Quote Originally Posted by Downloader View Post
Any word on this Link->Extend function lately?

Not yet, and it's somewhat tricky. I will eventually get to this, but IDK when.

The issue is that the internal checking for collision with Link is not uniform. Everything uses a different routine to do this, and it needs to be unified, first.

What I need to do, is add a set of collision routines in FFCore, and move all internal collision checking to those. For Link, this means collision with enemies, collision with ffcs, collision with weapons, collision with items, collision with map flags, and collision with combo types.

Ideally, all collision events will process through FFCore, setting up a series of internal pair-based collision flags, that the user will be able to easily read by script. Dispose of manual collision checking in FFScript, and allow ( if type->Collision(ptr) ). That way, internal engine collision becomes more sane, and script collision checking returns engine collision.

Anyway, once there is uniform collision checking for Link, adding all of the hitbox vars will be easy, and those will also exist in Link's ZQuest config, where I plan to add a number of settings, including hitbox size, sprite size, defences, states ( e.g. visibility, transparency, diagonal movement, and tile overlap, other values).

None of these should remain as 'rules', but rather, be transformed into initial settings that the user can modify by script at any time.