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Thread: Da Mega Mans!

  1. #31
    The Artist Once Known As Old-Skool QDB Manager
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    So get this

    I played the game on Difficult mode and went straight to Air Man. I let him take a few pot shots at me (about two or three) before I started fighting back. I still kicked his ass. *shrug*

    Nearly every boss in Wily's Fortress has some potential to kick your ass. Mecha Dragon's flames aren't particularly damaging, but sometimes you can glitch and end up in knockback far longer than you should, which pushes you right off the platform.

    Picopico machine isn't something most people regard as difficult, but it is still pretty easy to die from when you don't know where the parts are going to come flying in from.

    I think Guts Dozer and Wily Machine are probably the easiest of them all.

  2. #32
    Wizrobe rock_nog's Avatar
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    Speaking of da Mega Mans, I've been of course browsing ebay on and off looking for NES games to pick up for my new system, and one thing I've noticed, all da Mega Mans seem relatively expensive, usually going for at least $20 or so, give or take. Das kind of a bummer... Would love to add some Mega Mans to my NES library, but I guess for now I'll have to rely on emulation (*ahem* LEGAL emulation, via Virtual Console... yeah... right, that's what I meant).
    The artist formally known as macweirdo42, formally known as weirdguy (it's a long, uninteresting story).

  3. #33
    Sir Anthony Brasel's Avatar
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    So I guess I've just been playing Mega Man 2 for so long that I don't notice some of these flaws anymore. When you learn how a game plays to the point of memorization, it's hard to see where it would be difficult for others. I always fight Air Man first, and I've never had a problem beating him. I even take quite a few hits. This actually goes for all the bosses, the wall shooters included. I usually take a few hits from them, but I don't really have a problem killing them. Nostalgia colored glasses, I guess.
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  4. #34
    The Artist Once Known As Old-Skool QDB Manager
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    It is sort of like Castlevania in a sense. Konami never bothered to fix much about the series, and people generally learned to accept it. It's the likes of AVGN and others that remind us why it is frustrating.

  5. #35
    The Time-Loop Continues ZC Developer
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    Alright, I just beat MM2 (On difficult setting of course) on a single continue. First time I played it since I was about 13 or so! Yay!

    Quote Originally Posted by The Satellite View Post
    Someone said to start with Air Man? No way, start with Metal Man. Easiest robot master and also gives you the most overpowered weapon. But you're definitely outlying some of the big problems I had with Megaman 2, and why I can't understand how it's loved more than any other game in the series. I actually wrote up a big rant about it, outlining nearly all (if not all) of my reasons for disliking it.
    I just read your review and I have to disagree with all most much of it.

    Overly annoying parts:
    -Heat Mans level. Zoinks Scoob, like go get the rush jet or something.

    Levels that catch you off guard and/or require you to memorize:
    -Quick Mans level. Know where your emergency exits are and which way they go.

    Weak Design:
    -Crash Bomb Wily Boss. I beat it on my first attempt with an E-tank so I can't say I had any problems, but dying there would certainly be a pain without regenerating energy pickups. Prior to fighting it for the first time there are plenty of energy drops at least. I had every weapon about full when I got there without any grinding.

    Regarding cheap enemy placement I have to disagree. Not only is this one of the easiest Mega Man games, but it needs MORE deviously places enemies, not less. Everything enemy-wise is easily manageable in this game. I don't know what you mean by impossible to avoid corridor enemies. Are we playing the same game?!

    Also for the dragon boss in Wiley-1 if you stand on the top platform and get hit you will land on the middle platform from the knock-back. (Don't stand on the back edge of it or try to jump backward!!!!!!!!!)

    All in all it was an awesome game back in the day but might not of aged as well as the newer ones. If you've played those before Mega Man 1 and 2 then you probably missed out on everything that made them great at the time, and aren't going to get the nostalgia-value factor either.

