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Thread: Compiling errors of doom, destruction, and doom.

  1. #21
    The Timelord
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    First, what specifically do you consider messy, about it? I have no changelog to reference, but there are quite a lot of subtle things that I've noticed, that may, or may not be easy to just merge across. (This is why keeping some kind of active log, other than doing a diff is usually a good idea...)

    Can we possibly worry about this, after we ensure that people can use both repositories? I think cleaning house with the repos has a bit more priority, than worrying about if we're keeping the master branch. Admittedly, I haven't gone through the pulls other than stuff that Gleeok did, so I don't know what the big offenders are; and I'm not againstusing 2.50.3 to start the changes, as the master branch now lacks the bugfixes in 2.50.3.

    We could ice both as branches, make a 2.50.3 master with clean vs files, verified makefiles (checking LF and such), and some basic compiling info, as a new 'master', and roll things from the old master into it the new '2.5+ branch' of 2.50.3, so that 'master' is always the current binary; which is how I understand that Git is supposed to be used, and something that most people would comprehend. That way, we preserve the changes in the present master branch for inclusion, keep a clean 2.50.3 snapshot, and have a working 2.5+ branch.

    Once we know that anyone can download, compile, and go, and I make up some docs for compiling--because I know this probably falls under my job description, and I'll be stuck making them--I think that things will go smoother.

    My tuppence worth.

  2. #22
    Administrator DarkDragon's Avatar
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    Can you explain a bit what went wrong in the master branch? There was some experimental refactoring that didn't end up helping?

  3. #23
    Administrator DarkDragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZoriaRPG View Post
    First, what specifically do you consider messy, about it? I have no changelog to reference, but there are quite a lot of subtle things that I've noticed, that may, or may not be easy to just merge across. (This is why keeping some kind of active log, other than doing a diff is usually a good idea...)

    Can we possibly worry about this, after we ensure that people can use both repositories? I think cleaning house with the repos has a bit more priority, than worrying about if we're keeping the master branch. Admittedly, I haven't gone through the pulls other than stuff that Gleeok did, so I don't know what the big offenders are; and I'm not againstusing 2.50.3 to start the changes, as the master branch now lacks the bugfixes in 2.50.3.

    We could ice both as branches, make a 2.50.3 master with clean vs files, verified makefiles (checking LF and such), and some basic compiling info, as a new 'master', and roll things from the old master into it the new '2.5+ branch' of 2.50.3, so that 'master' is always the current binary; which is how I understand that Git is supposed to be used, and something that most people would comprehend. That way, we preserve the changes in the present master branch for inclusion, keep a clean 2.50.3 snapshot, and have a working 2.5+ branch.

    Once we know that anyone can download, compile, and go, and I make up some docs for compiling--because I know this probably falls under my job description, and I'll be stuck making them--I think that things will go smoother.

    My tuppence worth.
    I think I agree with what you're saying -- I was expecting
    - a master branch containing the latest development binary (features that are more-or-less stable and cleared to ship with the next version of ZC)
    - a branch for minor revisions of old-yet-still-supported major releases of ZC (to which some bugfixes in the master are back-ported as needed)
    - several branches for experimental features/risky refactorings (to be merged into master when they're deemed ready and successful)

    But there are any number of other sane ways to organize the repository. I'm mostly confused about the fact that currently there are two branches, and for both branches there are claims that (i) this branch contains the latest code and (ii) this branch is about to be deleted.

  4. #24
    The Time-Loop Continues ZC Developer
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    I'd like to take a minute to get everyone to take a step back and try and get on the same page here. Most of us (myself included) have been on a hiatus for varying lengths of time, so I think that would be the most prudent thing to do.

    Merging the two branches sounds fine: If none of the major refactoring work is going to help anything in the long run, or, there's better alternatives, etc. then it's probably better to do it sooner than later. Besides the obvious stuff you [@Saffith] want to throw out or redo, there may be a decent amount of small changes that are worth keeping. I guess what I'm saying is have a little bit of optimism when merging, if that makes sense.
    This post contains the official Gleeok seal of approval. Look for these and other posts in an area near you.

