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Thread: [RPG] Sword and Sorcery Play-by-Post

  1. #171
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    (Starting with this post updates will only be made on Fridays until further notice)

    Reven, as you toss the inkwell the LIZARD begins to speak. "What do you know of this condition?" he manages to growl at Telivar before the inkwell strikes the PALADIN and shatters, spraying ink everywhere. You laugh hysterically as the ink splats into their eyes and faces. The Paladin makes a blind jab towards the source of the ink but does not connect a blow. The Lizard, conversely, sweeps the room with his tail and knocks everyone to the floor. You see a paper shuriken fly up from the tussle and pierce the ceiling as if it was made of steel. The three begin to brawl but then inexplicably vanish. Only Telivar remains in the room.
    "Very cute. Here, this should give us some privacy."
    You feel strange, as if the world is jello and you're an errant chunk of fruit.
    "So, what would you care to discuss? It's got a few minutes before it wears off."
    What do you do?


    Jerias, you are able to release your words in a low growl. As you speak, however, a vial of BLUE INK floats into the air and flings itself toward you, shattering and splashing ink into your eyes. You quickly drop prone, knowing that blinded opponents will attack wildly until they are able to regain their sight, and then you swiftly trip the two men standing next to you with your tail so they don't have an opportunity to attack each other. You place your claws on the paladin and prepare to pin him but then discover that he's gone and you're alone on the floor. Wiping the ink from your face you stand and look around, finding only yourself and the wizard left in the cabin.
    Something is off about the air. It feels warm and inviting, and almost inexplicably familiar.
    Telivar places his right hand on the table. It is a claw much like yours.
    "Oh, I know rather a lot about this condition. But why don't you ask your master about it. Where is the dragon that sent you?"
    You do not understand what he means. What do you do?


    Sancireph, you attempt to heal the man but you feel the connection to your magic fading as you cast your spell. Could your doubt actually be inhibiting your ability? Still, you are able to at least stop the bleeding. With the man stabilized you help him up and walk him over to the couch at the side of the lobby. You ask who did this to him.
    "A... a lizardman attacked me. He wanted me to lead him to master Telivar, but his eyes... there was some dark entity pulling strings behind his eyes. I tried to run and he stabbed me."
    You ask the man his name.
    "I'm TOMA, the-"
    Upon hearing the name you instantly throttle him and pin him to the wall. He begins to choke.
    What do you do?


    Zataka, after snapping out of your memories at the sight of Malichor, you turn to the wizard Telivar in hopes of asking him to defuse the situation diplomatically. As you do so a vial of BLUE INK shatters in your face, blinding you. As your training dictates you punch blindly towards the source of the blinding fluid but your blow connects only with the air. You are then tripped by some unseen force. Clearing the ink from your eyes and standing once more you find that you are standing alone in the room, with Telivar as the only other occupant. The air around you feels thin, as if you are standing at the top of a mountain. You remember this sensation but you can't place it.
    "Well then, that's much better. It was far too crowded in here."
    You ask where you are.
    "This place is the INTERSPACE. It's like a membrane between dimensions. It should be very familiar to you, you must have passed through it when you came to this world. I've placed us all in the various folds of this membrane so we can speak privately."
    What do you do?


    Malichor, trying to calculate what you wish to do to prevent a brawl, you are startled by a vial of BLUE INK which flies up to Zataka and shatters, splashing into your eyes. In your panic you draw one of your PAPER SHURIKEN but you are tripped as you throw it. It sinks into the ceiling. Scrambling to stand, you suddenly notice that a CYAN FOG has filled the air and the other occupants of the room have vanished. Only TELIVAR remains.
    Looking around, you see the shadows of DRAGONS in the darkness of the fog. Telivar's right hand is placed on the table, spiraling flames of tiny dragons crawling around it and up his arm. Even your paper shuriken has one on it, methodically dancing circles as it nips at its own tail.
    "There isn't much time. There's something you need to know."
    What do you do?

