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Thread: [RPG] Sword and Sorcery Play-by-Post

  1. #271
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    I examine each of the five tunnels to see if there is any evidence of the ogres. Due to their size, it's unlikely that they would not have left some sign of their passage if they came this way. Also, I have some distrust of the gnomish wizard, as he has yet to tell us anything about himself, even his name. I suspect his reason for accompanying us is to rescue his fellow gnomes, but I can't help thinking he may have other motives as well.

    (OOC: I'm not fond of the flash format, so if it does change to that I can't say for sure how often I'll post)
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  2. #272
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    @SUCCESSOR @bigjoe

    I begin pacing around the lake as the root gets bigger and bigger and blossoms into a red rose with a Noble woman with red eyes and black hair inside. she looks at me for a moment, and smiles. "A werewolf? How interesting, not often are my visitors creatures of the night. My name is Madam Red and as you might of guess I am a Vampire." She hops off her plant throne. And crosses her arm smiling again. I ask her about the forest and the mansion. she simply responds that I should follow her to find the answers I seek. I look at my companions and walk off following the strange woman further into the dark depths of the forest.

    After a while she stops and looks back at me with a smile and seductive look in her eye. "It's been a while Rosaria, how goes the hunting so to say? "Sharp as ever, I think to myself" and morph back to my elf form and smile back. "Excellent, snacked on humans two days ago they we're delicious. Been a while since we gone an adventure together. But for now we should keep our past hidden those two know they cannot trust one such as myself, and we all though you shouldn't make a deal with a vampire. Of course that didn't stop me did it?"

    We continue a few hours through the forest till we reach a tomb, "We'll wait underground until tomorrow night, I'm out of sunscreen, and me and that light in the sky just can't seem to get along anymore." She removes her dress and throws it on the grass, revealing provocative pitch black Leather armor and a Rapier underneath. "I see you're prepared, Very well let's go. I follow her into the dark depths of the catacombs below."

    Note: We both have dark vision do to our nocturnal nature.
    Last edited by Tamamo; 05-18-2015 at 11:44 PM.

  3. #273
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    I make sure the entrance is secure, then I inquire of our newest companions while we have a moments reprieve about themselves. I then stand watch while the others rest before we determine what the next course of action is.
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
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  4. #274
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    (Since there is resistance to a change in format, I offer the following alternative: Someone else can take over as gamemaster.

    Tamamo has already volunteered. If you would like to be gamemaster or to co-chair the position, self nominate in your next post. You have until next week to self-nominate, at which point we'll hold an informal poll to decide what happens next)

    Sancireph, you notice that the slightly downward path has evidence of ogre activity. More specifically, a smear of the disarmed ogre's blood is on the wall and some of the stalactites are broken.
    You turn your attention to the gnomish wizard. However, due to the incredibly low probability that the player he was intended for will use him, on close inspection you find he is nothing more than a CARDBOARD CUTOUT.
    You are perplexed by this but decide to write it off as one of life's many mysteries. You lead everybody else down the path that has the evidence of the ogre's passing. However, upon reaching its end you find not your quarry but rather a gigantic piece of gnomish machinery. Some kind of engine, perhaps? What's it doing in the cave here?
    What do you do?

    Zataka, you take a moment to get to know the two adventurers you've picked up in the pursuit of these ogres. The DWARVEN KNIGHT introduces himself as GRINGHAM. You ask why he's in the region and he explains he was on his way to visit a cousin in the dwarven settlement under this very mountain, but he misplaced his travel visa during the journey and they won't let him in. He also mentions that it's odd there would be a cave that isn't connected to the settlement in the mountain, but writes it off due to its altitude. "We like the deep spaces", he says.
    You give the knight a more conscientious examination: he's wearing half plate but it's polished and it doesn't seem to have any scratches. Likewise, his sword looks brand new. You get the feeling this guy has never been in combat before.
    Turning your attention to the GNOMISH WIZARD, you notice that he hasn't said a word the entire time you were here. Upon closer inspection you find that he is a CARDBOARD CUTOUT. Is... is that normal?
    Sancireph says he found a trail for the ogres and leads you down one of the paths deeper into the cave. Upon emerging in another chamber, you find not your quarry but a great GNOMISH ENGINE. What's this thing doing in a cave like this?
    What do you do?

