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Thread: [RPG] Sword and Sorcery Play-by-Post

  1. #471
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tamamo View Post
    GM Text Here "what does she find?"
    Alas, it seems this ship has been submerged for quite some time, considering the crew's bodies have nothing left but their skeletons. The kitchen is full of putrescent brown clouds which may have been edible when the ship was sailing but are nothing short of disgusting now.
    Still, you do find something interesting: it's a knife. It's made of a clean, white material. Ceramic? It looks very sharp. You take it, since you are currently without weaponry following your loss of the Wyrmkiller.
    Emerging from the water, you take note that the book you acquired is a DIARY. As you try to open it you feel a tremendous burst of cold, forcing you to turn away. You slam it shut.

    Wallace indicates where and how to tie the rope so that it can fill the gap of the net. The weave isn't as tight as the rest of the net but it should be enough to keep fish from wriggling out. Wallace then points to a pair of oars hanging over the mantle and shouts out to Jons.
    "Hey! Forget about the cannon for now. Gather up those oars and help this nice paladin carry the washtub out to the shore. I need you to go fishing."
    Jons obliges as Wallace has command when Katrien is unavailable. The two of you carry the washtub out to the shore. You take a moment to note the unnatural stillness of the water. Thankfully there aren't any frogmen under the surface, at least as far as you can make out.
    Jons gestures for you to get into the tub. It seems he's assumed you will be fishing with him.

    You call for silence as you begin to focus on your levitation. You've levitated yourself before, and various hand objects, but never something as massive as a naval vessel. If only there were other mages to assist you in the effort... it's so heavy. Well, there is ONE thing you could do.
    You decide to use your staff as a focus to augment the spell.
    Shutting your eyes, you focus your mind on raising the ship from its position on the sea stack. Slowly you can feel the hull scraping against the rock as it rises from the perch. The staff pulses brightly, nearly blinding you with its flash as it begins to contribute to the enchantment. You gesture starboard, making the ship veer violently to the right. Several objects plummet from the hole in the hull and crash to the ground, nearly startling you out of your concentration.
    ...Strange, is it getting colder?

    You watch in awe as Goldleaf manipulates the teetering ship with little more than his mind and his staff. Several artifacts fall from the hole in the hull as he moves it, crashing and shattering on the ground. Gold coins and fragments of priceless statues adorn the ground in a trail as the ship floats from the sea stack and then settles on the ground.
    It's suddenly very cold. Isn't this a tropical island? It shouldn't be cold.
    Uh oh.
    You see a great serpent--silver--posturing out of the water by the shore. He's staring at you and the blue wizard quizzically.
    "What are you doing?" he asks, almost innocently. His voice is booming, nearly knocking you to the ground.

  2. #472
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    I return with the knife and diary to the cabin and think on the events that brought me here and the lost of the wyrmkiller looking at my Mithril Greatsword and Armor in the corner.

    "I can't feel even a faint presence anywhere, nor does it answer my summoning call. Is it possible it no longer sees me as it's master because of CECETTE or perhaps it has returned to an eternal rest now that Darcy is gone, although in truth he escaped. Stranger still is Zataka's amulet, I think he's hiding something about it. It's almost as if the dragon activated it but how? I will ask UNDINE about the WYRMKILLER if it's in the ocean, she would be able to pinpoint it's location. But I'll need to figure out where she is first."

    (Read 10-15-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-15-2015 at 02:42 PM.

  3. #473
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    I keep my blades sheathed, to show no hostility as I address the creature. "Begging your pardon, but we are stranded in this grotto. We thought, perhaps, this vessel might hold supplies necessary to our survival, or might even be used as transport away from here. However, we were unable to explore it fully atop those rocks, so my friend" (gestures to Goldleaf) "brought it down here." ((GM decides how the serpent responds))

    The great silver serpent begins to speak.
    Erasmut: "Stranded? What does that word mean?"
    You sigh. He's kidding, right? You really hope he's kidding. You try to explain that you've lost your means of transport and you need a ship to sail away.
    E: "A ship? Like this one? I balanced it on the rock, you know. It was hard to keep it level, but I managed to perch it without smashing it."
    You get the feeling he's not very bright.
    E: "None of these ships float, though. I watch them as they float by, but then they shoot rocks at me and they get smashed."
    He stares at you quizzically.
    E: "You're awfully small. Are you a new toy?"
    E: "All my other toys get slimy after a while. But you don't look very slimy."
    You don't even know how to react to this.
    E: "Would you like to play a game?"
    He doesn't seem to have taken any interest in your plight, but he's not attacking and he hasn't removed the ship. Maybe getting out of here will be as simple as humoring this beast?