  2. #172
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    I loosen my grip enough to allow him to breathe, but keep my hold on him. He starts to speak but I silence him with a glare. The I speak in a calm but deadly serious voice. "I will ask questions and you will answer them. You are not an aasimar and you do not appear to be a tiefling either. How is it you are able to grow wraithwood?"
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  3. #173
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    Having most of my other questions answered before the interruption earlier, I ask what he can tell me of the lizardman that entered the cabin and what he wants. For my last question, I ask what the other proposal he mentioned was. I also mention that his smaller proposal to get "scrapings" (or whatever he would like to call it) of magical items seems like a reasonable proposition, though some magical items would be harder to get samples of then others (guardians, traps, etc).
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
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  4. #174
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Fixing the Flub

    SUCCESSOR helped me realize that I took a serious cop-out with the last update. I was concerned that the format we were using wouldn't be able to handle direct player-to-player interaction and in my zeal to prevent a mechanical hiccup I left several players with no real options and effectively ruined the tension of the scene.

    So, I'm going to introduce two rules and push the scene back in a direction that will allow player-to-player interaction with a fresh update. The first rule will ensure that players are not penalized for this and future 'early' updates and the second will make player-to-player interaction possible and flexible so that I don't have to mediate between updates.

    The rules are in this post, the update to fix the situation will follow in a second post.

    Rule Clarification:

    General: Act Medias Res
    If an update has a section that has the following construct:
    [Act Medias Res]
    [/Act Medias Res]

    somewhere within, the update contains an ACT MEDIAS RES. This is a special section of the update where you may insert actions your character took in the middle of the update's events. Its purpose is primarily to allow you to ask specific questions in a conversation, though you could really do anything you want (if you derail I'll nudge you back into feasibility). In one of your action responses (see Action Tennis below), you may place the term [Act Medias Res] (color optional) at the top of your post to indicate you are inserting the action into the gap provided. This is NOT a requirement; if you do not take an action with Act Medias Res you can fill the gap at any later point by starting the top of your post with an HTML link back to the update that had the gap.
    When you use up an Act Medias Res the results of the gap are filled in in the following update. A generic example of how I'll respond to your Act Medias Res is presented below:

    You take a moment to recall your conversation with TELIVAR in the study.
    Conversation with Telivar
    "You see, they're highly unstable."

    You ask him to clarify hamster baryon signatures.
    "See, two visually identical hamsters could have alternate baryon signatures. If they were to make contact with each other they would cause a TREMENDOUS EXPLOSION that would likely destroy this entire mansion and all of the surrounding villages. They're VERY dangerous."
    Telivar clears his through forcefully, effectively indicating he wishes to end the conversation.
    You are particularly stricken by his thorough and almost terrifying knowledge of atomic hamster fusion. You ponder how this information will be useful in the trials to come.

    General: Action Tennis
    A feature of the game that no player has utilized as of yet is the ability to log more than one action between updates. I believe the feature has been avoided because of a distinct lack of structure, so I present: ACTION TENNIS!
    From this point forward, any player may make UP TO THREE posts between updates. Each post represents one action scenario.
    That's really the extent of the rule, but here are the implications:
    1. As before, you are free to make assumptions about any character or topic that is NOT LOCKED. As of this post the only topics in the story that are locked in the game are TELIVAR and DRAGON MAGIC. Do note, though, that the characters of OTHER PLAYERS are always locked, meaning you cannot make assumptions about their reactions.
      1. Just because you can't make assumptions about their reactions doesn't mean you can't interact with them. Because everyone gets up to THREE posts between updates, you can launch an action at another player, wait for them to react, and then react YOURSELF to their response. This is action tennis.
      2. For a clear example, @TheDarkOne 's character Sancireph is LOCKED, as is @bigjoe 's character Jerias. If the two were in a scene with the NPC Toma, either player could control TOMA or THEIR OWN CHARACTER but neither player could control THE OTHER CHARACTER. That is, TheDarkOne cannot dictate Jerias's actions and BigJoe cannot dictate Sancireph's actions, but both can dictate Toma's actions.
    2. The more you post, the longer my update to you will be. This means the more you do, the more you will get out of the game. Take advantage of this and use Action Tennis to interact with the world and other players. I may even volley quick responses back at you when you are interacting with NPCs, though remember that such is only necessary if the NPC is LOCKED since you have the right to simply state how an unlocked NPC reacts to your actions.
    3. This feature is necessary to allow for the rule above (ACT MEDIAS RES). Filling a gap counts as a post, so you have to make sure that an ACT MEDIAS RES is in a separate post from any actions you are taking currently (Otherwise you will confuse me and then bad things will happen).