  5. #25
    Administrator DarkDragon's Avatar
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    Can you explain a bit what is in the master branch that should be "thrown out" and why (and conversely, what has been added to the branch that you think should be kept)? I'm looking at the revision history and it seems like the vast majority of commits are bug fixes that were applied to both branches.

  6. #26
    The Timelord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
    I'd like to take a minute to get everyone to take a step back and try and get on the same page here. Most of us (myself included) have been on a hiatus for varying lengths of time, so I think that would be the most prudent thing to do.

    Merging the two branches sounds fine: If none of the major refactoring work is going to help anything in the long run, or, there's better alternatives, etc. then it's probably better to do it sooner than later. Besides the obvious stuff you @Saffith ] want to throw out or redo, there may be a decent amount of small changes that are worth keeping. I guess what I'm saying is have a little bit of optimism when merging, if that makes sense.
    Was the optimism thing aimed at me, or Saffith? I have no objection to merging them: I'm just uncertain what Saffith has problems with in the master branch, and I don't know how smoothly integration would be, but if we can keep all the new features that you added, merging them with the 2.50.3 bugfixes, either way, it would be good, and it's pretty bloody crucial. :)

    I had been expecting the merge to go the other way, TBH.

    I never did get an answer to your concern from many months ago that some of my drawing functions migt be problematic with how you reworked the bitmap targets, or if they would at all; or if you meant something else might cause crashes.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkDragon View Post
    I think I agree with what you're saying -- I was expecting
    - a master branch containing the latest development binary (features that are more-or-less stable and cleared to ship with the next version of ZC)
    - a branch for minor revisions of old-yet-still-supported major releases of ZC (to which some bugfixes in the master are back-ported as needed)
    - several branches for experimental features/risky refactorings (to be merged into master when they're deemed ready and successful)

    But there are any number of other sane ways to organize the repository. I'm mostly confused about the fact that currently there are two branches, and for both branches there are claims that (i) this branch contains the latest code and (ii) this branch is about to be deleted.
    I'm pretty certain that this is what most people expect. The present organisation is abnormal, to say the least, and IMO, anything new, or experimental should be in a branch, or a fork, so that it's easy for a prospective party to know what is stable, and the present binary; which isn't actually up there at all. 2.50.3 will go Gamma, but the latest stable is still 2.50.2.

    it's not critical to change that, at present, but in the future, it would probably encourage more participation if we organised it on the same scheme as other open-source projects typically follow. Sanity, and all.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkDragon View Post
    Can you explain a bit what is in the master branch that should be "thrown out" and why (and conversely, what has been added to the branch that you think should be kept)? I'm looking at the revision history and it seems like the vast majority of commits are bug fixes that were applied to both branches.
    Pretty much, what I was asking above, or possibly more to the point. I looked over the bugfix history on 2.50.x last week, but I neglected to do it with the 'master' branch.

    I'm going to need to borrow some bandwidth, pull my VS image off the server onto this laptop, and see if master does in fact compile as-is from the project file: I prodded @Dimentio to try, as he has the VS2008 installed that I sent to him, and it's up and running, but I don't believe he has tried yet. I'll also try to do a writer-up for compiling with MinGW, and see if I can do likewise for CygWin. I do not have Linux with me--well, I did, but it was on a USB pen drive that vanished--so I can't do a Linux gcc test.

    @Saffith : I shoved MSYS onto this machine, and I tried using the makefile with a simple make invocation. I have the allegro directory both in x:/zc2.50.x/allegro and in x:/MinGW/msys/1.0/include/allegro

    The make operation halts with: In file included from src/zcmusic.cpp:13:0: src/zc_alleg.h:16:21: fatal error: allegro.h No such file or directory.

    Where does MSYS expect the allegro files to be located? Looking at the makefile, there is no special include path set for them.

    Ordinarily I would expect that the makefile should run with all the mandatory includes, libs, and other files from relative paths to it, but this seems not to be true; unless you are using some parameter / option with the make invocation?

    This is using the 2.50.x branch.

