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Thread: Out of the woodwork

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    Ara? Mitsukara's Avatar
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    Out of the woodwork

    Imagine you're 11 years old, never get out of your parents house because they don't believe in public school, and you think videogames are pretty neat, so you find out about something called Zelda Classic which is just about to release it's own editor called "Zquest".

    Imagine years of internet drama as you grow up and are awkwardly open about most facets of your life because you have no one face to face to talk to, because you still don't get out of your parents' house during that time. Also, imagine an intensely dead-serious romantic relationship with someone 7 years your senior who about a year later goes crazy and sets fire to the home they're staying in, and you hear about it only via internet and a scanned local newspaper clipping.

    Then imagine that, when you finally turn 18, you leave behind your parents' house (and state, and part of the country...), move far away, and start an almost new life with one other person you knew from all the way back when. To the degree you have an internet social life, it relocates and drifts around to new venues.

    Imagine some stuff goes wrong, your health goes sideways in your early 20s, an ER visit and a catheter is involved at one point, and for years you pretty much forget all about that internet forum that stood in for all the awkwardness of high school most people get. But years later, when you're 24, something nags at your memory, and you remember Zquest was really pretty cool, and check in and find out holy crap, all kinds of stuff works now, there's a working item editor and enemy editor and cool scripting tricks and whoa, way cool.

    So basically that's me at the moment. I don't want to stir up any old drama, and honestly it's one of the main reasons I haven't been coming here... that's just unpleasant, and I have better things to do with my mortal lifespan. Also, I've become intensely anti-social in the past few years, basically only talking to the people I currently live with, or one very old friend, or an ex/also very close friend I got to know after I stopped posting here. I don't even talk to those people all that much, proportionately.

    (Also, my condolences and respects to DarkNation's wife and all his friends; I just found out about that, but decided not to reply in a months-old thread better left to rest. He was a great guy, and ZC wouldn't be what it is without him.)

    So, what am I up to these days? Well, not a whole lot. I make some weird stuff over on deviantart. I have trouble squatting (as in, if I try, my legs have horrible pain and I tend to fall over), I sleep as much as 12 hours a day sometimes (unintentionally), and am kind of a mess. On the upside, I'm also finally in a relationship that I think is healthy and going fairly well, but that's a little more private so I won't get into it here. I've pretty much lost contact with everyone who ever came here but Sarria (previously known by KingArthur and Skeeve22), who remains one of my best friends but doesn't come here anymore either.

    Also, I'm still agnostic, still a woman (but perhaps not the shiningest example of transition stories given my odd health issues and self-sufficiency failings), and other things you might expect. My formative/teenage years weren't perfectly representative of me and I'm embarrassed of it, but roots are roots. I try to avoid poiltical talk because it's usually awkward and I'm usually in over my head, and it's not that hard to guess which way I lean anyway. But I'm not really here to talk about any of those things too much most likely.

    And... that's about it. Also I've been poking at ZC 2.5 lately and maaaaaaaaan that is awesome. Maybe even more material to file for the "makes my inner past 12 year old all giddy" list. Oh, and I'm hugely fond of Sailor Moon (mainly the anime) these days. And have an interest in the Warhammer 40K setting of all things, due to tabletop RPG stuff I've been involved with. Still fond of good old Ken Akamatsu, as well, though I honestly got behind on Negima and have yet to catch up on that. I've also seen every episode of the three live action Stargate franchises except "Gauntlet" (the SGU cancellation finale), which is on my to-do list somewhere. (I'm most fond of Daniel Jackson, personally.)

    I don't know if I'm going to post here again after this or what, but, like Doc Brown taping together Marty's note after 30 years, I figured...

    Basically: if it's going to be hoary old drama or name-calling ("fag" etc) or whatever, I'm probably not gonna bother posting. And, if I just don't get around to it, I might also not post anyway. But, there are a few old friends and other acquaintances it'd be nice to catch up with, so, we'll see.

    Also, I must admit to having done a very halfway job of checking to see if there were new forum rules I'm unaware of. If there's something I should know, please feel free to point out the obvious, and my apologies if I mess up somewhere. I'm greatly amused that "favorite Zelda game" is now a required field though.

    So yeah. Hi maybe?

    The Legend of Zelda: The Inverse Mirror supporter

    Behold, ye Banner of Gannons! Behold the power of regional changes and despair!

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    Octorok Glenn the Great's Avatar
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    Welcome back, Tails. A lot has changed since you last popped in, here's hoping you stick around for awhile this time!

    Shattered Earth, coming soon!

    Mappers needed. If you want to help, send a PM to MasterSwordUltima.

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    Wizrobe rock_nog's Avatar
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    Wow, talk about a blast from the past. It's great to hear from you after all these years. Granted, I tend to be in and out myself, but I find it interesting how some of us oldies always tend to find our way back to this forum.
    The artist formally known as macweirdo42, formally known as weirdguy (it's a long, uninteresting story).

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    Wizrobe erm2003's Avatar
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    Welcome back Jennifer! It's been a bit more quiet than it used to be here but it's a pretty tight group that still posts. It would be great to see you here more often!