    I drop exhausted to my knees, drained as usual from using the staff. I hear the booming voice of the serpent but at the moment I cannot even raise my head to look. I hear Sancireph's attempt at diplomacy and hope that it works--I do not have the energy to assist if the creature decides to attack.

    You hear this conversation but do not see the serpent, as you are exhausted.
    (Read 10-15-15)
    Last edited by TheDarkOne; 10-15-2015 at 02:32 PM. Reason: spelling errors
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  4. #474
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    Normally I leave fishing to those proficient in it. However, the warship I wished to inspect can wait for the moment. I would bring my greatsword, but due to its massive size it would weigh the makeshift boat too much. Instead, I borrow one of the spare scimitars from the crew in case the frogmen decide to attack. I clasp my pendant for a brief moment and ask for my wife to see this vessel on a safe trip and back.

    You and Jons drift out in the teak bathtub, hoping to catch some fish with the repaired net. Unfortunately, Jons is as much a greenhorn in fishing as you are.
    The first time he tosses the net, he doesn't think to hold on to it. He's forced to dive into the water after it, and he emerges covered in algae and some of those poisonous weeds you scavenged the other day. GRAVEBLOSSOMS.
    The second time, both of you toss the net while having a hand on it. You wait for it to feel heavy and then pull it up, but only manage to snag one fish. As you try to pull this fish into the boat, it slips through the repaired section of the net, as the weave is larger.
    You both decide to give it one more go, this time tying the net to one of the oars and lowering it into the water slowly. Indeed, you feel a weight pull down on the net, but when you pull it up you find not fish... but an ALLIGATOR!
    It attacks you, Zataka!
    (Read 10-15-15)
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  5. #475
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    @CJC Is the serpent locked? And is it both old enough and close enough for me and CECETTE to sense it.

    Yes, yes, and no. The serpent is locked (I don't declare a character locked until I name them, but in the case of dragons they generally will be), it is old enough to be detected by the heat of its pearl, but it is out of your range.
    (Read 10-15-15)
    Are you going to beat me up if you ask you to further explain how I was able to sense Cecette being dragon when she didn't have her pearl at that time?
    Btw:Not trying to fight you on this, I'm just confused.

    Dragon radiation. You could feel the residual magical energy of the home dimension (despite the fact you were born here) even though her pearl had been removed.
    If you need more explanation than that, A Wizard did it. : {P

    [Actually, when you were in prison next to her, she recognized YOU. She probably told you about herself over that month since she recognized you as dragonkin, but whether or not you could detect her dragon energy in her human form is up in the air. Such may or may not have implications later in the plot. I'll decide which it was at the next update]

    EDIT: Yep, she sensed you.

    (Read 10-15-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-15-2015 at 11:08 PM.

  6. #476
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    This will be the last action tennis I volley before the next update, which will be sometime tomorrow evening.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDarkOne View Post
    ((GM decides how the serpent responds))
    The great silver serpent begins to speak.
    Erasmut: "Stranded? What does that word mean?"
    You sigh. He's kidding, right? You really hope he's kidding. You try to explain that you've lost your means of transport and you need a ship to sail away.
    E: "A ship? Like this one? I balanced it on the rock, you know. It was hard to keep it level, but I managed to perch it without smashing it."
    You get the feeling he's not very bright.
    E: "None of these ships float, though. I watch them as they float by, but then they shoot rocks at me and they get smashed."
    He stares at you quizzically.
    E: "You're awfully small. Are you a new toy?"
    E: "All my other toys get slimy after a while. But you don't look very slimy."
    You don't even know how to react to this.
    E: "Would you like to play a game?"
    He doesn't seem to have taken any interest in your plight, but he's not attacking and he hasn't removed the ship. Maybe getting out of here will be as simple as humoring this beast?

    You hear this conversation but do not see the serpent, as you are exhausted.

    Quote Originally Posted by mrz84 View Post
    Normally I leave fishing to those proficient in it. However, the warship I wished to inspect can wait for the moment. I would bring my greatsword, but due to its massive size it would weigh the makeshift boat too much. Instead, I borrow one of the spare scimitars from the crew in case the frogmen decide to attack. I clasp my pendant for a brief moment and ask for my wife to see this vessel on a safe trip and back.
    You and Jons drift out in the teak bathtub, hoping to catch some fish with the repaired net. Unfortunately, Jons is as much a greenhorn in fishing as you are.
    The first time he tosses the net, he doesn't think to hold on to it. He's forced to dive into the water after it, and he emerges covered in algae and some of those poisonous weeds you scavenged the other day. GRAVEBLOSSOMS.
    The second time, both of you toss the net while having a hand on it. You wait for it to feel heavy and then pull it up, but only manage to snag one fish. As you try to pull this fish into the boat, it slips through the repaired section of the net, as the weave is larger.
    You both decide to give it one more go, this time tying the net to one of the oars and lowering it into the water slowly. Indeed, you feel a weight pull down on the net, but when you pull it up you find not fish... but an ALLIGATOR!
    It attacks you, Zataka!

