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Thread: So....the Right officially hate us again

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    Quest Builder Anarchy_Balsac's Avatar
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    So....the Right officially hate us again

    To be fair, he tweeted about this before. But between this and the left now aggressively calling us woman haters since August of 2014, I think we can now say we are officially fucked with both parties again.

    Of course, it would help if gamers STOPPED AGREEING WITH THESE SENTIMENTS, on BOTH SIDES!!! I have seen actual gamers make the case for both, and I have to think that it would put a serious damper on this crap if MAYBE we DIDN'T have such enemies WITHIN OUR OWN RANKS!!!

  2. #2
    The Time-Loop Continues ZC Developer
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    Trump is not the cancer; Trump is but merely a symptom of a much deeper spiritual crisis that is afflicting all human life on this planet; the simple fact that such a vile person with no true understanding of the actual problems we are faced with could ever be allowed to be a representative of the people of the U.S. is evidence enough.

    Make no mistake: The man is an idiot in the truest sense of the word. I would never pussy-out if he pulled that "amazing brain" BS and would be happy to be challenged to an I.Q. test. Fuck Trump. Fuck him until he's orange in the face.
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    Quest Builder Anarchy_Balsac's Avatar
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    Melania already did.

    And I agree, hence why I said "The Right" now hate us too, not "Trump", his ass pull is just the latest of many years of republican bullshit against gamers. The thing is, for the last 4 years, they kinda stopped and came to our defense, I was kinda foolish to hang too much hopes on it. Would have been nice if the jackass had actually opened the Libel Laws so I could hit Stephen Totilo with a class action lawsuit for his years of malicious slander against gamers. Well, him and the entire MSM he apparently teamed up with.

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    The Time-Loop Continues ZC Developer
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    The right seems to hate everything that's not taxable or exploitable these days. I actually haven't been following much of the Sandy Hook stuff but it's usually all the same crap.

    -Gun control is not the problem, mental illness is the problem. We need to invest more in drugs to give these children.
    -Guns are already regulated. We need to step up the regulation on Video Games and Movies since these shooters own TVs and games; there is a clear connection here.
    -We need to sell more guns to teachers and create more firearm and shooting education programs for kids. More than we already have, to create opportunity and and keep the state propaganda war machine rolling.

    I can see bump-stocks being regulated or banned in the near future, but I seriously doubt anything else is going to come about from it. Maybe if 17 rich white republican donors were to get mowed down by a kid with an AR-15 we'd be sleeping better.
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    Quest Builder Anarchy_Balsac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
    The right seems to hate everything that's not taxable or exploitable these days. I actually haven't been following much of the Sandy Hook stuff but it's usually all the same crap.

    -Gun control is not the problem, mental illness is the problem. We need to invest more in drugs to give these children.
    -Guns are already regulated. We need to step up the regulation on Video Games and Movies since these shooters own TVs and games; there is a clear connection here.
    -We need to sell more guns to teachers and create more firearm and shooting education programs for kids. More than we already have, to create opportunity and and keep the state propaganda war machine rolling.

    I can see bump-stocks being regulated or banned in the near future, but I seriously doubt anything else is going to come about from it. Maybe if 17 rich white republican donors were to get mowed down by a kid with an AR-15 we'd be sleeping better.
    No, we'd just have the problem of rich leftist donors having us sent to labor and death camps for alleged misogyny(cus the left thinks games = misogyny), get forced into 2nd class citizenship if our melanin level is too low, and skyrocketing our gas prices cus "Muh Environment".

    We're no better off with the left, but it's starting to look like we're no worse off either.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anarchy_Balsac View Post
    No, we'd just have the problem of rich leftist donors having us sent to labor and death camps for alleged misogyny(cus the left thinks games = misogyny), get forced into 2nd class citizenship if our melanin level is too low, and skyrocketing our gas prices cus "Muh Environment".