    In short, use ACT MEDIAS RES to fill in scenes that are in the gooey center of an update, and use ACTION TENNIS to interact with other players and accelerate the pace of the story.

  5. #175
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    (Because SUCCESSOR brought my mistake to my attention, he gets top order in this fixer update)

    Reven, Telivar slides a SMALL LEATHER POUCH across the desk and asks you to pick it up.
    "Well, you may not be a dragonslayer but you do wander a lot. Perhaps this will interest you."
    You pick up the pouch. It doesn't appear to be anything out of the ordinary, until you reach inside and see your hand pop out from an identical pouch on the desk.
    "That's a MAGIC ARTIFACT that I made. Part of a set, actually. It lets me pass small things back and forth to my subcontractors. I have a business proposition for you: throughout the world there are other magical artifacts just like this, made by other magisters or lost in forgotten ruins. If you come across such a magical structure in your travels, take a scraping and send it through the bag to me. I'm collecting data on the fabric of magic around the world and these samples are crucial. I'll make it worth your while; if gold isn't your thing I can at least pay you in RARE SPIRITS."
    You take the bag and place it into your cloak pocket. Strange, you seem to be acclimating to the strange sensation in the air. It's rather like being drunk, actually.
    [Act Medias Res]
    Conversation with Telivar
    Venom Dragons and Darts. Is the Darkspace Bag capable of passing messages, and can Telivar mend Artifacts?
    [/Act Medias Res]
    As Telivar starts to respond to your last question the both of you hear a ROAR. Looking up, you see the ceiling of the study RIPPED OPEN as a gigantic DRAGON tears it off of the ship. Above you is not the room you were in before, but a terrible tempest of wind and electricity. Telivar shouts, flailing his arms wildly in the air briefly before disappearing without a trace. The dragon disappears with him but the twisted sky does not.
    Over the course of a few minutes you see what's left of the cabin fill with the PHANTOMS of human shapes. Eventually these take form as the other occupants of the room: the PALADIN, the MAGICIAN, and the LIZARD. The door to the cabin swings off its hinges, but it no longer leads back to the deck. Instead, it opens to the HALL OF MIRRORS.
    You feel a shiver down your spine as you look through the doorway. The danger sense in the back of your mind whispers a warning: "Here there be monsters".
    What do you do?


    Sancireph, the apprentice TOMA chokes briefly before beginning to speak.
    "I didn't use Aasimar blood, I used my own blood."
    This doesn't make any sense to you. You explain that there needs to be a celestial component and he doesn't have the requisite genetics to attain such an effect.
    "That was the whole point of the experiment! I have been trying to prove that the rituals and superstitions of magic are entirely unnecessary components to the result."
    [Act Medias Res]
    Interrogation of Toma

    [/Act Medias Res]
    He pushes you away.
    "If you're intent to attack me, though, do not expect me to surrender willingly. I will defend myself."
    As he speaks, a cloud of gray fog bursts out of the doorways and envelops you both.
    "What was that?"
    You look around. You're still in the lobby, but something feels... off. You can see shadows moving around in the fog. Toma seems equally nonplussed by the situation.
    "There's atomized magical energy in the air. Master Telivar? What could he be casting?"
    He looks at the shadows.
    "It's almost like he's summoning a ghost world. Why would he do that?"
    You notice something else, though, as Toma is trying to work out the situation. You sense an Aasimar presence permeating from him. This is the first time he has projected such energy. Could the fog be the cause?
    "This is very bad. Master Telivar said that he feared dragon corruption was infecting his spells. If he's right, we're all getting contact contamination. I'll go to the library and see if I can find a suitable counterspell."
    He opens the doors to the library, but beyond them lies a COAL MINE.
    "...That's not good."
    What do you do?


