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Thread: S&S The Third

  1. #1
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    S&S The Third

    @mrz84 @TheDarkOne
    Welcome back to the third RPG installment of sword and sorcery! Let's actually try to finish this one this time!
    Interesting in playing! Wonderful! All you need to do is fill out the following information.

    Open up notepad make a file called sword and sorcery notes and save it somewhere you'll remember.
    You may wish to jot some of this down for later reference.

    Gender Male or Female
    Species Your race, humanoid only.
    Class Your class. Fantasy types only.
    Alignment Lawful-Neutral-Chaoticl | Good-Neutral-Evil "note paladins are always good, but not always lawful... some are chaotic which prefer to be called liberators"
    Equipment Your equipment. No Guns
    Knowledge pick any two or three below that would fit your character
    Background A short summary of your characters background. *optional

    Knowledge Skill
    Everybody knows something, some more then others. But no one knows everything! These are Knowledge based skills and can give you a serious edge if you choose correctly.
    Also you guys do not know about each others knowledge at start, that will change over time.

    Bonus Knowledge
    Some Classes "which i have generalized below have the following skills as a bonus!
    Mages get Arcana for free
    Clerics, Paladins, etc get Religion for free.
    Druids, Rangers, etc get Nature for free
    Rogues, Bards, get Local for free.

    Arcana (ancient mysteries, magic traditions, arcane symbols, cryptic phrases, constructs, dragons, magical beasts)
    Architecture and Engineering (buildings, aqueducts, bridges, fortifications)
    Dungeoneering (aberrations, caverns, oozes, spelunking)
    Geography (lands, terrain, climate, people)
    History (royalty, wars, colonies, migrations, founding of cities)
    Local (legends, personalities, inhabitants, laws, customs, traditions, humanoids)
    Nature (animals, fey, giants, monstrous humanoids, plants, seasons and cycles, weather, vermin)
    Nobility and Royalty (lineages, heraldry, family trees, mottoes, personalities)
    Religion (gods and goddesses, mythic history, ecclesiastic tradition, holy symbols, undead)
    The Planes (the Inner Planes, the Outer Planes, the Astral Plane, the Ethereal Plane, outsiders, elementals, magic related to the planes)

    Updates are Yellow

    Combat is Red

    re:Action blocks are special, if something happens that you get to react to, such as a preemptive strike.

    Intervention is something you guys can do... What's an intervention?
    An intervention is when you hi light me to intervene on someone elses action with your own because you wish to stop them from acting.
    You can intervene if you choose just besure to highlight me with @Tamamo

    There is also STOP! block which should only be used if something happens that breaks several rules. "Doing multiple actions such as, Trip Locked Character, Steal Item, Insert Item in Character, Flee"

    Rules | Information
    Rules are green as well as information pertaining to gameplay. Here are a few to start off. with including knowledge above.

    Magic Power comes from a few different sources, but is otherwise free form. If you are playing a mage please select one of the ones below with the exception of Innate or Profane.

    Arcane: Arcane magic is said to come from draconic or supernatural blood or dedicated study. Sorcerers, Wizards, Warlocks, Mages, etc... MOSTLY use this power.
    Divine: Magic that is drawn from religious belief is divine magic. Only Divine Magic can heal and raise the dead.
    Nature: Magic that is drawn from Mother Earth for lack of better words.
    Profane: Fiends have and can provide access for a steep price to Profane Magic which gives the caster two pools of magic to draw from.
    Planar: Their are many planes, and some have elemental and alignment attributes to them. Planar Magic taps into these planes.
    Innate: Dragons, Gods, and Abberations have innate powers others do not. As do some people you have made deals.

    Minor Artifacts are allowed in the beginning one per character with limited ability at my discretion within reason.
    Major Artifacts are nearly indestructible and OP as hell. They are rewarded to individual players for Good RPing.

    Cause and Effect
    When we switch consequences I will list cause and effects and the attitude of locked npcs will change.

    Contacting Friends!
    On your journey you will come across npcs friend and foes. You can contact anyone who is on the contact list in the post below at anytime. If you have magic user they can send this message instantly.
    Otherwise it will take up to four weeks real time for them to respond based off location. If they are in the same location The time is next update.