  5. #5
    Username Kaiser SUCCESSOR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jennifer View Post
    *Typical epic Tails post*
    Hello, old friend. I don't know if I qualify as a friend, nevertheless I am happy to see you. I was hoping you'd pop in here eventually. I don't know the last time you were here but as Glenn said a great deal has changed. No one will mistreat you here.

    It's good to hear things are going well. Welcome back. FYI, leaving is now against the rules.

  6. #6

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    This never gets old. Glad to hear from you, Jennifer. Hang out a while. Make a 5th quest for the contest. Etc.

    <SUCCESSOR> Its Shadowblazer's dark essence invading the forums

  7. #7
    Ara? Mitsukara's Avatar
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    Thank you for the polite responses! Last time I did this I read the replies and was all like "blehhhh" and didn't try it again for three years.

    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn the Great View Post
    A lot has changed since you last popped in, here's hoping you stick around for awhile this time!
    It sure looks that way. You're an administrator after all? Last I heard there was some sort of blood-feud against you or something like that. Good to see you doing well, though.
    Quote Originally Posted by rock_nog
    Granted, I tend to be in and out myself, but I find it interesting how some of us oldies always tend to find our way back to this forum.
    Yeah... it really was my stand-in for high school social life, after all, so I get curious now and then. It's a strange feeling, because it's been so long I don't really feel like I know anyone super well anymore, but I remember little things here and there about people. I used to be a lot more sociable as a teenager I guess.
    Quote Originally Posted by erm2003
    It's been a bit more quiet than it used to be here but it's a pretty tight group that still posts. It would be great to see you here more often!
    I'll probably never post as much as I used to, but I'll look around and maybe pop in now and then. Things seem friendlier than they used to be, which is a good sign. Plus I'll probably have some ZC questions.
    Quote Originally Posted by SUCCESSOR
    Hello, old friend. I don't know if I qualify as a friend, nevertheless I am happy to see you.
    I remember you a little as well. It's kind of nice to see old faces around, as it were. Thanks : )

    You know that song people associate with New Years' Day, "Auld Lang Syne"? "Should old acquaintance be forgot" and so on? That song's definitely grown on me over time.
    Quote Originally Posted by ctrl-alt-delete
    Make a 5th quest for the contest. Etc.
    Sadly I have to admit I haven't played the 3rd and 4th quests (yet!), or finished the original second quest (although I have been poking at that recently- I got through level 3, but the only items I've found are the two boomerangs and the whistle, plus of course stuff in stores... if they get progessively more devilish, I can only imagine what a 5th quest would be like).

    Actually, I've been taking an interest in how much more support for a LTTP/Link's Awakening (especially the latter) hybrid sort of game there is now, what with the Roc's Feather and sideview rooms and that kinda thing (I am yeaaaars behind on the updates though). And I've heard tell of scripts for the cane of somaria and a lifting power glove, though I've yet to try running them (need to read up on how combining scripts works). Cool stuff.

    I might wind up with something presentation-worthy (I have a pet project I'm working on), but it probably won't be a 5th quest entry- I don't think I really know what I'm doing for such a thing.

    Thanks again for the friendly replies : ) it's encouraging. I'll try to be less of an embarrassment than I used to be.
    Last edited by Mitsukara; 08-30-2013 at 06:16 PM. Reason: thought of more stuff to say

    The Legend of Zelda: The Inverse Mirror supporter

    Behold, ye Banner of Gannons! Behold the power of regional changes and despair!

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    Octorok Glenn the Great's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jennifer View Post
    You're an administrator after all? Last I heard there was some sort of blood-feud against you or something like that. Good to see you doing well, though.
    Yeah, I am, who'd a thunk?

    I'll be the first to admit that I was a little off my rocker back in the day. Late adolescence mood swings and all that.
    Putting my mind toward graduating from college and then holding down an office job for the past 5 years has really helped me chill out.
    But even so, reports of my craziness were greatly exaggerated (well at least that's my story, and I'm sticking to it!)
    I'm trying to be less of an embarrassment than I used to be as well. The current mood of the place is much more amenable for that, I would say.

    Things have been fairly quiet, but I don't think anyone would dispute that we've been seeing a significant up-tick in activity over the past couple of months.
    I'm hoping that you and some of the other oldbies will start hanging around and posting more. I know that sometimes it's hard for people to find things worth saying on a forum in this Web 2.0 world of ours, but any chatter is better than none :)

    Shattered Earth, coming soon!

    Mappers needed. If you want to help, send a PM to MasterSwordUltima.

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    The Time-Loop Continues ZC Developer
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    I remember you. Although after I joined was around the time you left IIRC. So... Welcome back!
    This post contains the official Gleeok seal of approval. Look for these and other posts in an area near you.

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    On top of the world ShadowTiger's Avatar
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    Hoooly crap, it's Mitsukara! Such a pleasant surprise! I can definitely see some of the extent of your enthusiasm for 2.5, considering the technical nature of the posts made in the scripting forum at PZC. Such a fun journey, scripting can be. Damn skippy.

    Glad to see you're alive and well. Please continue to be as such.

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