Dimentio is simply expressing how he truly feels about people of colour. I see no difference between that free-speech and other free-speech that people get uncomfortable about. Why should it be that that particular form of free-speech is banned? As for your challenge of remaking LoH, well it would take me a long time and you'd know the background so it wouldn't be a fair challenge. See what happens when the next type B quest comes out - and believe me, it will come out.

Anarchy, even if Dimentio had never become involved in rating and criticising your quest, I can guarantee you that you would NEVER have had a fanbase within this community. Type B quests have never gained popularity throughout the history of this game - in almost every other game I know of as a matter of fact. Why would yours be any different? Simple fact is that type A players don't like getting their asses handed to them and when they do, they will scream about it and reject it en masse. Your quest does that almost as well as mine.

I remember back to the days Nightmare and his challenge quests - he had tons of complaints about it being too hard. Before Pure got renovated, I remember quite clearly that certain type A players like Ms_Zelda_Lady were hugely critical had to be lectured on why quests were made this way. She was told that Nightmare is a very good player who made quests that he liked. Then came Armageddon Quest and if you do a quick search you'll see type A players like Elise challenging OUCH! to make quests that everyone enjoys. Then Liberation of Hyrule and once again the same thing happened. History repeated itself and the type A players came out with their pitchforks. Then Isle of Rebirth. Granted this was a little delayed because there were 3 cheap nerf modes but eventually it happened - see Lunaria's infamous rating

See the pattern here? If you choose not to follow type A rules then type A will reject your quest and you will have no fanbase other than a tiny minority of type B players. Having easy and super-easy modes won't work either because they are cheap nerfs and type A will see through it eventually. No, if you want acceptance by type A you will spend your precious time making the next Lost Isle. That's the way it is.