Quote Originally Posted by Thulcedoom View Post
OS: Windows 10 Home Edition version 1909, build 18363.719
Processor: AMD A6 9225 Radeon R4
Graphics: Amd Radeon R4
Display size: 1366 x 768
Zelda Classic version: 2.53 LTS release (final)2.

I played ZC on Windows XP in the past and enjoyed it. It was interesting to see what quests other fans could come up with. I was happy to find a version for Windows 10. However, I am unable to play in full screen. When I run it from the launcher, the screen alternates from the launcher to a blank screen with the Zelda Classic title bar two or three times, then runs in a window. I tried changing the settings in the launcher screen, no help. I also found a thread which suggested downloading version 2.53rc3 and installing DXGL, but when I did that Zelda Classic crashed with an exception error. Does anyone have a definitive guide to getting it to run full screen on Windows 10?
If you update to the 2.53.1 Beta builds, they come with DXGL, and you can toggle it on with ZLaunch, to allow fullscreen.