  7. #27
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    I added includes for allegro directly in the makefile ( see: ) . I also added ./Include

    Revised Makefile
    Spoiler: show

    AUDIO_LIBS = -lgme -lalogg -lalmp3 -laldmb -ldumb
    IMAGE_LIBS = -ljpgal -lldpng -lpng -lz
    # -lSDLmain -lSDL
    #LINKOPTS = -pg -g
    #LINKOPTS = -pg
    #OPTS = -pg -g
    #OPTS = -pg
    #OPTS = -O3
    #COMPRESS = 1
    CFLAGBASE2 = -Wno-long-long -W -Wall -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith
    #CFLAGBASE2 = -Wno-long-long -Wno-write-strings
      REPO_LOCATION = _zcrepo
      ALLEG_LIB = -lalleg -lws2_32
      SFLAG = -s
      WINFLAG = -mwindows -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++
      PLATEXT = -w
      EXEEXT = .exe
      ZC_ICON = zc_icon.o
      ZC_ICON_DEPS = zc_icon.rc zc_icon.ico
      ZC_ICON_CMD = windres --use-temp-file -J rc -o coff -i zc_icon.rc -o zc_icon.o
      ZQ_ICON = zq_icon.o
      ZQ_ICON_DEPS = zq_icon.rc zq_icon.ico
      ZQ_ICON_CMD = windres --use-temp-file -J rc -o coff -i zq_icon.rc -o zq_icon.o
      RV_ICON = rv_icon.o
      RV_ICON_DEPS = rv_icon.rc rv_icon.ico
      RV_ICON_CMD = windres --use-temp-file -J rc -o coff -i rv_icon.rc -o rv_icon.o
      ZC_PLATFORM = Windows
      CC = g++
      CFLAG = $(CFLAGBASE) -pedantic -I./allegro -I./allegro/allegro -I./include -I./include/dumb/ -I./include/alogg/ -I./include/almp3 -I./include/lpng1212/ -I./include/loadpng/ -I./include/lpng1212/ -I./include/jpgalleg-2.5/ -I./include/zlib123/ -I./gme
      LIBDIR = -L./libs/mingw
      ZCSOUND_SO = libs/mingw/libzcsound.dll
      ZCSOUND_LIB = -Wl,-rpath,. -lzcsound
      ZCSOUND_LINKOPTS = $(LINKOPTS) -shared -Wl,-soname,zcsound.dll
      PLATEXT = -l
      ALLEG_LIB = `allegro-config --libs --static`
      SFLAG = -s
      ZC_ICON = zc_icon.o
      ZC_ICON_DEPS = zc_icon.c
      ZC_ICON_CMD = $(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/zc_icon.c -o zc_icon.o $(SFLAG)
      ZQ_ICON = zq_icon.o
      ZQ_ICON_DEPS = zq_icon.c
      ZQ_ICON_CMD = $(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/zq_icon.c -o zq_icon.o $(SFLAG)
      RV_ICON = rv_icon.o
      RV_ICON_DEPS = rv_icon.c
      RV_ICON_CMD = $(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/rv_icon.c -o rv_icon.o $(SFLAG)
      ZC_PLATFORM = Linux
      CC = g++ 
      CFLAG = -I./include -I../include -I./include/alogg -I./include/almp3
      LIBDIR = -L./libs/linux
      SINGLE_INSTANCE_CPP = src/single_instance_unix.cpp
      SINGLE_INSTANCE_O = single_instance.o
      ZCSOUND_SO = libs/linux/
      ZCSOUND_LIB = -Wl,-rpath,. -lzcsound
      ZCSOUND_LINKOPTS = $(LINKOPTS) -shared -Wl,-soname,
      ALLEG_LIB = -lalleg
      STDCXX_LIB = -lstdcxx
      EXEEXT = .exe
      CC = gpp
      CFLAG = $(CFLAGBASE) -Werror
      ECHO_HELPER = \
      PLATEXT = -m
      ALLEG_LIB = -framework Cocoa -framework Allegro -lalleg-main -arch i386 
      ZC_PLATFORM = Mac OS X
      CFLAG = $(CFLAGBASE) -pedantic -arch i386 -I./include/dumb/ -I./include/alogg/ -I./include/almp3/ -I./include/libjpgal/
      CC = g++
      LIBDIR= -L./libs/osx
      DATA = output/common/
      SINGLE_INSTANCE_O = single_instance.o
      ZCSOUND_SO = libs/osx/libzcsound.dylib
      ZCSOUND_LIB = -lzcsound
      ECHO_HELPER = \
      PLATEXT = -mu
      ALLEG_LIB = -framework Cocoa -framework Allegro -lalleg-main
      ZC_PLATFORM = Mac OS X Universal
      CFLAG = -pedantic -Wno-long-long -Wall -arch i386 -arch ppc -DMACOSX_
      CC = g++
      LIBDIR= -L./libs/osx
      DATA = output/common/
      LINKOPTS = -arch i386 -arch ppc
      SINGLE_INSTANCE_O = single_instance.o
      ZCSOUND_SO = libs/osx/libzcsound.dylib
      ZCSOUND_LIB = -lzcsound
      PLATEXT = -msl
      ALLEG_LIB = -framework Cocoa -framework Allegro -lalleg-main
      ZC_PLATFORM = Mac OS X Universal
      CFLAG = -pedantic -Wno-long-long -Wall -arch i386 -arch ppc -DMACOSX_
      CC = g++
      LIBDIR= -L./libs/osx
      DATA = output/common/
      LINKOPTS = -arch i386 -arch ppc
      SINGLE_INSTANCE_O = single_instance.o
      ZCSOUND_SO = libs/osx/libzcsound.dylib
      ZCSOUND_LIB = -lzcsound
    ifdef COMPILE_FOR_GP2X
      PLATEXT = -g
      EXEEXT = .gpe
      ALLEG_LIB = -lalleg -lpthread -static
      CFLAG = $(CFLAGBASE) -Werror -I/devkitGP2X/include
      CC = arm-linux-g++
      AUDIO_LIBS = -L/devkitGP2X/lib -lalspc -lalogg -lalmp3 -laldmb -ldumb
      IMAGE_LIBS = -L/devkitGP2X/lib -ljpgal -lldpng -lpng -lz