    I'm not CJC, if you obey the rules i will not veto your post. I am very adaptable when it comes to Role Playing, and most of the time I laugh my butt off when you guys play with me.

    Update: 8-11-17
    It's a dark a storm knight... In search of shelter you run|ride through the storm and come to a inn and tavern... Thank heavens. Hopefully you can get some hot soup and a good glass ale. A room would be nice as well. You enter the tavern it's all but empty. The barkeep is washing a glass two concerned elves are whispering in the corner. A Gnoll is sharpening his ax. He smiles and nods at you. He is certainly quite the friendly Gnoll. Two dwarfs are harassing one of the waitresses. You spotted a woman in the exact same uniform walking pass you in the rain unarmed with just a basket of apples. Hopefully she'll be okay. You spot someone with his face wrapped tightly in a scarf. Theirs a poster of a halfing on the wall. "Janos, Dead or Alive 1000 gold" The Barkeep booms out "CLOSING IN 30 MINUTES LAST CALL FOR DRINKS." The Gnoll looks at you? Care for tale adventurer I'll buy you a drink? His hand offers your the chair ahead.

    What will you do? Lots of people to choose to talk to here and those will knowledge local get a bonus choice!

    Knowledge Local
    Spoiler: show
    Oh hell no! You've heard of that creap JANOS, leader of the redback bandits. Wanted for Theft, Rape, and even Murder. This area is his turf. That woman is in DANGER! Unfortunately if you leave now you may not make it back in time!
    Last edited by Tamamo; 08-11-2017 at 12:55 AM.

  2. #2
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Party All PCs are Locked
    Artanis: Human, Ranger @TheDarkOne
    Jade: Dragonborn, Bard @King Aquamentus
    Celaena: TBA @Tamamo
    Crimson: Darkelf, Mage @mrz84

    Yrrough Soilfeet: LOCKED
    Barkeep: LOCKED
    Alice: LOCKED
    Lucy: LOCKED

    Janos: LOCKED
    Nephenee: LOCKED
    Dwaves: DECEASED

    Celaena Affection Scoring
    Artanis: 0
    Jade +1
    Yrrough Soilfeet: 0
    Last edited by Tamamo; 08-16-2017 at 04:43 PM.

  3. #3
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Story Log
    These are listed in reverse chronological order.

    Unholy Sabbath
    Spoiler: show

    Act 2. Into the Woods
    Spoiler: show

    Act 1: A Dark and Stormy Night
    Last edited by Tamamo; 08-19-2017 at 10:04 PM.

  4. #4
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    Artanis (not the one from Skie's past in previous S&S thread)
    Human (with some distant elven ancestry but from several generations ago)
    Chaotic Good
    Knowledge: Local, Geography, Nature
    Background: To come later

    Spoiler: show
    ((What type of danger is the woman in? And make it back to what in time for what? I need more information if my character is going to take any action)

    read 8-11-17 -T
    Last edited by Tamamo; 08-11-2017 at 09:42 AM.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  5. #5
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Spoiler: show
    First the inn is closing and it's the only place you know of that would shelter you from this raging storm in the middle of the night.

    JANOS is a career criminal: Hes raped woman, he's stolen from numerous merfchants, he's killed people, he's even kidnapped a noble mans son a few years ago. He's Around 30 years of age and thinks the world is his play thing. True scum of the earth type of guy. Note that nobody likes him. Rumor has is that his own men despise him he's so evil and he keeps much of the earnings to himself. If it weren't for him being so intimidating and his track record of cutting the throats of traitors they would of killed him along time ago and put someone else in his place. I cannot tell you what he will do with her... I will tell you that JANOS is an Asshole with a capital A though. And thats a good chunk of money too!

    I should explain something else, your children have a chance of being half elves otherwise humans xor elves if you reproduce with a human or elf respectfully.
    Last edited by Tamamo; 08-11-2017 at 12:58 AM.

  6. #6
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    ((Forgot to list my equipment. I have a dwarven-smithed masterwork longsword in a sheath on my back. I also carry a magical longbow that fires arrows of energy [think Hank from the old D&D cartoon]. I wear studded leather armor over a forest-green tunic with brown leggings and leather boots and a cloak of chameleon which allows me to blend into my surroundings)).

