Quote Originally Posted by Tamamo View Post
@Saffith ,
How come you rolledback your changes to the item logic. Specifically the hookshot for example.
With the changes to UID handling that means the patra and manhandla bugs are broken because the new code isn't in yet.
As for FFC flags that have come to my concern.
  • ffSWAPNEXT seems bugged btw. I think it's if condition statement is checking for the wrong flag, it checks for ffSWAPPREV. Also yeah we should probably change it so they only effect speed. Ugh... probably gonna need a quest rule for it though.
  • ffCHANGESPEED: We could still get that implemented, but i personally think it's way too much trouble unless people seriously want to have that feature. It's still up in the air and you probably agree.
  • ffSOLID: Not happening, I'm not going through that hell again, god only knows wtf it would break if not ZC itself.

That sounds like a LSD trip actually, mhm....

If I was to ask you kindly to rewrite ffc so we can 64 for per screen would you do it?
Giving up on ffSOLId already, are we? Not that I blame you.

Without some kind of general memory management, ffcs can't be increased like that. They are the single biggest RAM sink in all of ZC. Note that nobody wants to rewrite them... We'd be better off making a new class of objects that behaves like them, but is called only on demand.