      SINGLE_INSTANCE_O = single_instance.o
    ZELDA_PREFIX = zelda
    ZQUEST_PREFIX = zquest
    ROMVIEW_PREFIX = romview
    ZELDA_OBJECTS = aglogo.o colors.o debug.o decorations.o defdata.o editbox.o EditboxModel.o EditboxView.o ending.o ffscript.o gamedata.o gui.o guys.o init.o items.o jwin.o jwinfsel.o link.o load_gif.o maps.o matrix.o md5.o midi.o pal.o particles.o qst.o save_gif.o script_drawing.o $(SINGLE_INSTANCE_O) sprite.o subscr.o tab_ctl.o tiles.o title.o weapons.o win32.o zc_custom.o zc_init.o zc_items.o zc_sprite.o zc_subscr.o zc_sys.o zelda.o zscriptversion.o zsys.o
    ZELDA_OBJECTS := $(addprefix obj/,$(ZELDA_OBJECTS)) $(ZC_ICON)
    ZQUEST_OBJECTS = zquest.o colors.o defdata.o editbox.o EditboxModel.o EditboxView.o gamedata.o gui.o init.o items.o jwin.o jwinfsel.o load_gif.o md5.o midi.o particles.o qst.o questReport.o save_gif.o sprite.o subscr.o tab_ctl.o tiles.o win32.o zc_custom.o zq_class.o zq_cset.o zq_custom.o zq_doors.o zq_files.o zq_items.o zq_init.o zq_misc.o zq_rules.o zq_sprite.o zq_strings.o zq_subscr.o zq_tiles.o zqscale.o zsys.o ffasm.o parser/AST.o parser/BuildVisitors.o parser/ByteCode.o parser/DataStructs.o parser/GlobalSymbols.o parser/lex.yy.o parser/ParseError.o parser/ScriptParser.o parser/SymbolVisitors.o parser/TypeChecker.o parser/UtilVisitors.o parser/
    ZQUEST_OBJECTS := $(addprefix obj/,$(ZQUEST_OBJECTS)) $(ZQ_ICON)
    ROMVIEW_OBJECTS = editbox.o EditboxModel.o EditboxView.o gui.o jwin.o jwinfsel.o load_gif.o romview.o save_gif.o tab_ctl.o zqscale.o zsys.o
    ROMVIEW_OBJECTS := $(addprefix obj/,$(ROMVIEW_OBJECTS)) $(RV_ICON)
    ZCSOUND_OBJECTS = obj/zcmusic.o obj/zcmusicd.o
    .PHONY: default veryclean clean all msg dos win windows linux gp2x test done
    default: all
    	@echo Compiling Zelda Classic for $(ZC_PLATFORM)...
    	@echo Done!
    veryclean: clean
    ifndef COMPILE_FOR_WIN
    ifndef COMPILE_FOR_DOS
    ifndef COMPILE_FOR_GP2X
    	#change this if you want to change the default platform
    	@make win
    	@echo COMPILE_FOR_DOS=1 >
    windows: win
    	@echo COMPILE_FOR_WIN=1 >
    	@echo COMPILE_FOR_LINUX=1 >
    	@echo COMPILE_FOR_MACOSX=1 >
    	@echo COMPILE_FOR_GP2X=1 >
    all: test msg $(ZCSOUND_SO) $(ZELDA_EXE) $(ZQUEST_EXE) $(ROMVIEW_EXE) done
    obj/zcmusic.o: src/zcmusic.cpp src/mutex.h src/zc_alleg.h src/zcmusic.h src/zsys.h
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -fpic -c src/zcmusic.cpp -o obj/zcmusic.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/zcmusicd.o: src/zcmusicd.cpp src/zcmusic.h
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -fpic -c src/zcmusicd.cpp -o obj/zcmusicd.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    ifdef COMPRESS
    	upx --best $(ZELDA_EXE)
    ifdef 0
    	rm zc/zelda-m
    	cp zelda-m zc/zelda-m
    	rm -rf "Zelda"
    	fixbundle $(ZELDA_EXE) -e
    	cp Info1.plist $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	echo '	<key>CFBundleExecutable</key>' >> $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	echo '	<string>Zelda Classic</string>' >> $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	echo '	<key>CFBundleIconFile</key>' >> $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	echo '	<string>zc_icon.icns</string>' >> $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	echo '  <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>' >> $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	echo '  <string>com.armageddon.Zelda Classic</string>' >> $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	cat $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo Info2.plist > $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Info.plist
    	rm $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	cp "zc_icon.icns" $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)zelda.dat $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)sfx.dat $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)fonts.dat $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)qst.dat $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)zelda.nsf $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp "ag_nofull.cfg" $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/ag.cfg
    	cp $(DATA)1st.qst $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)2nd.qst $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)3rd.qst $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)4th.qst $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp libs/osx/libzcsound.dylib $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Frameworks/