    Malichor, you notice that everyone seems to be turning their attention on the MATH WIZARD. Taking a closer look, you notice that he's not a wizard at all, but a CARDBOARD CUTOUT. When did he make the switch? You're not terribly familiar with math magic, is this one of their tricks?
    Sancireph points out evidence that the ogres went down the second passage. You, he, Zataka, and Gringham shrug off the confusion of the gnome and progress down that path. Upon emerging in another chamber, you find not your quarry but a great GNOMISH ENGINE. What's this thing doing in a cave like this?
    What do you do?


    Rossaria, you follow your paramour LADY RED to a catacomb in the depths of the forest. The path is familiar to you, as it is one that you have walked many times before. Once enveloped in the cradling dark, Red explains that the mansion belongs to one of the grand magisters, a HEDGE WIZARD who goes by the name TELIVAR. He comes to the region occasionally for access to the quarry, apparently the dwarves under the mountain to the north excavate to expand their real estate, pass the stones of to the gnomes on the hillside, who then sell it to real estate developers. Of note, though, is that the whole mansion appears and disappears as if by magic. This is intriguing to you, as it would suggest that this wizard is in possession of a great deal of power. Red looks you in the eyes, seeing the inspiration behind them.
    "I know what you're thinking, but he's a hedge wizard. We need to find a master of Lycaon magic for our endeavor, Rossaria."
    It doesn't seem like those two guys followed you.
    What do you do?


    @bigjoe @SUCCESSOR
    Jerias and Reven, the twitching branch in the pond rises from the muck. It's a hand. As the mass continues to elevate and defy physics it takes the shape of a woman, red like the night and standing on the surface of the water. Reven, you instantly recognize that this is a VAMPIRE. She walks across the water's surface, leaving tiny ripples as she steps on its surface. She introduces herself as LADY RED. Rossaria asks about the mansion and the forest, and the vampire says that answers wait in her wake. She then wanders off into the dark, a light snowfall following her wake.
    You already know about Telivar and the mansion, so you are hesitant to follow. Also, Jerias recounts that the map says you should go west, rather than south. Rossaria leaves, though.
    What do you do?
    I'm an author. If you're interested in checking out my works, you can find them on

  5. #275
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Intrigued I pace around the room thinking to myself before finally speaking. "A Hedge Wizard wouldn't have the necessary knowledge to dispel my curse no, however this Telivar would have to be taught to cast that spell, he wouldn't be able to do so on his own. He may have magical contacts and perhaps even be part of a magic guild. That would be our best lead at this point. Still this doesn't explain why the forest is silent. Any ideas Red?"

    Red crosses her arm and ponders a thought. "If mother nature would open her mouth i would know right away, but she abandoned me years ago. Let's just assume both the state of the Forest and this mansion of ours are linked somehow."

    We smile at each other and wait for Dusk, hoping to reach the mansion by midnight.

  6. #276
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    The cardboard cutout surprises me at first, but I brush it out of my mind as I have seen weirder things. The dwarf reminds me of the captain of my Royal Guard back on my homeworld, except he wielded a warhammer and a shield. Nostalgia aside, I have some knowledge of dwarven combat tactics I could share with him if he proves to be as inexperienced as his gear suggests. Upon finding the gnomish machine, I examine the area for any signs of danger first. Once we are certain the area is secure, I inquire if anyone in our group can examine it and determine its use. I stand guard and keep watch over the area in case the ogres appear, ready to unsheathe my greatsword at a moments notice.
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
    *Bar-Buddies updates whenever-also can email comics upon request*
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  7. #277
    Username Kaiser SUCCESSOR's Avatar
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    I think I may step out. I have been idling for quite some time. I was debating recently over my own difficulties and also CJC's. I may be too hard-headed and inflexible. I may have made a mistake in using a character of my own with a layered backstory and determined potential story instead of a throwaway that can bend any which way. CJC and I had some chemistry writing together but I think weariness over busy schedules and stepping on each others toes may have have the better of us. I don't think I could/would adapt to another writer. If someone does take over I will probably write myself out. I am fairly certain that flash RPG format would suit me even less. If this particular story and format takes a hiatus I'd probably consider picking it up again.

