree I guess.
I don't know what I'm disagreeing with, but okay.

Quote Originally Posted by ZoriaRPG View Post
Well, I was hoping that at some point, users would be able to reference an npc by its UID, as that shouldn't change as long as it remains valid, and might be useful for specific effects targeting; but I can see how that could be a problem if this is in flux.
But npcs are already referenced by UIDs... ? I think I must be misunderstanding you somehow. If you want to give me the short version of what you were trying to do that might help. If you mean to make it so pointers are always valid that's actually easy enough but then you'll have to convince Tamamo that inheritence as an object model over data layout through inheritence makes it implausible. Ha...jk.

No, but seriously I'm not sure.