    I pull back on my bow, and as always a magical arrow appears, aimed directly at the one of the dwarves. "I think you might wsnt to leave the woman alone." My tone of voice makes it clear that I mean business.

    read 8-11-17 -T
    Last edited by TheDarkOne; 08-11-2017 at 01:22 PM. Reason: Storyline
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  7. #7
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Just to be clear, there are two bar maids, the one you passed and the one who is being harassed by the cheeky dwarves.

  8. #8
    The Artist Once Known As Old-Skool QDB Manager
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    Jade (rebooted)

    Gender - Female
    Species - Dragonborn (possesses *NO* extra abilities from this aside from slightly higher senses and constitution than the average human.)
    Class - Bard
    Alignment - Neutral good
    Equipment - Owns a special kind of lizard (woodwind/pipe instrument) which can produce chords. may later obtain a "guitar of thunder" which is basically an excuse to bring power metal into a fantasy setting (definitely a magical/divine/otherwise supernatural and rare implement) Also keeps a small notebook for coming up with music and a comically large tin mug on her hip (her only weapon.)
    Knowledge -

    (freebie) Local
    1 - Nature (part of a compassionate nature deep down)
    2 - The Planes (her version of the "religion" perk)
    3 - History (practically been an unfortunate part of it)

    Jade stares blankly at what's going on in the pub. A man she does not recognize is drawing an arrow on a rather perverted dwarf. She wants to warn the guy that the dwarf he's about to shoot might be a redback, and would bring down the wrath of JANOS and his entire band on the poor guy. However, her mind is torn towards the less-defended woman she just ran past outside.

    Jade looked the man over. Definitely armed to the teeth and able to deal with any dumb mistakes he makes. The girl outside on the other hand...

    "aww hell" Jade thought as she dashed back outside to follow the woman. Her mind is still torn over whether or not she should have said anything to that guy...

    read 8-12-17 -t
    So basically your granberia and can sing? I'm okay with this...

    Glad to Have you back King, you put the Fun in Funky!
    Last edited by Tamamo; 08-11-2017 at 09:32 PM.

  9. #9
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    @King Aquamentus
    Do not edit my edits to your post again. I'm actually letting you play as Jade because it was your previous character and I have no problem with that.
    But in truth it goes against the my rule of PC's being limited to humanoid characters, so I had to modify her a bit. Don't like it? Your only choice is to pick a race that is more humanoid, or simply drop out.
    I'll leave that up to you.

  10. #10
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    The dwarf scoffs. "Go ahead boy, fire it, give me an excuse to cave your face in."
    The Gnoll grips his axe tightly and sends you a hand signals. The barmaid nods and grips her tray.


    You let your arrow go. and he flips the table. The barmaid squeels and slams the other dwarf on top of the head with a tray of beers..
    The gnoll roars and charges slamming one in the eye with the haft of his axe. Dwarf A punches the woman in the gut and grabs his axe, Dwarf B grabs the gnoll and head butts him.

    Note you can control the woman and gnoll if you wish as well. Otherwise I will.
    Woman is unarmed but gets a bonus using improvised weapons. "All those past bar fights you know.
    The friendly gnoll has a greataxe and is raging. "He is a barbarian, and shall serve as your muscle for now"

    You have two dwarves to defeat: with scale mails and dwarven waraxes but they Intoxicated!

    @King Aquamentus
    You dash along the path and wind up in the woods and bump into a elf and she falls are her rump and proceeds to grovel at her feet,
    "Thank God! I'm the Celaena Tellarosa the daughter of Elder of Onyllona I have more then enough to reward you! So please, guide me to the nearest inn! Or at least point me in the right direction!"

    Knowledge Local or Nobility and Royalty
    Spoiler: show
    You've heard of the Tellarosa family. They are the founders of the Elven Village of Onyllona in these woods. They date back 12 elven generations and can be trusted.
    They are know to be powerful Planar mages. This woman would make a powerful ally and perhaps something more?

    What will you do?

    Rule Clarification: Battle System

    The battle system is still very much in development, There will be handful of battles in the first and second acts. Remember that charisma will work sometimes.
    I want to work out all the kinks for combat before then. Mostly cause theirs a war like battle in the fourth act. As well as your first boss fight soon after.
    Last edited by Tamamo; 08-16-2017 at 04:42 PM.

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