I know this relly isn't canon and shouldn't be taken too seriously, but I have two VG: issues with LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga on the Nintendo DS. Frist of all: Stormtroopr doors. These are present in almost every episode, including the prequel levels BEFORE THERE WERE STOMTROOPERS. Why would there be a door that could ony be opened by someone that didn't exist Yet? And no, Clone Troopers can't open them.

Everyone knows that stormtroopers wear body armor. What good it does them I'm not sure because, in this game it takes one shot from a blaster to take them down. However, there are also Imperail officers who wear only grey or black uniforms, but they take about three or four shots to kill. So, that means that those cloth uniforms offer better protection against blaster fire than stormtrooper body armor? Ooooh kaaay.