    Zataka, Telivar answers your last question first:
    "Anything you come across in your travels is worthwhile to me. I am collecting data and even common magical items have their uses. That said, if you are able to acquire rare specimens I may be able to compensate you more generously. As for the other proposal, it is of a more personal nature. Recently I was attacked by a Dragon. I drove the beast away but not without sustaining significant injury. More distressing, however, is the fact that its attacks left traces of CORRUPTION in my system and the poison has been spreading. I need someone to kill that dragon. Preferably lots of people, actually, because individually nobody really stands a chance. I mean look at that Lizard guy, he's a perfect example of it."
    You ask why the lizard is involved.
    "He's a DRAGOON. Or he was, anyway. It's their job to go around killing dragons. But inevitably they get killed, or they turn into something like that. He's no doubt here on behalf of his dragon master to recruit me or kill me or some other such act of war."
    You ask why the dragon needs to die.
    "Ah. This is something I only recently came to realize from my tussle with the thing, and something to which you can relate. You know how our rules are restricting your abilities in this reality? Well, our rules are actually breaking the rules. This dimension isn't SUPPOSED to have magic, so wizards achieve magical effect by snatching physical laws from other reality. Unfortunately, each time we do so we're pulling our existence closer to overlap with that other reality. It's a dragon dimension and the DRAGONS are entities that have ripped their way through the membrane between our worlds. The only way to fix that hole and undo the damage they've inflicted is to kill them."
    [Act Medias Res]
    Further Discussion with Telivar
    What would prove effective against the dragon?
    [/Act Medias Res]
    As Telivar starts to respond to your last question the both of you hear a ROAR. Looking up, you see the ceiling of the study RIPPED OPEN as a gigantic DRAGON tears it off of the ship. Above you is not the room you were in before, but a terrible tempest of wind and electricity. Telivar shouts, flailing his arms wildly in the air briefly before disappearing without a trace. The dragon disappears with him but the twisted sky does not.
    Over the course of a few minutes you see what's left of the cabin fill with the PHANTOMS of human shapes. Eventually these take form as the other occupants of the room: the RANGER, the MAGICIAN MALICHOR, and the LIZARD DRAGOON. The door to the cabin swings off its hinges, but it no longer leads back to the deck. Instead, it opens to the HALL OF MIRRORS.
    You fret the presence of the dragoon. While you can respect that he once served a great purpose in this world he is likely working towards its destruction. But you sense that you are not safe in this cabin and you'll need everyone's help to get out of the INTERSPACE.
    What do you do?


    Jerias, you explain that you don't have a dragon master.
    "What? No, you must or you wouldn't look like that. Listen, no offense to you, but-"
    He stares at you briefly, as if staring into your mind.
    "Wait, that's not possible. There's only one voice in there."
    You demand an explanation.
    "Sorry to tell you, friend, but you died. And some dragon came along and REVIVED you to act as a personal crescent wrench. That's why you look like that, it's the residual corruption of the DRAGON MAGIC."
    You ask why a dragon would need humanoids.
    "You mean besides the whole totally loyal servant thing? Well, there are certain things a LIZARDFOLK can do that a DRAGON can't. The big scaly beasts are lacking in finesse. Beyond that? I can't say, I've never met one of you that wasn't subjugated and trying to kill me."
    [Act Medias Res]
    Conversation with Telivar