    	install_name_tool -change libs/osx/libzcsound.dylib @executable_path/../Frameworks/libzcsound.dylib $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/MacOS/$(ZELDA_EXE)
    	mv $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/MacOS/$(ZELDA_EXE) "$(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/MacOS/Zelda Classic"
    	mv $(ZELDA_EXE).app "Zelda"
    	rm -rf "Zelda"
    	fixbundle $(ZELDA_EXE) -e
    	cp Info1.plist $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	echo '	<key>CFBundleExecutable</key>' >> $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	echo '	<string>Zelda Classic</string>' >> $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	echo '	<key>CFBundleIconFile</key>' >> $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	echo '	<string>zc_icon.icns</string>' >> $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	echo '  <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>' >> $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	echo '  <string>com.armageddon.Zelda Classic</string>' >> $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	cat $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo Info2.plist > $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Info.plist
    	rm $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	cp "zc_icon.icns" $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)zelda.dat $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)sfx.dat $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)fonts.dat $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)qst.dat $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)zelda.nsf $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp "ag_nofull.cfg" $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/ag.cfg
    	cp $(DATA)1st.qst $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)2nd.qst $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)3rd.qst $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)4th.qst $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp libs/osx/libzcsound.dylib $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/Frameworks/
    	install_name_tool -change libs/osx/libzcsound.dylib @executable_path/../Frameworks/libzcsound.dylib $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/MacOS/$(ZELDA_EXE)
    	mv $(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/MacOS/$(ZELDA_EXE) "$(ZELDA_EXE).app/Contents/MacOS/Zelda Classic"
    	mv $(ZELDA_EXE).app "Zelda"
    ifdef COMPRESS
    	upx --best $(ZQUEST_EXE)
    	rm -rf "ZQuest"
    	fixbundle $(ZQUEST_EXE) -e
    	chmod 755 $(ZQUEST_EXE)
    	cp Info1.plist $(ZQUEST_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	echo '	<key>CFBundleExecutable</key>' >> $(ZQUEST_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	echo '	<string>ZQuest Editor</string>' >> $(ZQUEST_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	echo '	<key>CFBundleIconFile</key>' >> $(ZQUEST_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	echo '	<string>zq_icon.icns</string>' >> $(ZQUEST_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	echo '  <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>' >> $(ZQUEST_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	echo '  <string>com.armageddon.ZQuest Editor</string>' >> $(ZQUEST_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	cat $(ZQUEST_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo Info2.plist > $(ZQUEST_EXE).app/Contents/Info.plist
    	rm $(ZQUEST_EXE).app/Contents/tempinfo
    	cp "zq_icon.icns" $(ZQUEST_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)zquest.dat $(ZQUEST_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)sfx.dat $(ZQUEST_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)qst.dat $(ZQUEST_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)zelda.nsf $(ZQUEST_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)fonts.dat $(ZQUEST_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)zquest.txt $(ZQUEST_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)zscript.txt $(ZQUEST_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
    	cp $(DATA)zstrings.txt $(ZQUEST_EXE).app/Contents/Resources/
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    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/zscriptversion.cpp -o obj/zscriptversion.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/win32.o: src/win32.cpp src/win32.h