    You wake from a pleasant dream about making vampire sheep to find the cabin mostly empty. The only crew left are a few ship hands you have not had the pleasure of an introduction with, Wallace (who seems busy with cooking a meal), and Katrien (who is asleep). You decide to take a look outside and see what everyone else is up to. As you emerge from the cabin you pull up your cloak in an effort to protect against the noon sun. Shielding your eyes, you see what appears to be a tower of mirrors, with that FIGHTER bowing to it and that BLUE MAGE on the ground nearby. Squinting, you notice it appears to be some kind of GIANT SERPENT. It and the FIGHTER appear to be having some kind of conversation, but you're still dizzy from that blood sample and you can't make out the words.

    (Nothing new to add for Granberia, she'll have to take agency to join Sancireph or wait until the update)

  7. #477
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    I look out the window and spot the sea dragon.
    "Not good!"
    Flame Dash
    Within seconds I arrive at the scene.
    Erasmut: "Oh hi!. Did you come to play too?"
    Granberia: "Piss off, I'm not your rubber ducky."
    His eyes open wide. He looks about, frantic but excited.
    E: "Rubber duckies!? Where?!"

    Spoiler: show
    "Oh my, you're brave. Do have any idea how easy I could kill you?"
    Erasmut wouldn't say this. He doesn't know what killing is. I've corrected his dialogue.

    Granberia cannot help but laugh noticing now that the serpent is nothing more then a child.
    G: "What the hell you look harmless enough. Fine we can play hide and seek then, but in exchange we need to take a look inside that merchant ship, what do you say serpent?"

    I walk over to Wallace, and ask him what's for supper.
    Wallace: "Nothing you can eat unfortunately."
    Rose: "I'll go fishing with the net this evening, I'm quite proficient at living off the land. Use to be a werewolf."
    W:"Please tell me your joking."
    R: "Nope."
    W: "You are a very interesting girl."
    R: "That I am Wallace, that I am. I'm going to drink one of my emergency vials and wait for the other's to return I guess."

    Doesn't Granberia have the book? She hasn't brought it back to the cabin yet.

    Actually Granberia always returns to the cabin unless, I specify otherwise. (I thought I mentioned I returned there, in my last post my mistake) However since I forgot to mention I put it down, I shall accept the penalty.

    Your mute “Kuo-Toa” leads you to the warship on the far shore of the grotto, opposite Katrien’s Glory. You can see hundreds of them, staring at you with hateful eyes. The one who helped you holds up its arms and gestures and the others retreat.
    He guides you into the captain’s quarters of this vessel. They’re a mess; everything has been thrown about and those Graveblossom weeds are growing everywhere. He points to a portrait of a young captain, no doubt the original owner of this ship. Then he points to the weeds, and finally to himself.
    You think you understand his meaning.
    Hmmm… it would be Lycaon magic and Gourmand magic, then. A curse hanging over this tropical hell. But… the only practicing magicians here are Goldleaf and Cecette, and you’ve burned the bridge with Cecette.
    What will you do?

    I was joking. :lol

    When we gonna have feathered serpents? Since only those of the four dracoforms I know of remain.

    I can elaborate on what dictates a dragon's physical appearance, but that will have to wait because I'm already elaborating on magic this update and it's quite a rant.

    I'll PM you on dragon society after the update then, I have some request there.
    Also don't elaborate on the four spirits (other spirits are fine though), I plan on handing it when we meet Undine. It's a bit different how they work since borrowing their power without a contract can be fatal.

    Heads up: GM Text will not be filled in until the next update, as that's more action tennis.
    (Read 10-15-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-16-2015 at 01:29 PM.

  8. #478
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    I use my borrowed scimitar and (while attempting to not tip the boat over) slash at the alligator's eyes. If I can blind it, we can try to make our way back to shore. Otherwise, I will guard against its jaws as best I can and hope that Jons can help as best he can.