    [/Act Medias Res]
    As Telivar starts to respond to your last question the both of you hear a ROAR. Looking up, you see the ceiling of the study RIPPED OPEN as a gigantic DRAGON tears it off of the ship. Above you is not the room you were in before, but a terrible tempest of wind and electricity. Telivar shouts, flailing his arms wildly in the air briefly before disappearing without a trace. The dragon disappears with him but the twisted sky does not.
    Over the course of a few minutes you see what's left of the cabin fill with the PHANTOMS of human shapes. Eventually these take form as the other occupants of the room: the RANGER, the MAGICIAN, and the PALADIN. The door to the cabin swings off its hinges, but it no longer leads back to the deck. Instead, it opens to the HALL OF MIRRORS.
    You're still mad about the INK IN YOUR FACE. You're also fighting your primal urge to attack, your body is shaking as your mind processes these mammals as prey and the FIRE IN YOUR CHEST mewls for fuel. Still, you don't think you can escape this place on your own.
    What do you do?


    Malichor, Telivar begins to speak in a grave, serious tone.
    "We're bringing about the end of the world."
    You look at him like he's wearing a penguin suit.
    "Magic. We're directly causing the dragon crisis."
    You ask for an explanation.
    "Toma's thesis holds the key to most of it. The rest I figured out after I got maimed by that dragon that attacked my mansion a while back."
    He points to his right arm.
    "The dragon corruption is actually bleedthrough from another dimension. The one where we snatch our magic from. See, our world isn't designed to handle magic. So our forebears shrouded our theft in rituals so that we wouldn't know what we were doing. We're pilfering physics from other realities."
    You shrug and say that doesn't sound like such a bad thing.
    "Oh, but every time we do it we punch a hole into another reality. And somebody punched a hole into the wrong one. It's a horrible nightmare world of DRAGONS and they're hungry. And here's the worst part: they started pulling back."
    You stare, stunned, as he continues.
    "See, they've decided they want to absorb our reality and they have the power to do it. That's why more and more dragons have been appearing in the wilds; they're coming through to drag us back with them."
    [Act Medias Res]
    Further Discussion with Telivar
    Toma's Thesis, Darkspace Reality Bends, and Dragons ripping into our reality? How are these related?
    [/Act Medias Res]
    As Telivar starts to respond to your last question the both of you hear a ROAR. Looking up, you see the ceiling of the study RIPPED OPEN as a gigantic DRAGON tears it off of the ship. Above you is not the room you were in before, but a terrible tempest of wind and electricity. Telivar shouts, flailing his arms wildly in the air briefly before disappearing without a trace. The dragon disappears with him but the twisted sky does not.
    Over the course of a few minutes you see what's left of the cabin fill with the PHANTOMS of human shapes. Eventually these take form as the other occupants of the room: the RANGER, the LIZARD, and the PALADIN ZATAKA. The door to the cabin swings off its hinges, but it no longer leads back to the deck. Instead, it opens to the HALL OF MIRRORS.
    You're still in shock about what Telivar has told you. Staring at the tiny dragon still spiraling around your remaining shuriken, you wonder if it's even safe to use magic here. But how will you escape back to reality?
    What do you do?

  6. #176
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    I ask Telivar if there is anything that would prove effective against the dragon. Any information he can tell me would be of great importance.

    After being brought back to the cabin with the others, and seeing the dragon first hand, I realize that things have spiraled downhill quickly.
    Realizing the situation is dire, I say to the others that we must work together to survive this day. The dragon must not be allowed to enact its plans to bring this world under its control. I ask the lizardman his name and if he is willing to aid us with his dragon-slaying skills, as they would give us a distinct advantage in combating the dragon. I turn to the ranger and ask him if he will aid us as well, we will need every person capable if we are to survive.
    Last edited by mrz84; 02-03-2015 at 12:02 PM. Reason: Minor spelling errors
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
    *Bar-Buddies updates whenever-also can email comics upon request*
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  7. #177
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    The present situation is taking precedence, but I make a mental note to question Toma further about to aasimar energy emanating from him--if he is aasimar, how is he able to prevent another from sensing it? Seeing that the library door no longer leads where it should, I open the door that should lead into the Aviary (with Toma following me) to see where it leads.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  8. #178
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    [Act Medias Res]
    Conversation with Telivar