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    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/zq_class.cpp -o obj/zq_class.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
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    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/zq_cset.cpp -o obj/zq_cset.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
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    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/zq_custom.cpp -o obj/zq_custom.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/zq_doors.o: src/zq_doors.cpp src/gamedata.h src/gui.h src/jwin.h src/jwinfsel.h src/midi.h src/sfx.h src/sprite.h src/tab_ctl.h src/tiles.h src/zc_alleg.h src/zc_sys.h src/zcmusic.h src/zdefs.h src/zq_class.h src/zq_misc.h src/zq_tiles.h src/zquest.h src/zsys.h
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/zq_doors.cpp -o obj/zq_doors.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
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    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/zq_files.cpp -o obj/zq_files.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/zq_icon.o: $(ZQ_ICON_DEPS)
    obj/zq_init.o: src/zq_init.cpp src/gamedata.h src/gui.h src/init.h src/jwin.h src/jwinfsel.h src/midi.h src/sprite.h src/tab_ctl.h src/zc_alleg.h src/zcmusic.h src/zdefs.h src/zq_init.h src/zquest.h src/zsys.h
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/zq_init.cpp -o obj/zq_init.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/zq_items.o: src/zq_items.cpp src/gamedata.h src/zc_alleg.h src/zdefs.h src/zq_class.h
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/zq_items.cpp -o obj/zq_items.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/zq_misc.o: src/zq_misc.cpp src/colors.h src/gamedata.h src/items.h src/jwin.h src/jwinfsel.h src/midi.h src/qst.h src/sfx.h src/sprite.h src/subscr.h src/tab_ctl.h src/zc_alleg.h src/zcmusic.h src/zdefs.h src/zq_class.h src/zq_misc.h src/zquest.h src/zquestdat.h src/zsys.h
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/zq_misc.cpp -o obj/zq_misc.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/zq_rules.o: src/zq_rules.cpp src/gamedata.h src/gui.h src/jwin.h src/jwinfsel.h src/midi.h src/sprite.h src/tab_ctl.h src/zc_alleg.h src/zcmusic.h src/zdefs.h src/zq_custom.h src/zquest.h src/zsys.h
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/zq_rules.cpp -o obj/zq_rules.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/zq_sprite.o: src/zq_sprite.cpp src/gamedata.h src/sprite.h src/zc_alleg.h src/zdefs.h
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/zq_sprite.cpp -o obj/zq_sprite.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/zq_strings.o: src/zq_strings.cpp src/zq_strings.h src/zquest.h
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/zq_strings.cpp -o obj/zq_strings.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/zq_subscr.o: src/zq_subscr.cpp src/gamedata.h src/gui.h src/init.h src/items.h src/jwin.h src/jwinfsel.h src/midi.h src/qst.h src/sfx.h src/sprite.h src/subscr.h src/tab_ctl.h src/tiles.h src/zc_alleg.h src/zcmusic.h src/zdefs.h src/zq_misc.h src/zq_subscr.h src/zquest.h src/zsys.h
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/zq_subscr.cpp -o obj/zq_subscr.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/zq_tiles.o: src/zq_tiles.cpp src/colors.h src/gamedata.h src/gui.h src/items.h src/jwin.h src/jwinfsel.h src/midi.h src/qst.h src/sfx.h src/sprite.h src/subscr.h src/tab_ctl.h src/tiles.h src/zc_alleg.h src/zc_custom.h src/zcmusic.h src/zdefs.h src/zq_class.h src/zq_misc.h src/zq_tiles.h src/zqscale.h src/zquest.h src/zquestdat.h src/zsys.h
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) -D_ZQUEST_SCALE_ $(CFLAG) -c src/zq_tiles.cpp -o obj/zq_tiles.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/zqscale.o: src/zqscale.cpp
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/zqscale.cpp -o obj/zqscale.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/zquest.o: src/zquest.cpp src/colors.h src/editbox.h src/EditboxNew.h src/ffasm.h src/ffscript.h src/fontsdat.h src/gamedata.h src/gui.h src/items.h src/jwin.h src/jwinfsel.h src/load_gif.h src/midi.h src/parser/Compiler.h src/qst.h src/save_gif.h src/sfx.h src/sprite.h src/subscr.h src/tab_ctl.h src/tiles.h src/zc_alleg.h src/zcmusic.h src/zdefs.h src/zq_class.h src/zq_cset.h src/zq_custom.h src/zq_doors.h src/zq_files.h src/zq_init.h src/zq_misc.h src/zq_rules.h src/zq_subscr.h src/zq_tiles.h src/zquest.h src/zquestdat.h src/zsys.h
