Summary (since last update):

Erasmut wanted to play hide and seek. Granberia fuses with the fire pinnacle Salamander and tries to drive Erasmut away, but ends up on the moon.

Goldleaf attacks the serpent out of rage at a similar beast and is swatted away into a desert. Dragon corruption plants a scale in his hand, but he painfully removes it.

Zataka is nearly blasted by the Granberia-Salamander fusion meteorite. Upon seeing Goldleaf swatted away, he tries to attack Erasmut but is placed in the toybox, where he follows a hall towards the source of the weeds.

Sancireph climbs the rickety ruins and wins the game of hide and seek, driving Erasmut to fly away and cry.

Rose collects Wallace the chef and takes him to the warship, where the former frogmen are conducting repairs to escape the grotto. She also comes across a book inhabited by the spirit of a psion, Yuri.

Finally, Granberia recovers WYRMKILLER on the moon and tries to attack Erasmut again, but Salamander deflects the attack into the water (not wishing to obey the sword). Undine attacks, but Salamander whisks Granberia to safety.


You check the other rooms, but is seems they’ve been emptied suddenly. You get the feeling they were inhabited just a moment ago, but you shrug and move on. Descending the stairs, you come to an altar with a statue of a woman atop it.
Nearly every inch of the room is covered in the weeds, which sway toxically back and forth--almost breathing. Even more bizarre, though, is what’s behind the statue. There’s a, well… it’s hard to describe. It’s like the air is made of fabric and one of the seams has torn. Water is pouring out of the bottom of this rip into the room. You walk around this ‘tear’ and see that it’s just hanging in the air mysteriously. Milani’s pendant is practically hopping as you lean in.
What do you do?

Katrien looks around, noting that most of her crew has spontaneously appeared in the center of the grotto. She also notices that Zataka is not among them, and neither is Wallace. There’s a ship sitting tantalizingly in the center of the grotto, only partially damaged and heavy with treasure. Hmm…
What does she do?


You wait for Salamander to leave, and then you sigh, pulling out the sharp shard of ice that is sticking out of your gut. You moan quietly; it’s ruptured your spleen and you’re bleeding slowly. You need to cauterize the wound, but you can’t have Salamander coming back; you’re going to need Rivan for more thorough medical attention. What to do, what to do?
…What is that.
Is it…
Yes. It’s one of D’Arsonius’s pearl fragments. It rolls across the floor of the temple, gently tapping your leg before stopping. It’s almost taunting you.
“Go ahead. Use it.”
What do you do?

There’s really not much more to do before nightfall. You decide to put your feet up and get some rest while the former frogmen repair their ship.
Still… you might be able to come up with something


Victory, victory, victory! You won the contest.
…Man, Erasmut’s pretty upset over there. Oh well, you’ve got the ship now.
You descend the piled ruins and look for some crew to help you repair your reward.
Katrien’s wandering around, though, and she’s smiling at your prize.
What do you do?

You shrug off the raven as a nuisance and continue to walk. Eventually you come across a caravan heading into the desert. A man looks at you perplexed and asks what you’re doing out here without any supplies. He offers you some water to drink, and you accept. You are slightly refreshed; you could probably cast something now.
What do you do?
