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Thread: The Dimentio and Anarchy Show

  1. #181
    The Time-Loop Continues ZC Developer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dimentio View Post
    I would prefer it if you didn't put words in my mouth with the topic title; I do not, nor will I ever consider Anarchy, to be """Type B""". If you want me to stop dramaing, being a dick and trying to change my thread titles to opinions I do not hold is not the way to do so.

    Also, Anarchy called me out publicly, numerous times, yet got little warning besides a slap on the hand here. I make this thread, and now I'm the bad guy? And I'm sitll the bad guy, even after he goes as far to attack someone innocent who wasn't involved in this drama, at all? Fucking. Wow. I really have to appreciate AGN's priorities.

    Regardless, fuck it, he wins or whatever. I don't give a shit about this thread anymore. I've already convinced everyone who has a brain cell that Anarchy's a giant douche, there's really no need to shout insults at a brick wall at this point. This drama continuing is only going to result in Anarchy attacking more people unrelated to me (regardless of whether said people consider it his fault for being a douche, or my fault for """provoking him""" (seriously, that's a real fucking dumb argument right there. Either you're implying that he's not accountable for his own actions because he's above the rules, or he's not accountable because he's an inferior lifeform. Pick one or drop the argument)). I find it hard to believe anyone can actually defend someone as toxic as Anarchy, but hey, that's just my opinion.

    Anyways, I'm out. This thread was cancer, but I hope some of you enjoyed my dramafest. Bye.
    I am not taking any sides here. I was simply pointing out that you were less than honest from the beginning, and that has a side-effect where people begin to trust you less. I don't see how Anarchy_Balsac "wins" anything from this either. Please show me where he attacked and/or called out any members, including yourself, and he will get the same treatment of anyone else; because I am just not seeing it. Of course Anarchy is accountable for his actions just like everybody else here. I promise you no one is giving him any special permissions. I certainly don't "agree" with either of your actions, and I sure as shit am not defending any of the actions of either of you either.

    Show me where/how we fucked up and I'll look into it. Or if you are still just ranting then put your money where your mouth is.
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  2. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dimentio View Post
    I would prefer it if you didn't put words in my mouth with the topic title; I do not, nor will I ever consider Anarchy, to be """Type B""". If you want me to stop dramaing, being a dick and trying to change my thread titles to opinions I do not hold is not the way to do so.

    Also, Anarchy called me out publicly, numerous times, yet got little warning besides a slap on the hand here. I make this thread, and now I'm the bad guy? And I'm sitll the bad guy, even after he goes as far to attack someone innocent who wasn't involved in this drama, at all? Fucking. Wow. I really have to appreciate AGN's priorities.

    Regardless, fuck it, he wins or whatever. I don't give a shit about this thread anymore. I've already convinced everyone who has a brain cell that Anarchy's a giant douche, there's really no need to shout insults at a brick wall at this point. This drama continuing is only going to result in Anarchy attacking more people unrelated to me (regardless of whether said people consider it his fault for being a douche, or my fault for """provoking him""" (seriously, that's a real fucking dumb argument right there. Either you're implying that he's not accountable for his own actions because he's above the rules, or he's not accountable because he's an inferior
    Gleeok beat me to it, but, there's this little button marked 'Report Post'. If someone clicks that, and creates a ticket complaining about TOS abuse, mods and admins look at it. I read the infractions and the reported posts topics. There are none from you on this matter, at all.

    We don't all read every post, of every thread, to notice every infraction. Some are subtle, and easy to overlook, too; so, when you don't report abuse, and later bitch that we do nothing: Well, what'd'you expect?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
    Show me where/how we fucked up and I'll look into it.
    Over on Pure, he changed the topic title of his LP thread to "Dimentio is an obsessed stalker" (which has been changed back by Pure mods), after I rated his quest a 0 (only thing I did at that point along with giving my thoughts on his quest over in his LP thread (which I did start off politely, so since that's the "starting point" and his first response was to tell me to fuck off, he started this whole thing off maliciously while I was being benign), and only things I've done to this point besides making this thread and rep-bombing him towards the end). He also rated all my quests 0's over on Pure at the same time he changed his LP thread name (said ratings thankfully also deleted by the Pure mods). Then when I reported him and he got in shit for both of those, he came over on AGN and started "subtly" insulting me, as seen over in his LP thread. Then Chris Miller decided to reopen GB, so I decided I'd call him out on it by making this topic. Then I learned that he had taken a video of KenMeister's (whom I'm currently collabing with) several days beforehand and had started reposting it to several video sites under incredibly insulting names, so I sent him 2 copyright strikes on the 2 sites I could find (which got the videos taken down) and called him out on it in this thread directly. Then he started making more subtle insults towards me over how his video was copyrighted over in his LP thread, before finally joining this thread, where he continued to insult KenMeister based on said videos, solely because of KenMeister's affiliation with me (and because he was too fucking stupid to take one damn look at the videos and realize me and Ken were 2 separate people (and he still kept insulting Ken even after I proved Ken wasn't me)).

