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Thread: [RPG] Sword and Sorcery Play-by-Post

  1. #371
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    @mrz84 @TheDarkOne
    Zataka and Sancireph...
    You reflect on the argument which preceded your departure from Audamar...
    Zataka asks what happened to the stone.
    "It's safe."

    Zataka, you warn that the ogres could continue their assault until they are victorious.
    "What ogres? There weren't any left after that attack."
    Sancireph, you inform her that such was her train of thought the last time they attacked.
    "It doesn't matter, the stone is no longer here."
    Zataka, you ask where it has gone. Before Evaine can answer, Sanceriph asks why she said stone (singular).
    Evaine grows quiet.
    "It doesn't matter. The stone is long gone by now."
    [Act Medias Res]
    One Stone or Two?
    If the two are one, why send it away?
    [/Act Medias Res]
    Sancireph demands to know where it went.
    "Why, so you can give chase?"
    Zataka nods.
    "Chase the dragon. I'm sure she knows where it is." She snickers.
    Sancireph, you pound your fist on the desk.
    "The fact of the matter is that I don't know where it is. It is out of my hands."
    [Act Medias Res]
    Who took the Stone(s)?
    Why risk the world for power?
    [/Act Medias Res]
    Evaine hands off a stack of paperwork to an underling. She looks very tired and you doubt you'll be able to get any more information from her.
    She sighs.
    "The city of Audamar thanks you for your services. I think it would be best if you were on your way."

    Still, here you are with the wizard Goldleaf, trying to decide what to do next.

    Goldleaf, the ELVEN FIGHTER Sancireph hands you a note from a sheltered box. He claims that he was robbed and this is the only item he has to track the thief. Holding it in your hands your SCRY MAGIC kicks in and you see visions of a warship crossing the ocean. There are claw marks on the port side of the vessel. The vision fades.
    You are vaguely familiar with the Audamar area and you suspect the vision was about Seigbert port. It is about a day's walk to the west (5 hours on foot), though you could make the ride in a little under an hour.

    Zataka, Sancireph, and Goldleaf
    What do you do?


    You follow Cecette to Telivar's mansion, running the scenario in your head about how things will play out: Once she's stopped you can remove the pearl and then the magician whose energy you can feel even from this distance will help you both with the problem at hand.
    Unfortunately things rarely play out as you'd expect. You clear the forest and come upon the mansion, where you see Cecette approaching the walls. Squinting your eyes you can make out the faint image of a portly old wizard dressed in blue moons. Blue moons? Really? Who wears blue moon pattern in this day and age? You expect that the two are conversing until you see the tiny man fling fireballs into Cecette's face.
    (Telivar is not a dragon mage and--after his brush with Bankraz the Azure Dragon--he isn't taking any chances with the reptilian brood and he certainly won't be making any deals)
    He shouts "YEAH! I'm back at full power and I'm not taking any more of your garbage!"
    She lets loose a bolt of lightning from her maw, which he deflects with a backhand. The bolt crashes into a neighboring mountain causing an avalanche.
    You watch as spiny vines entangle Cecette's feet. A portal of black symbols opens next to her, ripping a wyrmhole (yes, wyrmhole not wormhole) to her left. The wizard rears up a golf stance and--spawning a massive club the size of his mansion--putts the dragon through the wormhole as she breaks from the vines.
    "Adios, scaly!" he shouts as she vanishes. Just as quickly as it formed, the wyrmhole snaps shut. The wizard raises his arms in the air in victory and on the ground where Cecette stood a topiary bush of him in a victory pose sprouts. He disappears into his mansion.
    Cecette is gone. She's... she's gone.
    What do you do?

  2. #372
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    I raise my sword and slam it down facing the mannsion.

    QUDRUPLE GIGA! An the four elements burst forth in a chaotic whirlwind barel keeping itself together that wrecking the mnsion.


    The hedge wizard stand there white as ghost.

    It cannot be the top rankin heavenly knight Granberia.

    So you know who i am. your back im not the only dragonkin who wants you dead. Soon Dragons will flood the sky and Bahamut and Tiamat shall rule their halves of the world. An you ar to blame.

