Quote Originally Posted by James24 View Post
The "lazy" people as you call them are the type A players who like to judge everything quickly by appearance. In this case, they make a quick judgement based on ratings never stopping to think anything more. Type B players can often see past appearances, quick ratings, graphics and think critically.

You acknowledged it before: you only hoped to win over a niche Type B audience. So what does it matter whether a type A player is dissuaded from playing your quest because of other type A player's 0-star ratings? I say that that's a healthy situation - the people who your quest is not targeted at are not playing and probably for the greater good. The type B audience who can see past these kinds of ratings things will still play your quest regardless of type A review-bombings.
I'm not so sure about that, laziness transcends all types. It may be that type B's are LESS likely to be turned off by bad ratings, but I doubt they are entirely immune, at least on the whole.