    While I did have some memories about Anarchy's spat with Saffith, that in no way influenced the start of the drama. I had heard that Anarchy had been deleting reviews off his quest, which sounded really shady to me, so when I saw his LP thread I went over, watched part of his LP, and gave my opinion on it. He told me to fuck off, I decided to give his quest a go, and I found it to be incredibly unenjoyable, to the point where even the high difficulty couldn't save it. So I rated it low, and he proceeds to throw a hissy fit. That's how this shit started.

    Either way, this thread was a trainwreck, so I'm done. I have no interest in """stirring the pot""" with Anarchy anymore in this thread.

  4. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dimentio View Post
    Like I said: IDGAF.

    We're all racist, and I knew you were white when I called you the N word (I saw your cringey master hand and crazy hand videos). Also, the discord server literally has hitler emotes, I don't think anyone really gives a shit that I called you a jew.
    Hispanics ALSO have light skin sometimes, ever hear of Mexico City?

    I am not white, I am Venezuelan. And I suspect you are only confessing this to save face. You probably thought I was black because my Ex-Wife was from Africa, which is also racist because it assumes black people only marry one another. Sure, I can't prove any of that, but I find it likely given your character.

    Oh and I put it in my sig, I suspect your buddies at Pure will respect you MUCH less now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dimentio View Post
    Over on Pure, he changed the topic title of his LP thread to "Dimentio is an obsessed stalker" (which has been changed back by Pure mods), after I rated his quest a 0 (only thing I did at that point along with giving my thoughts on his quest over in his LP thread (which I did start off politely, so since that's the "starting point" and his first response was to tell me to fuck off, he started this whole thing off maliciously while I was being benign), and only things I've done to this point besides making this thread and rep-bombing him towards the end). He also rated all my quests 0's over on Pure at the same time he changed his LP thread name (said ratings thankfully also deleted by the Pure mods). Then when I reported him and he got in shit for both of those, he came over on AGN and started "subtly" insulting me, as seen over in his LP thread. Then Chris Miller decided to reopen GB, so I decided I'd call him out on it by making this topic. Then I learned that he had taken a video of KenMeister's (whom I'm currently collabing with) several days beforehand and had started reposting it to several video sites under incredibly insulting names, so I sent him 2 copyright strikes on the 2 sites I could find (which got the videos taken down) and called him out on it in this thread directly. Then he started making more subtle insults towards me over how his video was copyrighted over in his LP thread, before finally joining this thread, where he continued to insult KenMeister based on said videos, solely because of KenMeister's affiliation with me (and because he was too fucking stupid to take one damn look at the videos and realize me and Ken were 2 separate people (and he still kept insulting Ken even after I proved Ken wasn't me)).

    While I did have some memories about Anarchy's spat with Saffith, that in no way influenced the start of the drama. I had heard that Anarchy had been deleting reviews off his quest, which sounded really shady to me, so when I saw his LP thread I went over, watched part of his LP, and gave my opinion on it. He told me to fuck off, I decided to give his quest a go, and I found it to be incredibly unenjoyable, to the point where even the high difficulty couldn't save it. So I rated it low, and he proceeds to throw a hissy fit. That's how this shit started.

    Either way, this thread was a trainwreck, so I'm done. I have no interest in """stirring the pot""" with Anarchy anymore in this thread.
    All of which has already been addressed earlier in the thread, I'm not repeating myself because you won't listen.