    @CJC , I want you to know I wasn't begrudging you your difficulties with managing my portion of the story. I think I had too much unspoken vision for you to possibly deal with and when you contradicted that it hindered my ability and desire to be creative(as hindered as it was already). I am an undisciplined writer as is. Which is probably why I have yet to complete a story. Hopefully in the next few months I will have more free time, better internet, and as always I hope I get some better sleep.


  8. #278
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    I greatly distrust vampires. It's the one's that seem benign that are often the most dangerous. I head west with the Dragoon and let Texia out to hunt. We continue on, she won't go far enough to lose me. She always seems to know where I am. We always seem to know what the other wants but I ponder the fact that Texia doesn't seem to have telepathy in the same way as other dragons, or doesn't know or care to use it in such ways.

    Up ahead I spot a Svark. It's an boar-like creature often found around ogres and somewhat resembles them. It may have belonged to the ogres we crossed. They can be extremely unpredictable and dangerous so I go to avoid it but my hunger gets the better of me. I do have a man-sized reptile on my team after all. I pull out a crossbow bolt, a cord, a makeshift sling bow I use to hunt and toss the end of the cord to my companion. I secure it to the bolt and shoot it into the beast's neck. The hooked arrow's head should hold while we lasso the large creature (or it bleeds to death while we try).

  9. #279
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    I examine the large machine to see if I can determine its function. However, knowing that gnomish machines are very Goldberg-like, I realize that this is unlikely. It occurs to me to wonder, was this machine the reason the ogres captured the gnomes? Perhaps they captured the gnomes to force them to build the machine, or perhaps it was already built and they (the gnomes) were needed to operate it. I voice this thought to my companions. Meanwhile, I scan the rest of this chamber to see if there are other exits--the ogres do not seem to be present, so they had to have left this room by other means.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  10. #280
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Game News

    Okay, we have one self nomination [Tamamo] and a vote to go on hiatus. Since I feel a hiatus would mean the death of the game, I have decided that as Tamamo was nice enough to volunteer her service as game master I am going to accept the offer.

    Thus, the next update will be my last... for now. Tamamo is then free to continue making updates for players at her leisure [though it might work best to keep with a once-a-week pace].

    Here is a list of the currently locked characters and the players who have access to them:

    Sancireph = @TheDarkOne [Pronouns: Ravager, Aasimar]

    Mangetsu Zataka = @mrz84 [Pronouns: Paladin, Soldier]

    Malichor = @Xyvol [Pronouns: Mage, Paper Wizard]

    Reven = @SUCCESSOR [Pronouns: Ranger, Stranger]

    Jerias = @bigjoe [Pronouns: Dragoon, Lizardman, Snake]

    Rossaria = @Tamamo [Pronouns: Huntress]

    Gnomish Math Wizard = @ctrl-alt-delete

    Gringham = @CJC [Pronouns: Knight, Dwarf]

    Telivar = @CJC [Pronouns: Hedge Wizard]

    Toma the Younger = @CJC & Current Game Master

    Toma the Elder = @CJC & Current Game Master

    Lady Red = @Tamamo & Current Game Master [Pronouns: Vampire]

    Texia = @SUCCESSOR & Current Game Master [Pronouns: Venom Dragon]

    Atticas = @bigjoe & Current Game Master [Pronouns: Green Dragon]

    Bankraz = @SUCCESSOR & Current Game Master [Pronouns: Azure Dragon]

    Any remaining characters not listed (like the crossbow burglar) are free game for anybody to post, manipulate, and act on as they please.

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Armageddon Games is a game development group founded in 1997. We are extremely passionate about our work and our inspirations are mostly drawn from games of the 8-bit and 16-bit era.