    I teleport to dragons grveyrd where wyrmkiller MAJOR ARTIFACT resides.
    and also her dads skeleton

  3. #373
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    Goldleaf: I relate to the fighter and the paladin what my vision revealed. Sancireph says he does not know of this seaport but I have been there in the past. It is the closest seaport so if whatever property was stolen from him is being transported by ship, it would have to be there. The journey could be completed much faster by teleporting. Since I have been there (quite recently, but that's another story), I can cast a teleport spell that will take us there. That is, if my two new companions are willing to hold on to me while I cast the spell, otherwise it will take only me.

    Sancireph: I do not know of the seaport Goldleaf mentions, but if his vision was the truth, then that is where the stone must be. I think more on Evaine referring to only the one stone. I had the one and she had the other...oh, no. That can only mean the two have been put together, the very thing the note warned against. This sparks a feeling of dread but I do not know if can trust this wizard enough to tell him of the stones. However, his offer to teleport us to the seaport is acceptable, and I ask Zataka if he is willing to go via the spell or if he would rather walk.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  4. #374
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    Name Alisia
    Race Angel Fallen Valkyrie Class
    Weapon +2 holy rapier
    alignment LG
    Class Ex valkyrie

    I fal fromthe sky afte being kicked out of heaven for having relations with a human. I lan in the inn surprising everyone. I mutter the ords love an my wings burn up. i pass out

  5. #375
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    [Act Medias Res]
    One Stone or Two?
    I ask Evaine what she meant by stone as I know from the letter that Gringham had (I don't reveal my knowledge of the letter, though
    she probably either already knows or doesn't care at this point) that there are two stones that combine into one. If she has already
    combined the stones, then I don't see why she sent it away unless she doesn't want to put the city (and herself) in jeopardy if the
    stone had a backlash once combined or if it will cause more ogres/dragons to come looking for it.
    [/Act Medias Res]

    [Act Medias Res]
    Who took the Stone(s)?
    I inquire who now has the stone. Even if she has it guarded, the stone itself is a threat to those around it, not to mention those who
    would do anything to get it (such as the ogres that have attacked the city twice now or even Cecette who covets the stone above all
    else it seems and has no qualms with doing anything to get it) Not to mention that it is inevitable that the stone's power will be
    unleashed and cause untold damage to even the world itself. Is Evaine really that desperate to risk the world for that kind of power?
    I mention that even if she doesn't tell us, we WILL find the stone sooner or later. Her co-operation could mean that countless lives
    could be spared from a terrible fate. I have seen first-hand what those who wield power like the stone is said to hold can do. And it
    can only ever lead to ruin. I let my warning weigh on her mind.
    [/Act Medias Res]

    Goldleaf's vision only confirms my worst fears. The stone is whole and Evaine's efforts to move it are merely delaying the inevitable.
    I of course agree to the teleportation and once we arrive we must make haste to secure the stone at all costs. The fate of the world
    could very well hang on the balance of our success.
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
    *Bar-Buddies updates whenever-also can email comics upon request*
    Playing: Final Fantasy XIV

  6. #376
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Last edited by Tamamo; 09-09-2015 at 01:53 PM.

  7. #377
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Last edited by Tamamo; 09-14-2015 at 04:26 PM.

  8. #378
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    More info on Granberia @CJC

    Name: Granberia AKA The Swordswoman of Fire
    Race: Dragonkin "Jade Emperor/Human"
    Class: Cursed Swordswoman/Heavenly Knight
    Alignment: Lawful Evil "Actions have consequences"
    Abilities: Self-Proclaimed strongest warrior in the world even her control of flame surpasses her teachers who was the great spirit of fire SALAMANDER 'LOCKED'

  9. #379
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Darkspace magic is not your specialty but you figure you can arrange for a wyrmhole for three if they're willing to squat down during the trip. You rip a small hole through the void and toss the two adventurers through one at a time: first the PALADIN and then the FIGHTER. You are the last to dive through the wyrmhole. As you traverse the fold in space you watch a silver dragon spiral around the tube. You have had visions of these beasts from previous trips, but never this close to your spell. Still, you decide it isn't something worth worrying about and you proceed to close the gap, arriving with a tumble in the port city of SIEGBERT.
    It is early morning market and there's an elderly woman trying to sell you some dried apple slices. You can see the PORT further to the west, as well as several SHOPS and KIOSKS nearby. The town isn't as big as the gnomish district of AUDAMAR but it's nothing to scoff at.
    What do you do?