    We're no better off with the left, but it's starting to look like we're no worse off either.
    You obviously have some opinions about these things so I don't know what you've been exposed to in order to make you feel this way, but in my experience (not saying this is the way things are, just what I've seen in my few years on this rock) the way "the Left" feels about these subjects are basically:

    1. Games, which mostly cater to male sensibilities (traditionally), often reduce female characters to either sex objects or damsels in distress (note: often != always). This doesn't make you a bad person for being a gamer, it's just something to think about. Nobody thinks you should be put into any kind of camp. As a lifelong (male) gamer, I used to get indignant when I would watch videos or listen to podcasts that pointed this out, thinking these observations were a direct attack on me as a person since I'm a guy who enjoys games. I eventually realized this isn't the case and that just because somebody (often female) wants to talk about these things doesn't mean they're trying to destroy gaming as I know it, they just think it's something worth discussing.
    2. Second class citizenship if your melanin level is too low? Come on. Recognizing that people of color have it harder than white people doesn't mean that anybody wants to make said white people into second class citizens. It does mean that it's worth at least talking about those inequities, though.
    3. Oil is a non-renewable resource. Someday we (or somebody, at least) will need to find an alternative. Also, climate change is a thing. You can argue the cause of that if you like, but regardless, nobody is raising gas prices just to punish you. Certainly not "The Left"

    Meh. I don't know you and haven't really engaged in any kind of debate around here in very a long time. For some reason though, your comments (and a very potent double IPA) made me want to share my opinion. Apologies if it's not welcome*.

    *Not a sincere apology

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    Quest Builder Anarchy_Balsac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowblazer View Post
    If you mean "moderate leftists who you are likely to meet IRL", that's correct. If you instead mean "Leftist politicians, the media, ANTIFA, etc." That is VERY incorrect.

    1. I can NOT count how many times I have seen people on Twitter say something to the effect of, "Fuck gamers, they hate women". Then you have the media, who has ALWAYS hated gamers, and of course, Hillary Clinton, who has a LONG history of trying to oppress us and was threatening to use this anti-Gamer Gate stuff to punish gamers (And Justin Trudeau, at least TRIED to do so in Canada)
    2. When people in the news are trying to discourage white people from having kids or non-blacks have an actual safety concern over going to see a movie called "Black Panther", this is not "recognizing people of color have it harder than white people". That is anti-white racism. And while South Africa ISN'T the united states, Social Justice HAS been used there to, in extreme cases, overlook 12 year old white kids getting boiled to death.
    3. Yet ACTUAL LEGISLATION passed by the left HAS raised gas prices. I have ZERO problem with wanting an alternative, it NEEDS to happen, but economically crippling us is NOT the way. Blocking pipelines, drilling, and refining, raises gas prices, this is a fact, and the left has done this.
    3a. ALSO, climate change does not "Destroy the planet", it changes weather patterns. Politicians use apocalyptic fears to scare you into supporting their crap, but the actual science behind it supports nothing of the sort. Crippling our way of life and economy to keep weather patterns the same is extremely stupid. We can adapt to the weather, the Earth will not die.
    3b. To be fair, the right is stupidly ignorant about Climate Change, trying to say it isn't there instead of pointing out how silly and overblown the fears are, but still.

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    I don't know much about any of the gamergate stuff; most of it I feel is just a lot of hot air (pun intended). But I'm going to disagree with you on gas prices. The U.S. is the worlds greediest oil consumers by a large margin. We use about 20% of all the oil in the world daily. Not only that, but gas prices in the U.S. are much lower that that of the EU and many other countries. It's insanity to think that we can just keep up this current pace of consumption.

    And you can't seriously think that climate change is singly some kind of political tool to push left agendas, can you? Climate change isn't much in the grand span of the history of the Earth, and it might even be comical to purport that; however it is, and will be, simply put: bad for people. Especially considering extreme overpopulation; extreme resource depletion; spent, salinized, or polluted aquifers; drought; coastal inundation; famine; floods; natural disasters; war; etc..

    I also feel compelled to bring the great Megafauna extinction of the late Pleistocene period (up through meltwater-pulse-B IIRC) into evidence. That's a shitload of mammals on or near the top of the food chain across multiple continents that survived for millions of years that are all gone now, and that left in a reasonably short period of time, just like the Dinosaurs. Mankind has already lost about 20% (300 ft.) of land mass due to rise in sea levels the last 20,000 years. What's the harm in a few more, right?

    If history has taught us anything it's that it will be forgotten.
    Last edited by Gleeok; 02-26-2018 at 08:31 AM.
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    Quest Builder Anarchy_Balsac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
    I don't know much about any of the gamergate stuff; most of it I feel is just a lot of hot air (pun intended). But I'm going to disagree with you on gas prices. The U.S. is the worlds greediest oil consumers by a large margin. We use about 20% of all the oil in the world daily. Not only that, but gas prices in the U.S. are much lower that that of the EU and many other countries. It's insanity to think that we can just keep up this current pace of consumption.