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) -D_ZQUEST_SCALE_ $(CFLAG) -c src/zquest.cpp -o obj/zquest.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/zsys.o: src/zsys.cpp src/gamedata.h src/jwin.h src/tab_ctl.h src/zc_alleg.h src/zc_sys.h src/zdefs.h src/zsys.h
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/zsys.cpp -o obj/zsys.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/parser/AST.o: src/parser/AST.cpp src/parser/AST.h src/parser/Compiler.h src/parser/
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/parser/AST.cpp -o obj/parser/AST.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/parser/BuildVisitors.o: src/parser/BuildVisitors.cpp src/zsyssimple.h src/parser/AST.h src/parser/BuildVisitors.h src/parser/ByteCode.h src/parser/Compiler.h src/parser/DataStructs.h src/parser/ParseError.h src/parser/UtilVisitors.h src/parser/
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/parser/BuildVisitors.cpp -o obj/parser/BuildVisitors.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/parser/ByteCode.o: src/parser/ByteCode.cpp src/zsyssimple.h src/parser/AST.h src/parser/ByteCode.h src/parser/Compiler.h src/parser/DataStructs.h src/parser/ParseError.h src/parser/UtilVisitors.h src/parser/
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/parser/ByteCode.cpp -o obj/parser/ByteCode.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/parser/DataStructs.o: src/parser/DataStructs.cpp src/zsyssimple.h src/parser/AST.h src/parser/Compiler.h src/parser/DataStructs.h src/parser/
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/parser/DataStructs.cpp -o obj/parser/DataStructs.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/parser/GlobalSymbols.o: src/parser/GlobalSymbols.cpp src/zsyssimple.h src/parser/AST.h src/parser/ByteCode.h src/parser/Compiler.h src/parser/DataStructs.h src/parser/GlobalSymbols.h src/parser/UtilVisitors.h src/parser/
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/parser/GlobalSymbols.cpp -o obj/parser/GlobalSymbols.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/parser/lex.yy.o: src/parser/lex.yy.cpp src/zsyssimple.h src/parser/AST.h src/parser/Compiler.h src/parser/
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/parser/lex.yy.cpp -o obj/parser/lex.yy.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/parser/ParseError.o: src/parser/ParseError.cpp src/zsyssimple.h src/parser/AST.h src/parser/Compiler.h src/parser/ParseError.h src/parser/
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/parser/ParseError.cpp -o obj/parser/ParseError.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/parser/ScriptParser.o: src/parser/ScriptParser.cpp src/zsyssimple.h src/parser/AST.h src/parser/BuildVisitors.h src/parser/ByteCode.h src/parser/Compiler.h src/parser/DataStructs.h src/parser/GlobalSymbols.h src/parser/ParseError.h src/parser/SymbolVisitors.h src/parser/TypeChecker.h src/parser/UtilVisitors.h src/parser/
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/parser/ScriptParser.cpp -o obj/parser/ScriptParser.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/parser/SymbolVisitors.o: src/parser/SymbolVisitors.cpp src/parser/AST.h src/parser/Compiler.h src/parser/DataStructs.h src/parser/ParseError.h src/parser/SymbolVisitors.h src/parser/UtilVisitors.h src/parser/
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/parser/SymbolVisitors.cpp -o obj/parser/SymbolVisitors.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/parser/TypeChecker.o: src/parser/TypeChecker.cpp src/zsyssimple.h src/parser/AST.h src/parser/Compiler.h src/parser/DataStructs.h src/parser/GlobalSymbols.h src/parser/ParseError.h src/parser/TypeChecker.h src/parser/UtilVisitors.h src/parser/
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/parser/TypeChecker.cpp -o obj/parser/TypeChecker.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/parser/UtilVisitors.o: src/parser/UtilVisitors.cpp src/zsyssimple.h src/parser/AST.h src/parser/Compiler.h src/parser/ParseError.h src/parser/UtilVisitors.h src/parser/
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/parser/UtilVisitors.cpp -o obj/parser/UtilVisitors.o $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)
    obj/parser/ src/parser/ src/zsyssimple.h src/parser/AST.h src/parser/Compiler.h src/parser/UtilVisitors.h src/parser/
    	$(CC) $(OPTS) $(CFLAG) -c src/parser/ -o obj/parser/ $(SFLAG) $(WINFLAG)