    Sancireph, this new BLUE WIZARD arranges for a teleport to the port city, but the ride is not as smooth as you expected. Zataka goes first, diving into the swirling darkness that the magician summons. You jump next, landing with a roll in the market of the nearby port city. As you arrive, you immediately sense TWO CELESTIAL FORCES; one is coming from the DOCKS and the other seems to be at the INN. The latter is moving away from you.
    What do you do?


    The conversation with Evaine continues to affirm your dread.
    Zataka asks what happened to the stone.
    "It's safe."
    "It doesn't matter. The stone is long gone by now."

    You ask why she said one stone, knowing that she should have two. She cringes.
    "Well, it's only one now."
    Sancireph bites with rage, shouting 'you combined them?!'
    "They were two halves of a dragon's pearl. Unstable. United they'd at least be able to be hidden."
    You ask why she would bother sending it away, then.
    "The further from here that stone goes, the better. The dragon will pursue. It's therefore best to have a moving target."
    She nods, as if convincing herself.
    "Yes, it is for the best."
    One Stone or Two?[/color]
    Sancireph demands to know where it went.
    "Why, so you can give chase?"
    "The fact of the matter is that I don't know where it is. It is out of my hands."

    You explain your confusion. Why would she join the two stones?
    "There is great power in dragon magic. But it didn't... it turned out wrong."
    You almost ask her to elaborate, but then you realize what she means.
    Evaine hands off a stack of paperwork to an underling. She looks very tired and you doubt you'll be able to get any more information from her.

    She sighs.
    "The city of Audamar thanks you for your services. I think it would be best if you were on your way."
    Evaine reunited the stone in the hopes of reviving her murdered cousin. He must have become a monster like that DRAGOON from before, fleeing the city in the night.
    ...A moving target is right.
    You are unsure whether you should tell Sancireph about this, particularly because you are both standing in front of the stranger magician. After all, he might have come to the same conclusion.
    You hold on to the revelation... for now.
    The BLUE WIZARD opens a portal of darkspace and signals for you to traverse it. It's pretty small, so you make a forward dive into the opening. You land--albeit uncomfortably--in the bazaar of a port town.
    You can see the DOCKS to the west. There are also several kiosks and stores around, as well as a bed and breakfast immediately in front of you. Sancireph looks disturbed, as if he has a headache from the teleport. The BLUE WIZARD also arrives but is accosted by a saleswoman with apples.
    What do you do?


    You decide you are going to intimidate the wizard, so you attempt to demonstrate a show of force by summoning elemental chaos. Whenever you strive to summon your magical energy you retire to the dragon graveyard in your mind. It is this dark dimension that grants you your power.
    Unfortunately you have very little control over the void which constitutes the mixture of three elements and it causes you to stumble. You curse yourself for not sticking to fire, you know you have a good handle of that one and when it comes to a show of force it's best to stick to your strengths.
    When you look up, you expect the wizard to be standing on the ramparts shaking with fear. But he is not. Instead, you go to the door of the mansion and find a note pinned to the door. "Gone peach pickin'." ...What?
    You can see his tracks leading to the forest where you had recently regained consciousness. You tail him, hoping to get the drop on him.
    TELIVAR is holding a single peach pit between his middle and index fingers. He forcefully strikes out with his arm, first north, then south, then east, and finally west. Throwing the peach pit up into the air it explodes, creating a hurricane of colorful wind.
    The breeze lifts you off the ground but it doesn't seem to be carrying you. Instead, as the flow of the air makes contact with the dead trees of the forest they spring to life, forming peach trees in full bloom (in the dead of winter?).
    When the squall subsides Telivar plucks a single peach and takes a bite, smiling. He turns to you.
    "Oh, I'm terribly sorry, I didn't see you there. Would you care for a peach?"
    He plucks another and holds it out for you. He doesn't appear to be intimidated by you at all, and he's not reacting to your draconic state in the slightest.
    Are you sure you really want to cross steel with this guy? He just revitalized a dead forest because he wanted a snack. He also defeated Cecette without a second thought, and despite your aversion to admit such you know that she was more powerful than you.
    What do you do?