    [EDIT] Looks like Mega Man 4 is next up for me. (I've ummm.. never actually played it yet...yeah.)
    Last edited by Gleeok; 07-09-2014 at 04:52 AM.
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  6. #36
    The Artist Once Known As Old-Skool QDB Manager
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    Megaman 2 enemy index.
    Anko - Angler Fish from Bubbleman's stage
    Batton - Bats from woodman's stage. when at rest, they are invulnerable black spheres.
    Big Fish - appropriately named enemy from Wily 3 that comes up and tries to eat you.
    Blocky - big stack of drums or something. Shoot the one with eyes and it falls apart. Will repair itself one time on Difficult mode.
    Claw - Bubbleman crab
    Flyboy - Helicopter robots with pullcords and suction cups. Appear in Crashman, Heatman, and Wily 2.
    Goblin - Giant head platforms in Airman's stage. produces petit Goblins.
    Kaminari Goro - robots on clouds that throw lightning bolts. Name translates roughly to "Lightning Lord"
    Kerog - Bubbleman frogs. Produces petit Kerog
    Matasaburo - Chubby Airman-like guy seen only in Airman's stage who tries to blow you away with a fan in his stomach.
    Monking - Primate that appears in the treetops of Woodman's stage. Best dispatched with Metal Blades.
    Metool - Do I have to?

    Cook - robotic chickens seen in Woodman's stage
    Telly - robotic oreos with eyes seen in Crashman's stage, Heatman's stage, and Wily 4
    Pipi - bird that drops an egg filled with smaller birds
    Changkey - a fireball with a dark mask and eyes. only appears in Quickman's stage.
    Changkey maker - a walking torch that throws changkeys at you in the darkness of Quickman's stage. Illuminates the area in orangish light.
    M-445 - robotic metroids seen in Bubbleman's stage
    Mole - drills seen in Metalman's stage
    Robbit - mechanical rabbit
    Pierobot - Jester like enemy that rides around on gears. Seen in Metalman's stage.
    Sniper Joe - Come on you don't know what a Sniper Joe is?
    Press - falling spike trap in Metalman's stage
    Scworm - device which produces squirming pipes. Too low to hit with the standard buster.
    Shotman - enemy with a cannon on one side and a crank on the other to adjust the cannon's angle of fire. Appears in Crashman and Flashman's stages. May also be in Heatman's stage.
    Armor Joe - Sniper Joes in those big walkers.
    Shrink - Shrimp
    Springer - annoying asshole enemy invulnerable to buster shots and too low to hit normally anyways. speeds at you when you're on the same surface as it, and goes all BOOOIIIOOOIINNGG when it hits you, popping up and going crazy.
    Tanishi - Hermit crabs that lose their shells and move faster in Difficult Mode.
    Friender - giant fire-breathing dog in Woodman's stage

    DWN #009 - Metalman. Despite the serial number, Metalman is Wily's first original robot. All robots previous to this are filed under DLN. Overly incompetent despite his intimidating appearance, he can easily be dispatched with his own weapon but since you need to kill him before obtaining it, the similar Quick Boomerang works just as well.

    DWN #010 - Airman. You can't defeat him. Except you totally can, he's not that hard. Seriously. Leaf Shield will jam his fan and do serious damage. It is best to wait until he jumps to the left side of the screen, then immediately spam Leaf Shield at point blank range.

    DWN #011 - Bubble Man. Pop him with Metal Blades so you don't have to jump up to him. What do you mean you don't have metal blades.

    DWN #012 - Quick Man. Originally conceived as a rival for Megaman, but nobody remembers that. Time Stopper alone will not kill him. Once it has run its course, use Crash Bombs if you have them.

    DWN #013 - Crash Man. Or is it Clash Man?????? Air Shooter will blow his bombs back in his face. He really hates that attack.

    DWN #014 - Flash Man. Or is it Frash Man?????? Ow Ow Ow ok ok. Crash Bombs work well on him... but wait, so do Metal Blades, which are much better. So use those. Funny fact, according to Rockman and Forte, he likes cameras, and hates that he is bald.

    DWN #015 - Heat Man. He's *almost* as hard as his stage. Almost. It doesn't amount to much if you use Bubble Lead on him.

    DWN #016 - Wood Man. On Easy, he can be killed with one fully-charged shot of Atomic Fire. However, metal blades saw through wood just as well. Hilariously, he is also weak to Air shooter. Yes, as in that weapon you got from the robot weak to woodman's weapon.