    Many warnings, and the repo is missing zmusic.o.

    The code calls for objects under ./obj/* ... These are not in the repository.

  8. #28
    Is this the end?
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    I don't know. Some of it's all right, I guess. Everything under dialog/, gui/, and sequence/ is garbage. Some of the changes to Link don't work right. The changes to items and rooms are mostly stupid and currently broken. Various refactorings and rewritings are just awful.

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoriaRPG View Post
    Where does MSYS expect the allegro files to be located? Looking at the makefile, there is no special include path set for them.
    Somewhere on the include paths. Allegro's make install should put them where they need to be, assuming you set MINGDIR correctly.

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoriaRPG View Post
    The code calls for objects under ./obj/* ... These are not in the repository.
    Object files are built by the compiler.

  9. #29
    The Time-Loop Continues ZC Developer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saffith View Post
    I don't know. Some of it's all right, I guess. Everything under dialog/, gui/, and sequence/ is garbage. Some of the changes to Link don't work right. The changes to items and rooms are mostly stupid and currently broken. Various refactorings and rewritings are just awful.
    Ah, got it. I haven't looked too much at those things directly but I understand now. Is it strange that I somehow didn't encounter any of those bugs?
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  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saffith View Post
    I don't know. Some of it's all right, I guess. Everything under dialog/, gui/, and sequence/ is garbage. Some of the changes to Link don't work right. The changes to items and rooms are mostly stupid and currently broken. Various refactorings and rewritings are just awful.

    Somewhere on the include paths. Allegro's make install should put them where they need to be, assuming you set MINGDIR correctly.

    Object files are built by the compiler.
    It was because there was no 'obj' directory path in which to build it...and the makefile isn't generating it.

    Does MSYS have an option for Make to output all warnings, and errors to a text logfile? Unfortunately, MSYS does not allow click selection of text in its terminal window.

    I've tried the typical Linux things:
    make > logfile.txt >2&1
    make logfile.txt |

    No positive results, and there is a steady strea of warnins that you may wish to note.

    Even the makefile above halts with include errors, and I had to further dump the includes to:


    That is apparently the default include path for MSYS, not ( drive:\MinGW\include ).

    I further had to create the path ./obj/parser

    It did compile, and the binaries do run.; although zlaunch.exe was not generated by it.

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