    For many years you watched through tears in reality as a mortal went about his work. He was a strange young man, always growing miniatures of fruit-bearing trees. He seemed to be some sort of fermentologist, using the pungent odor of fallen fruit to bring others joy.
    As you watched this mortal shred the fabric of reality with his magic you began to respect his practice and--over time--you developed feelings for this strange young man. Since such was not acceptable for a valkyrie you turned away from this man; you blinded your gauge and watched him no more.
    Eventually the tears dried up. He had moved on to other matters and his magic no longer tickled at the boundary between your worlds. You began to feel a longing for him; you had felt a great connection and you allowed it to slip through your fingers. You decided the next time a tear opened to that world you would traverse it and go in search of the young wizard. It took some time but you eventually saw your opening. A new tear, hovering over a tavern full of happy people. Could the young wizard be there? You leap through the tear hoping to face him at last, to make him see YOU. You were not prepared for the consequences of your action, however.
    As you pass though the tear a terrible flame tears at your body, incinerating your wings. You fall, the defining characteristics of your body being sheared away until you are not but a spike of stone shrouded in light. You pierce through the roof of a building, striking a young barmaid in the head. The two of you are embraced in light and for a moment you become a single being while your consciousnesses sort out who is in charge of what.
    You are immediately made aware of the woman's name: Navine. She is a barmaid in the town of Siegbert who has secretly been practicing witchcraft. She seeks the affection of a young magister student named TOMA who comes to the region every now and then. You feel a connection with this host, another observer paralyzed by fear of rejection but carrying a flame for love out of reach. You decide to help her; together the two of you can combine your power and conquer your fears.
    But you feel another presence: a similar shard of reality that has fallen into this women. This too immediately reveals its identity: it is a demon named Lilith that has bonded with this body in search of revenge. Lilith quickly regains her sense and guards her consciousness, preventing you further access. You decide such is the best action for you as well, locking her out.
    A throbbing sensation pulses in the head of NAVINE: there are other celestial presences nearby. One is in the MARKETPLACE while another is emanating from the DOCKS.
    What do you do?
    (I went in a different direction with Alisia, since this dimension doesn't have angels or succubi or mystic wards... outside the rudimentary paper magic wards which Cecette employed [a relatively new discovery owed its origin from MALICHOR the paper magician's magister's thesis]. This will also allow you more ready access to the other players since this character seems less antagonistic than Granberia)


    You awaken on the cold ground of the forest as a layer of moss sprouts beneath your back. How did you come to be unconscious? Your head is throbbing and all of your joints ache... it's almost as if you accidentally exposed yourself to Texia's toxins. Was the SVARK contaminated? Tainted ogreboar meat could have caused such a symptom if magic were involved. There is something odd about this forest.
    As you rouse, vision blurred, you notice that the trees around you are now in bloom. They bear the sweet fruit of summer peaches. How long were you out? No, there's still ice on the edge of the lake in the distance. Peach blooms in the dead of winter? It must be that hedge wizard again.
    From the still waters of the pond you see the faint rise of bubbles. Out of the darkness a gnarled root emerges, twitching. It continues to grow, surrounded by a dervish of dead leaves which spontaneously return to life. Eventually it takes the form of a woman.
    You have seen this before. Thinking back you recall that such a creature is called a DRYAD, and it forms in places where nature has been grossly ravaged by magic. You cannot remember if such creatures are hostile, but you can be certain there will be more than one.
    What do you do?


    You have been running all night. You can feel the pull of another pearl on the move. Atticas directed you to it; he warns that it belongs to one of the BIG FISH and that it is to the west. Far, far to the west.
    An ocean is in your path, though. There are ships nearby, and you catch the scent of that PALADIN and FIGHTER from before. You're not sure what happened to the RANGER, though... when Atticas told you to move, you completely forgot about him.
    Atticas directs you past a clothesline so that you may don a robe to conceal your features. You will be able to move about the town as long as you do not have any direct interaction with strangers.
    The DOCKS are your goal. You wonder if there is a boat you might be able to stow aboard in your pursuit. Or perhaps those two from the mansion will help you. They certainly know how dire the big fish will be when they arrive, right?
    What do you do?


    You awaken in a daze in the gnomish inn, a MATH WIZARD standing at your bedside investigating you intently.
    "What have you been poking around in, friend?" he asks, trying to assess the source of your malady.
    You suddenly realize what is happening. You cast a rune of dispel on the pollen in the FILTHY RABBIT TAVERN two nights ago (Yep, a year of play time translated to two nights of game time).
    The pollen must have nestled in your sinus and your counterspell is attacking your connection to magic. There must be some way to purge this awful irritant from your body.
    What will you do?

  10. #380
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Last edited by Tamamo; 09-14-2015 at 04:26 PM.

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