Quote Originally Posted by Tamamo View Post
You're going to like this Gleeok, trust me. Something needs to be done with that convoluted mess. And it matches Saffith's goal on making the codebase more manageable. So everyone wins.
One thing to note, is that even if it doesn;t make the cut for 2.,5x, or 2.6x, or even 3.x, you can always make a custom fork that uses it, and if people like it, or want it in a main version, we can add it. This is the type of thing, that I'd want user opinions on, before committing it, anyhow; and of course, I'd need to know how it will change the interface (ZScript instructions) for handling the objects. If it's transparent to the user, and only adds options for them, that would be fantastic.
@Gleeok : Ypu forgot, that it explodes into inverted butterflies, made of smoggy rainbows.