    One major difference between me and you Dimentio, is that I NEVER, not once claimed to be innocent or a saint. When I am wrong, I admit it and own up to it. YOU do not, you abuse ties to admins so you can break PURE ZC's rules about 0 stars, abuse those same ties to make sure it CAN'T HAPPEN BACK TO YOU, bring up old shit that no one but YOU cares about, and cyberstalk people's youtube channels, but complain when they downrate yours back. And now that it's come to light that Saffith himself and I are good, you are trying to pretend that had nothing to do with you creating the topic, or why you started your recent shit with me in the first place. I also take responsibility when I am in the wrong, YOU try to pretend you're not wrong and deny ANY wrong doing for as long as you plausibly can.

    You are NOT a good or innocent person.
    Last edited by Anarchy_Balsac; 04-07-2018 at 08:49 PM.

  5. #185
    one secksy boi James24's Avatar
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    The whole rating system for quests is broken and has no credibility to begin with. How can it be that players who play for a few minutes (or not at all) or watch a video of a quest be permitted to rate a quest? And it is entirely possible that someone who doesn't like a quest or its creator can create a clone army to rate the quest 0 stars. Further, admins can modify user's ratings because they are not "in-line with community expectations" (see Lunaria). The whole rating system is a joke to me and I certainly don't base what I play on ratings. Finally, even if the entire ZC fanbase rates a quest 0 stars but the quest creator thinks it is 5 stars then nothing will change - I can guarantee that. So what is the point of it all if you can't get change in the end? To end up with disputes like these?

    Dimentio, you ought to have realized that Anarchy is a type B player and quest maker and that type A criticisms like "but your graphics aren't good" and "there are no puzzles in your quest just a big slugfest" will at best be ignored and at worst end up in conflict like you're seeing now. Anarchy won't change because he does not see graphics as valuable enough to spend his precious quest-making time fixing. Precious time that you aren't paying for... So what is the point of speaking your mind? Why can't you simply just accept that the game wasn't made for your graphical tastes and move on to the next quest?

    As for this whole racism thing, I am always one for free speech even like this. I support free-speech because its far better than the alternative - one where the racist person hides their true feelings and quietly and subtly discriminates against people of different races and never says his true reasons. What does it matter what someone says? Its what they do and how they act that truly matter.

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    Quote Originally Posted by James24 View Post
    Dimentio, you ought to have realized that Anarchy is a type B player and quest maker and that type A criticisms like "but your graphics aren't good" and "there are no puzzles in your quest just a big slugfest" will at best be ignored and at worst end up in conflict like you're seeing now. Anarchy won't change because he does not see graphics as valuable enough to spend his precious quest-making time fixing. Precious time that you aren't paying for... So what is the point of speaking your mind? Why can't you simply just accept that the game wasn't made for your graphical tastes and move on to the next quest?
    If the reason were just "bad graphics" and "no puzzles", I'd have ignored the quest. The quest is just the wrong kind of difficulty; it's not hard, but it's repetitive, mindnumbing, and boring. It's nowhere near the quality of quests such as Liberation, Armageddon Quest, Dungeon Impossible, etc. Hell, James, I can prove it for you; Make a Zelda-1 graphical demake of Liberation, and I'll beat it, and enjoy it.

    Also, I have no qualms with using the n-word if it won't get me banned. This was a flaming-allowed forum, so I figured using the n-word as an insult comparable to fucker was completely fine. Not that I knew that the comments actually reached you; 90% of the shit in this forum is broken as fuck and I just assumed this was another one (though if I did know I'd still have called you it, since it seems to have triggered you badly ).

    Anyways, goddamnit, I told myself I'd stop posting in this thread; look at what you made me do > : (

  7. #187
    How many licks to get to the center Chris Miller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anarchy_Balsac View Post
    Oh and I put it in my sig

    Download Lands of Serenity today! You will be knocked comatose by its sheer awesomeness.
    The Titan's Quest, best played in the bathroom as the excitement can be somewhat...overwhelming.

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    Could someone please set the thread title to something like "Anarchy Balsac rant thread"? This new title pisses me off and I want it gone.

  9. #189
    How many licks to get to the center Chris Miller's Avatar
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    You're bitching about it, so I guess it's working just fine given the nature of this particular forum.

    Download Lands of Serenity today! You will be knocked comatose by its sheer awesomeness.
    The Titan's Quest, best played in the bathroom as the excitement can be somewhat...overwhelming.

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    It's also putting words in my mouth; Anarchy is not a Type B quest creator. I also don't give a shit what graphics he uses. Tell me how he is """Type B""".

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