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Thread: [RPG] Sword and Sorcery Play-by-Post

  1. #531
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    With caution, I investigate each of the doors on the lower level. While the place seems deserted, I take no chances and keep one hand on my greatsword's handle and the other clasped onto Milani's Pendant when not using it to open doors.

    The promise of gold lights up Katrien's eyes. She almost forgets about Wallace. Almost. Still, she can't do anything for him at the moment and takes her little party to assist Sancireph with the matter of Erasmut.

    (Read 10-27-15)
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  2. #532
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    I changed my mind I'm just going to retire Rose.

    Here's Granby's current sheet.

    Spoiler: show
    Name: Granberia
    Race: Dragonkin
    Class: Cursed Swordwoman
    Age: 27
    Height: 6’9”
    Weight: 300 lbs of muscle
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    Equipment: Mithril Great Sword, Mithril Breast Plate, Soldier’s Insignia (Officer Rank) , Purple Cape, Ceramic Knife, Wymkiller, Sacred Fang, Salamander
    Origin: Abandoned Child (She was raised by Salamander, who views her as her daughter)
    Personality: I’ve lost too many friends, and I’m slow to make new ones.
    Ideal: Revenge “For someone who one lost everything dear to them I care nothing for ideals, but I have one goal in this life. Kill the bastard vampire dragon that ruined my life.”
    Bond: I’ll never forget the terrible defeat we faced at D’arsonius wrath and the friends that died that die.
    Flaw: The monstrous dragon that left me as the only survivor of my kingdom still leaves me quivering with fear. I relive the events in the form of a nightmare every night.
    Beliefs: I have done many bad things to get where I am today. But I believe I am now heading in the right direction thanks to the Holy Warrior.
    Story: I have hunted dragons for the last three years. I once served in the royal army of a kingdom in the Far East. The princess had come of age and we we're holding a banquet at nightfall to celebrate. That is when it happened. A viridian dragon from the west with a red stone in its chest came and grew a 2nd head with scales and eyes as red as blood. It destroyed the castle and began its’ slaughter laughing maniacally, we tried our hardest to kill it, but even after dispatching the first head the dragons its' blood lust only grew. It spilled the blood of everyone in the castle that night except for me; including the woman I loved who happened to be the princess herself. Ever since that day I vowed to kill every dragon and trained to become a true dragon slayer. The Wyrmkiller reached out to me from the Dragon's Graveyard and it told me the truth of D'Arsonius and the only way to kill him was to pierce his heart with a stake. This locket is the only memento I carry of the once great kingdom, it belonged to the princess. My nights have been restless and filled with the same nightmare, a crimson dragon roosting on a ruined spire laughing maniacally as the smell of burnt corpses and spilled blood mix into the air while the woman I loved died in my arms.

    I've updated D'Arsonius' Info (still the same, but has changed a bit).

    Not all dragons are good, by dragon terms anyways. Some go bad, D’Arsonius was a dragon who went as bad as you possibly could. He wasn’t always like this. After successfully assassinating the Qin Empress he was sent to Nidevallir to investigate the apperances (making him the second oldest dragon in the game), He was quickly poisoned by his own power and greed and began attacking other dragons and stealing their hoards which drove him mad. He eventually discovered the princess of the spire and was fascinated by her beauty after discovering she was this dimensions equivalent of a Phoenix. He offered her everything he had but still she refused it. To open a dimensional crack large enough to allow the princess through, D’Arsonius overextended his magical energy and tore himself apart. In the process, what was left of his energy coalesced in the shadow of the Princess (burned into the spire) and fused with Granberia. The pearl fragmented into three and filled with void energy, transforming the other pieces of D’Arsonius into a ravenous vampire further driving him into sanity. One witness--a wizard who would later father Telivar--gathered the three pearl fragments and spirited them away. He went on to teach others how to shred dragons in this manner.

    Shenra is the Jade Empress Dragon who is one of the few dragons who has mastered Dance Magic. She is known by her nickname the Dancing Serpent. She is the lost princess of the last Empress and Granberia's Sister.

    (Read 10-31-15)
    Last edited by CJC; 10-31-2015 at 06:59 PM. Reason: Double Post

  3. #533
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    This update ends the chronicle. With it, the game is officially on hiatus for about a month (six to eight weeks, actually!) whereupon I will open a new thread, summarize and revise (truncate) the current rules (in one place so they’re easy to spot), and give a new general update much like the “Filthy Rabbit Tavern”. At that time you as the players are free to reintroduce your characters, change characters, or even join/rejoin the game.


    Mangetsu Zataka,
    As you explore the mansion, you find it gloomily empty. The table is set for dinner, food rotting on the plates. Eleven place settings; it was meant to be an occasion. Everything is tidily in its place, indicating no actual struggle occurred; if there was a siege the attackers certainly did not breach the exterior of the castle. The kitchen sink is filled with dirty dishes; yes, something definitely happened between serving dinner and actually sitting to dinner.
    One room is particularly peculiar to you. It seems to be barricaded; you force your way through the doorframe with a powerful strike of your great blade and you see why. It’s a bedroom, darkened with drawn curtains and with a statue of ice lying peacefully upon the bed. Bizarre…
    The statue is holding a shimmering white orb; it looks rather similar to the Vermillion Stone of Audamar, but you can tell it is different. There’s a portrait on the wall across for the bed; or rather it’s propped against the wall. No doubt moved from another room. It is a portrait of five women sitting together around a tea table. At the front, one holds her toddling child. Without even thinking about it you recognize this boy as Erasmut, despite the fact he is clearly a human being in this painting. Taking a look at the statue on the bed you note that it isn’t a statue at all; it is the woman from the portrait--frozen solid.
    So that’s what happened. This isn’t the site of a battle at all; it is the tomb of a heartbroken mother.
    You return to the overflowing tub, realizing now that this must be where Erasmut disappeared into the other world. Noting the flowers growing through the tear in reality, you realize these must be the venomous weeds plaguing that temple; transitioning dimensions changes them somehow. You rip the roses out, pulling their roots through the tear until there’s a pile of them on the floor of the washroom. Satisfied, you step through the tear yourself and return to the underwater temple.
    The statue of the water-born woman seems to be smiling this time. That’s odd. You also notice that the great serpent Erasmut is right in front of you.
    Erasmut: “Oops, guess I missed one. Up you go!”
    Without a second to react, you find yourself back in the Graveblossom Grotto. Several sailors are trying to move a massive ship towards the shoreline, but it is buried in the sand. As you look to the shoreline and then look back to the ship, you notice that the tide follows your gaze and pulls up under the boat, helping the sailors get it to shore. You look up to the deck to see Katrien waving you on, so you and the other sailors board by means of a plank she lowers to the shore.
    As the ship puts the grotto into the distance, you can’t help but feel sadness for the dragon who calls it home.


