I would prefer it if you didn't put words in my mouth with the topic title; I do not, nor will I ever consider Anarchy, to be """Type B""". If you want me to stop dramaing, being a dick and trying to change my thread titles to opinions I do not hold is not the way to do so.

Also, Anarchy called me out publicly, numerous times, yet got little warning besides a slap on the hand here. I make this thread, and now I'm the bad guy? And I'm sitll the bad guy, even after he goes as far to attack someone innocent who wasn't involved in this drama, at all? Fucking. Wow. I really have to appreciate AGN's priorities.

Regardless, fuck it, he wins or whatever. I don't give a shit about this thread anymore. I've already convinced everyone who has a brain cell that Anarchy's a giant douche, there's really no need to shout insults at a brick wall at this point. This drama continuing is only going to result in Anarchy attacking more people unrelated to me (regardless of whether said people consider it his fault for being a douche, or my fault for """provoking him""" (seriously, that's a real fucking dumb argument right there. Either you're implying that he's not accountable for his own actions because he's above the rules, or he's not accountable because he's an inferior lifeform. Pick one or drop the argument)). I find it hard to believe anyone can actually defend someone as toxic as Anarchy, but hey, that's just my opinion.

Anyways, I'm out. This thread was cancer, but I hope some of you enjoyed my dramafest. Bye.