Quote Originally Posted by Tamamo View Post

My character decided to go over and approach red instead what now?
(Red bit Rossaria and started to turn her. As a result Rossaria was thrown into a fugue state of various memories, some fractured, some clear. Red was unable to finish the turning, though, as she was tackled by the dwarf whose hovel was being occupied [she subsequently killed said dwarf]. Rossaria thus broke away from Red and, muddled, wandered out into the night, whereupon she was confronted by the wolf spirit that had been separated from her. Being half undead and still under the effects of the concoction, the spirit tried to attack, eventually settling on claiming the body of a dragon which was flying overhead.

In other words, the transformation into a vampire is only half complete, you are in a daze, and a dragon is attacking you. I wrote the paragraph to emphasize the confusion of conflicting memories but I guess I could have been more clear)