    Mecha Dragon - Not particularly swear-inducing but sometimes his flame breath causes a knockback glitch that keeps on pushing you off of your platform. Use Quick Boomerang, Link.

    Picopico machine - The worst part about this boss is not knowing where its parts are going to come flying in from. It is easy to get hit in this stage. However, Metal Blade is an effective weapon against it. Don't attack until the pieces have fully formed a target.

    Guts Dozer - Dr. Wily has an odd obsession with Gutsman, huh? Quick Boomerang him in the eyes, he's one of the easier bosses.

    Boobeam trap - the popular subject of conversation on this thread. Boobeam trap can be defeated in a single attempt, but it requires precise knowledge of Crash Bomb's ammo capacity. Remember that there are five turrets total.

    Wily Machine 2 - One of the easiest incarnations of Wily Machine. Crash Bombs and Atomic Fire work great here, Crash moreso after Wily's face appears.

    Alien - Alien will only travel in a figure-8 and occasionally shoot at you. Just keep using Bubble Lead, he's not hard.

  7. #37
    Username Kaiser SUCCESSOR's Avatar
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    I beat the boobeam trap finally. Unfortunately I blew therest of my massive store of lives trying to take down quick man and crash man without their weakness. I went ahead and stopped there. Not for good I'll get back to it with fresh hopes. I think most of the games issues are worst for new players like me. Though the grinding was pretty awful. I agree with quite a bit of what @The Satellite said but not All. I beat heat man's stage without item2 and the only problem I really had was the troll block placement over the lava that you can't see coming. I won't lie and say it didn't take a whole lot of tries to make it. I really enjoyed most of mega man 2 and agree it is a great game. It also pissed me off a lot and seems designed to do so. Will it be my favorite, its not looking good now but a second run through sometime may improve my feelings for it. I have a feeling those who love it are the ones who spent their childhood learning its quirks and evil ways.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
    I just read your review and I have to disagree with all most much of it.

    Overly annoying parts:
    -Heat Mans level. Zoinks Scoob, like go get the rush jet or something.
    As I clearly said in my post, if you don't know to get it first, you can't leave the level without game overing, or painstakingly attempting to survive the Yoku Block segment.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
    Levels that catch you off guard and/or require you to memorize:
    -Quick Mans level. Know where your emergency exits are and which way they go.
    Good luck doing that with fast-moving lasers coming at you, especially your first time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
    Weak Design:
    -Crash Bomb Wily Boss. I beat it on my first attempt with an E-tank so I can't say I had any problems, but dying there would certainly be a pain without regenerating energy pickups. Prior to fighting it for the first time there are plenty of energy drops at least. I had every weapon about full when I got there without any grinding.
    Yes, getting there with energy is easy, but so is blowing energy at some point during the fight. And as you just admitted, it's a pain to grind more energy if you die.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
    Regarding cheap enemy placement I have to disagree. Not only is this one of the easiest Mega Man games, but it needs MORE deviously places enemies, not less. Everything enemy-wise is easily manageable in this game. I don't know what you mean by impossible to avoid corridor enemies. Are we playing the same game?!
    Those little drills don't really do any damage, but they're quite an annoying nuisance and really could've been thought out better. Really when I wrote that review I was keeping the average player in mind, honestly by that point when I replayed the game to write that rant I was prepared, but for the unprepared gamer, it's a lot of shit. You're a very skilled gamer, so clearly many of my complaints may not translate to you, but I like to consider myself a fairly-skilled gamer as well and I stamp the word "no" all over this game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
    Also for the dragon boss in Wiley-1 if you stand on the top platform and get hit you will land on the middle platform from the knock-back. (Don't stand on the back edge of it or try to jump backward!!!!!!!!!)
    Fair enough for standing on the top block, but I'd get knocked off the block when I wasn't even standing near the back of it, the knockback was just that garbage.