    You quickly slash the alligator across the eyes. You try to shove it back into the water but Jons fights you. “It’s good meat! Kill it!”
    Taking the blade, which is smaller and much easier to maneuver than your greatsword, you stab the reptile in the gut. It flails a few times before it gives up, slipping into death.
    “We eat tonight!” Jons proclaims happily.
    The two of you turn back to return to shore with your quarry. Near the ships, you see a GIANT SILVER SERPENT hovering quizzically over several figures of the crew, who you can’t make out from here.
    “Maybe we should… just wait a bit before we go back. We might catch something else with the net.”
    You frantically row back to shore despite Jons’ trepidation, and within a minute you are back to shore.
    What do you do?

    (Read 10-16-15)
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  9. #479
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    I approach Cecette and she glares at me.
    Cecette: "No, I'm not giving you my blood."
    Rose: "Actually we need to talk it's about the hobgoblin sample, Something isn't right about those corpses."
    C: "Very well, let's go."
    We head over to where Cecette and company found the bodies.
    R: "Just as I thought. No wounds what so ever, this blood doesn't belong to my hob friends. Poor guys."
    C: "I take it this is how you boarded the pirate ship"
    R: "They got me close to yours, I figured they we're going to sink so I transfered then I saw Katrien rescued her and help slay a vampire. Can you sense any magic from the corpses?"
    Cecette casts a spell, but points her hand to my left nearly blasting me with a lightning bolt.
    C: "Stop pretending to be my friend, I know you're one of Carmilla Von Redmon's kin you have that *****'s smell, now where is she?"
    R: "Choose your fights more carefully Dhampir or you may become a hunt as well."
    I turn to mist and dissipate leaving a pissed off Cecette in my wake, reforming my body next to a Kuo-Toa in hiding. I charm him with my gaze and put my finger to my lips he nods.
    I whisper to him.
    R: "Can you understand me?"
    He nods, a small gurgle coming from his throat. He gestures towards the serpent towering in the distance, then to the water. Grabbing a rock, he tosses it, then grabs your hand and leads you away.
    Spoiler: show

    "I speak some common, but not lot, we hide."
    He nods and throws a rock causing a splash in the water. Cecette dashes towards the sound and he whispers back at me.
    "Follow me, me take to Kuo-Toa hideout"

    I haven't decided if they're physically capable of speech yet. So we'll hold off on conversation... for now.

    This frogman is not as dumb as you think. He's a mage; self taught from books and scrolls that washed up on the shore same reason he knows some common language, but I want to see the next update first.
    Noted. However, I never portrayed them as dumb. They're organized, which implies a modicum of intelligence. They just haven't spoken yet.
    I'll edit relevant portions of the update here after I post it. You can also read them in the update post itself.
    (Read 10-16-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-16-2015 at 03:22 PM.

  10. #480
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    ((I am inserting this dialogue based on the personality of the serpent. If this violates the terms of character interpretation, then disregard this exchange))
    Actually you're spot on! Good show.

    Sancireph: What type of game do you have in mind, serpent?
    Erasmut: Serpent? I have a name, you know. It's Erasmut.
    S: My apologies...Erasmut. I am Sancireph.
    E: Sawn-sur-eff? What a funny name!
    He looks over at Graberia.
    E: You're different. Kind of like someone else I met. He wasn't very nice. Are you nice?

    Granberia and the dragon are arguing. You sort of drown out the particulars, but one line catches your attention:
    Erasmut: “Toys I’m not playing with have to go into the box.”
    As the serpent speaks these words, Granberia vanishes, leaving only a strange diary where she stood.
    He turns his eyes back to you.
    E: “So… what should we play?”
    Goldleaf rises to his feet, then collapses to his knees again. You can sense a terrible rage within him.
    E: “I know! Let’s play Hide and Seek!”
    He looks around.
    E: “…But it’s not really fun with only two people. I guess I could put you in the box for now, and take you out later when everybody’s ready to play.”
    You worry he’s going to vanish you like he did to Granberia. There must be some way to stall him.
    What will you do?

    With great effort I raise my head and see the serpent. I feel the anger weeling up within me--a serpent like this one killed my betrothed. This may not be the same serpent but my hatred for them knows no bounds. With the strength born of rage I rise to my feet, though the effort is too much and I drop to my knees again.

    As you take a closer look at this serpent, onto whom you are projecting your rage, you notice that it is the same serpent you saw when you opened the wyrmhole to Siegbert. Was it a premonition, or is this thing following you?
    …No, it’s far too naïve to be tormenting you like that. It must just be a beast similar in appearance to the one who hurt you.
    Did it just say something about Hide and Seek?
    What will you do?

    (Read 10-16-15)
    Last edited by TheDarkOne; 10-16-2015 at 01:03 PM. Reason: coorected E's pronounciation of S's name
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

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