    And you can't seriously think that climate change is singly some kind of political tool to push left agendas, can you? Climate change isn't much in the grand span of the history of the Earth, and it might even be comical to purport that; however it is, and will be, simply put: bad for people. Especially considering extreme overpopulation; extreme resource depletion; spent, salinized, or polluted aquifers; drought; coastal inundation; famine; floods; natural disasters; war; etc..

    I also feel compelled to bring the great Megafauna extinction of the late Pleistocene period (up through meltwater-pulse-B IIRC) into evidence. That's a shitload of mammals on or near the top of the food chain across multiple continents that survived for millions of years that are all gone now, and that left in a reasonably short period of time, just like the Dinosaurs. Mankind has already lost about 20% (300 ft.) of land mass due to rise in sea levels the last 20,000 years. What's the harm in a few more, right?

    If history has taught us anything it's that it will be forgotten.
    1. Gas prices, adjusted for inflation, are higher than they were in the year 2000. In lamens terms, that means they are TOO HIGH. Dumbshit Bush let it happen when OPEC repeatedly cut production during his reign of idiocy, and he DID NOTHING but whine about it. The left did much to keep it that way too. It's also a fallacy to equate us with Europe or other countries, as people in THOSE regions of the world have a much higher likelihood of being able to WALK where they need to go. So a higher gas cost is FAR WORSE for an American, than it is for a European. This is not to say the Europeans are not effected, or that none need cars to get everywhere, but it is not on the same level it is with the US.

    You kind of brushed on this by noting we are the highest consumer of gas, the reason isn't b/c we are dumb, gas burning hicks, but rather that we NEED cars to do basic things like get food and work.

    2. Nowhere did I say Climate change was some political tool. I said politicians, with or without climate change, use apocalyptic fears to get votes, which they do. No I think Climate Change is real, but seriously blurred by partisan politics. I'm going to have to break this down into sub points, but:

    2a. The first problem is the over focus on Carbon Dioxide. It is but one variable, and not even that important of one. The reason it gets attention is because of a horrible misunderstanding of why Venus is hotter than Mercury(CO2 may play a role, but the Ultra thick, 50x Earth Atmosphere has much more to do with it). This is not to say it deserves no attention, but things such as, how moving ourselves and machines around swirls the atmosphere is likely a lot more important. Put simply, everything we do, and do NOT do effects the climate. This is precisely why the butterfly of doom exists, but climate "science" seems to ignore it and focus on CO2, but can't figure out why the right keeps mocking them for being wrong.

    2b. Overpopulation would effect it, sure. But if you look only at CO2 emissions, that discounts so many other things. For instance, do heaters and air conditioners effect Climate Change? Yes, and on a macro level there should be a noticable effect from this, but I've seen no studies conducted, but muh CO2. The point is, we can't know HOW overpopulation would effect it. Too many variables, so few measured.

    2c. Even the WORST case scenario where ALL ice on Earth melts, which is nigh impossible, we wouldn't lose too much land. It wouldn't be a good thing, but it would be gradual enough that people could move inland and survive:

    Plus, I'm certain rich beach house owners would be okay. Mind you, I'm not saying we shouldn't have any concern, but I AM saying that it's okay to recognize when it's less "doom and gloom", and more "this sucks, but we can deal with it". And it bears repeating, this is the WORST scenerio, which is EXTREMELY unlikely.

    2d. We also don't know why that extinction happened, but even if it WAS all 8 super volcanoes going off, plus 2 more we haven't yet discovered, you are missing one VERY important variable. We have the technology to adapt(which animals very obviously do not). Because:

    2e. It will NOT create Super Hurricanes or super droughts, at worst, it maybe makes Hurricanes somewhat more frequent, or prolongs droughts for a bit. And even this is unlikely(the drought thing is more plausible, but still). The most likely problem is that it simply makes the weather less predictable. Even so, we have the ability to adapt to longer droughts, and a few more hurricanes per year. We're slow to use it because we're too busy fighting about whether the water company is being greedy (which it probably is) or whether that new "hurricane proof building code" will REALLY be THAT effective (and a few are bound to be ineffective).

    3. Lastly, the reason we need to stop polluting is because it poisons the air and reduces human lifespans. "Climate Change" is a stupid reason for that. I'm not against researching it further, in fact, I'm for it, but not to avert disaster. Being able to eventually learn how to control our weather is a good thing, but we'll never do that focusing on CO2 while seeing doom and gloom that just ain't there.

    Either way, we can do it intelligently without economically crippling ourselves or fucking over our way of life.
    Last edited by Anarchy_Balsac; 02-26-2018 at 10:57 AM.

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