OK. I just wanted to help to make the quest playable without the absolute necessity to reset the game, also referring to the above text from Saffith.
Quote Originally Posted by Saffith View Post
If you finish the 2nd quest with all 16 hearts, it goes to the 4th instead of the 3rd. And if you beat the 3rd without dying, you jump to the 5th.
If you WOULD stuck on the NES, because a 1-way-shutter shut down behind you and there isn't a further door and you have no bombs, you must reset the game (if you don't know with the second controller). Dying or reset is almost the same, because you can save thousand times, if you still have only a half heartpeace

A dialog:

people 1: I'm the best zelda player!

people 2: You also beat the 3rd and 4th quest?

people 1: Of course!

people 2: Really?

people 1: YES!!!

people 2: Without dying?

people 1: YEAH! I'm the best!!

people 2: And how many resets?

people 1: ...oh...mhmmhm....

people 2: HOW MANY RESETS?

people 1: Bloody hell! There were 7 resets!

people 2: 7 resets???? Why? You entered a room and there was no way out?

people 1: 3 rooms with no way out and 4 times I saved before they killed me.

people 2: HAHAHA!!! LOSER!!