Quote Originally Posted by Tamamo View Post
Speaking of which @ZoriaRPG I'm planning on rewriting weapons next month to make it less of a mess. I'm going to add inheritance. In otherwards their will now be a class for each weapon type. Their might be some Parser changes so I'll get together with you on that later on.
The problem with the complexity of ZC isn't actually because some things are hidden behind layers of needless abstractions or shitty virtual functions, or, other things are just plain data where runaway procedures are free to alter anything and everything they feel like. The problem is more because of state. ZC is a ginormous twisted mass of wires and circuits that breaths fire on elephants and then eats their burning flesh before laughing at you and then exploding. Simply put, everything is already doing too much. Whether you have a switch or a vtable it's not going to change much. More abstractions never actually solve any real problems, they simply abstract them further, making them even harder to deal with later. I would argue that any reasonable improvement to a problem of 'too much' (state, bloat, special cases, years of bug-fixes, etc) is simply less code, not more. Sounds simple, but it took me years to figure it out.