    "I said I was not interested in the amount of gold one may charge for killing a dragon. I have gold I barter with on a rare occasion. Gold has a way of getting a man's throat cut." I take off my cloak. Interestingly it has no pockets. Neither my satchel or Telivar's bag are anywhere to be seen either. Only the empty scabbard but more notable on my back where it is likely to never be seen slipped between my belt and my tunic is a Kris. The blade is wavy reminiscent of flame and though the edge is fine the sides of the blade are textured with needle like depressions and protrusions thin and long across both lengths of blade. The guard likewise has fang like spurs. Every detail speaks of poison; the weapon itself infamous for human sacrifice. The grip is elegant with a spiral bearing cryptic words and on the end is a large Hell's Opal that appears too black and reflectionless.

    "I have a magic item or two in my posession but none I would part with." I turn so the Kris is no longer visible to Telivar. I open the hand not holding my cloak and show him 3 darts each banded with red, amber, and yellow. "I craft these for trade. They are venomous darts and their toxin comes from a small Venom Dragon not of this land. I assume you know that all dragon toxin is magic-based and may help you in your understanding of magic and dragons. They are dosed by the amounts the dragon excretes when wary, aggitated, or fighting for it's life. The latter has a fair chance of killing a man while the former most will only paralyse him a few hours. Most interestingly there is no numbing effect, infact sensation is increased to the point of immense discomfort and vivid halucinations occur. Elf-kind seem immune to the paralysis but their enhanced senses and lucidity seem to make them even more suseptible to the increased sensations and halucinations. If you are capable of the magic of mending I would trade them to you for fixing my cloak. It is more threadworn than even I care to look at. What ever price for artifacts I may come across can be discussed further. I imagine the bag is equally suitable for passing communications as well."
    [/Act Medias Res]

  9. #179
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    [Act Medias Res]
    Further Discussion with Telivar
    I have three questions to ask Telivar:
    "I only scanned Toma's thesis briefly, but I thought it mostly had to do with the schools of magic overlapping, and how more complex spells make use of several different types of magic. Is that what is causing the bleed though of realities, or is that the way to fix it?"
    "What does role Darkspace magic play in this disturbance of realities?"
    "What do you mean by pulling back, have the dragons found their own way to enter this reality?
    [/Act Medias Res]
    <- Play Triforce Quest!

    "The greatness of one's sorrow when parting is the evidence of the deepness of one's love. So If one fears sadness, one wouldn't be able to love anything."
    -Belldandy, Oh My Goddess!

    "Who cares if I'm a star up here?" - Minmei, Robotech
    "You bookahs worry too much about external appearances. It's what's inside your skull that counts." - Taimi, Guild Wars 2

  10. #180
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    I check my paper stash to make sure the dragon corruption has not affected the unmarked pages. Assuming the pages are good, I take one in hand and begin folding. As I fold, I recall Toma's words to me about the bartender's herbs and how they are a physical object on which someone places their disbelief. I focus on that idea as my hands mold the paper into a small likeness of a dragon (and to think, people called me a nerd for joining the origami club in school!). Pining my anti-magic talisman to my cloak pin, I then reach out to grasp my shuriken and hope my plan worked.

    I also wish to look at the Hall of Mirrors from inside the cabin, to determine if the new space is some sort of illusion, or possibly a fold of Darkspace.
    <- Play Triforce Quest!

    "The greatness of one's sorrow when parting is the evidence of the deepness of one's love. So If one fears sadness, one wouldn't be able to love anything."
    -Belldandy, Oh My Goddess!

    "Who cares if I'm a star up here?" - Minmei, Robotech
    "You bookahs worry too much about external appearances. It's what's inside your skull that counts." - Taimi, Guild Wars 2

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