  9. #39
    The Time-Loop Continues ZC Developer
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    After playing #4 I would list 1-4 in the following order of best to worst:
    1. Mega Man 3
    2. Mega Man 2
    3. Mega Man 1
    4. Mega Man 4

    I have to say I am very, very disappointed with 4. Easily the worst Mega Man game I've ever played (Counting the X series also). Here's why I think that:

    -The soundtrack is fairly weak.
    -The weapons are crap. Seriously, the buster shot is the by far the best weapon in the game. There's really no reason to change it, ever, except for Toad Bomb and Time stopper which are overpowered and require absolutely no skill to abuse. If I had known that from the start I would have beat Toad Man first. Basically, all the weapons have a 'gimmick' where they are effective on select enemies, however there's really no need to bother since the game practically throws E-Tanks and life refills at you.
    -The charge shot is way overpowered to the point where I got bored holding down the button 80% of the time whether there was a enemy coming up to use it on or not. In fact, the first 5(!) bosses I defeated were brought down using the default weapon since it happened to be the most effective. ..I don't know if this just happened to be blind bad-luck but yeah...

    Hopefully Mega Man 5 doesn't suffer from these awful design choices and gameplay.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Satellite View Post
    As I clearly said in my post, if you don't know to get it first, you can't leave the level without game overing, or painstakingly attempting to survive the Yoku Block segment.
    Why would you want to leave the level? That's half the fun of playing classic NES games--they have challenges in them that casual gamers nowadays are too stupid soft to manage. Sure it's highly annoying without the rush jet by todays standards for games, but part of the fun is being able to overcome the toughest challenges those games could dish out. I beat the block segment in MM2 when I was like 10 years-old. It never even occurred to me there was a shortcut. I just memorized the pattern, and I did it.

    Anyway, I'm not trying to pick a fight with you or anything of the sort. I guess to me it just seems silly to rant that much about one of the best platformers of all time on the NES. For example, in Quick Mans stage I like the laser beam sequence. It would suck to play that level with them removed. The only issue I found with the game design was the crash-bomb boss, the rest are mainly just quirks.

    I think I can answer why so many people hold MM2 as the "best MM game" for you: It has a very fast-paced flow with the best MM soundtrack and a solid selection of bosses. Also, all the robot weapons are not only useful but are bad-ass. You can practically select weapons at random an any random level and you can manage to do something clever with it (Flash thingy aside).

    3 is still my favorite though.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
    After playing #4 I would list 1-4 in the following order of best to worst:
    1. Mega Man 3
    2. Mega Man 2
    3. Mega Man 1
    4. Mega Man 4

    I have to say I am very, very disappointed with 4. Easily the worst Mega Man game I've ever played (Counting the X series also). Here's why I think that:

    -The soundtrack is fairly weak.
    -The weapons are crap. Seriously, the buster shot is the by far the best weapon in the game. There's really no reason to change it, ever, except for Toad Bomb and Time stopper which are overpowered and require absolutely no skill to abuse. If I had known that from the start I would have beat Toad Man first. Basically, all the weapons have a 'gimmick' where they are effective on select enemies, however there's really no need to bother since the game practically throws E-Tanks and life refills at you.
    -The charge shot is way overpowered to the point where I got bored holding down the button 80% of the time whether there was a enemy coming up to use it on or not. In fact, the first 5(!) bosses I defeated were brought down using the default weapon since it happened to be the most effective. ..I don't know if this just happened to be blind bad-luck but yeah...

    Hopefully Mega Man 5 doesn't suffer from these awful design choices and gameplay.
    Yeah, Mega Man 4 isn't the best. I do love some of the music in it, though. Cossac's stage music is brilliant, and I really love Bright Man and Dust Man stage themes as well. I hate the fact that the game was designed so that you always have to have a charge shot ready. The sound it makes is so irritating.

    Mega Man 5 is pretty much Mega Man 4, but you lose your charge shot when you get hit. Seriously, the game has barely been changed. There isn't really anything new aside from Beat and new enemies. It's still solid, and probably one of the most polished in the series, but it isn't the best by far. Probably my least favorite on the NES.

    Quote Originally Posted by SUCCESSOR View Post
    I have a feeling those who love it are the ones who spent their childhood learning its quirks and evil ways.
    This is exactly right. I spent probably more time learning this game when I was a kid than any other game I've ever played. This one was one where I shared strategies with neighborhood kids, and it felt like a community effort to finish it. After playing through the games again recently, I think Mega Man 3 is definitely the better game, but Mega Man 2 is just so special to me that I can't help but love it more.
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