    You decide to inspect the ship as the sailors are conducting repairs and trying to get it to the water. As you inspect the hold, you notice the room doesn’t seem as big as it should be. Looking around, you find a patch of moveable wall revealing a fall hull, behind which smuggled goods might be hidden. Scratch that, behind which smuggled goods ARE hidden. The crevice is packed tight with magical reagents, potions, and tools, including a black-tipped fountain pen comprised of an eerily familiar substance. You decide to check other parts of the ship for similar caches, and the same sense of spatial displacement strikes you in the Captain’s Cabin.
    Hmm… if the ship is X yards long, and this cabin is… then, where are the remaining X – Y yards? You find a secret door through the fireplace, leading to a secret room. Inside you find an alchemical lab, with books and vials shelved on the walls, left in heaps on the floor, and strewn across the tabletops. The object which catches your eye, though, is the tree in the center of the room. It’s a fully grown Wraithwood tree.
    Of note is that the tree does not appear the same way it did when you were trapped in the dimensional array at Telivar’s mansion. The twigs are not fingers and the bark does not have faces protruding. Rather, it looks quite like a normal tree, except the wood is unusually dark and the leaves are red. The tree has bizarre black fruits which bloom on some of the branches. They seem to be in various stages of ripeness, and they each transform from flower to fruit over the course of a few minutes. As a fruit falls it bursts into a puff of smoke, prompting a new flower to sprout.
    You reach out to one of these fruit and touch it. As your finger makes contact, the fruit changes from black to white. It feels firm to the touch, crisp and succulent. Could your Aasimar blood be activating something in the plant? You wonder if perhaps the former captain of this vessel was an Aasimar wizard and this was the secret laboratory.
    You hear Katrien on the deck. For some reason you do not want her to know about this room, so you exit the way you entered and close the secret door. It seems Zataka has reappeared and it is time to set sail. Still… whatever happened to Goldleaf? As you ponder it, he spontaneously appears in the cabin with you, crashing into the bed and letting out an exhausted sigh. Perhaps he can fill you in on what happened as you sail together to the western edge of the Mael Ocean.

    Intent on returning to the grotto to rescue your friends from that Silver Serpent, you turn your attention to the market in order to empower your casting prowess, as you are now certain that the grotto is beyond your range as a novice Darknaught. You find a potion shop whose entrepreneur boasts that their wares boost magical acuity two-hundred percent.
    One such potion boasts an improvement to darkspace magic and is relatively affordable. You purchase and drink this potion. It tastes… purple. And everything looks purple, too. Uh oh, looks like you’re paying for those discount ingredients in other ways! Dizzy, you begin to trace a darkspace portal into the air. It’s much larger than you are used to. Staring into it you dive head-first, hoping that utilizing the magic will dump the potion from your body. You are partially correct; once inside the wyrmhole the purple-ness fades and you feel a little better, but you’re still dizzy. It doesn’t help that the field is unusually “twisty”, rather like a roller coaster actually. You lose your lunch as you make a turn, watching the contents of your stomach turn to luminescent dust as they touch the sides of the wall. Finally, the wyrmhole spits you out next to your intended target: Sancireph. You crash into the bed in some cabin, exhausted. And the boat rocks back and forth, turning your stomach green. Stupid discount potions!
    …Well, at least it seems they’re leaving the grotto.


    Suddenly realizing everything you are experiencing is a dream, you startle awake. You are laying in a puddle, somewhere within Undine’s temple. The altar, it seems. There’s a statue of her above you. Floating in the water is the pearl from your dream… or was it a vision? And next to it, stabbed into the ground, is the Wyrmkiller. You take the pearl and pocket it for now; you can decide its fate later. As for the sword, at first you hesitate; you now know taking up the blade will cost you your relationship with Salamander. This does not stop you, though. Grabbing hold of the sword, you feel the spirits of flame around you let out sobs of sorrow and dissipate.
    Something’s wrong, though. You can certainly feel the heat from the pearl you are holding, but you do not sense heat from Cecette… OR that serpent wandering around the grotto earlier. What was his name? Erasmut? All draconic presences have departed from this place, save your own and the pearl whose fate rests in your hands. Taking up the Wyrmkiller, you slash open a rift and step into it, vanishing.


    We’ll resume in a month or two. Thread closed.

  4. #534
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Your plans still to continue this C?
    Last edited by Tamamo; 12-11-2015 at 03:25 PM.

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Armageddon Games is a game development group founded in 1997. We are extremely passionate about our work and our inspirations are mostly drawn from games of the 8-bit and 16-bit era.