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Thread: The Dimentio and Anarchy Show

  1. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anarchy_Balsac View Post
    You are LITERALLY calling me egotistical for saying a PREQUEL, is, in fact, NOT a SEQUEL. Do you see how dumb you are now?
    No, I'm calling you egotistical for calling your quest Zelda 3 and acting like it's the true sequel to Zelda 2, when it's a 4th wall breaking edgy piece of fan fiction about Zelda and SelfInsertOC in an edit war. Fucking retard.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anarchy_Balsac View Post
    Your complaint was:

    "Oh I don't mind 8 bit but you should have updated the 8-bit"
    No, I'm saying you're calling your quest Zelda 3 and then acting like it's the logical progression to Zelda 2, when it's inferior. Fucking retard.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anarchy_Balsac View Post
    than someone like you who's had a years-long blood grudge now.
    No, I actually defended you back then even though you were being an absolute cringelord, and I was willing to let that go until you starting acting like your quest was the second coming of god and insulted me over my criticism. Fucking retard.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anarchy_Balsac View Post
    And as for your claim that your discord circle-jerk spent weeks refreshing my youtube page and downvoting every upload, not you, pics or it didn't happen.
    How would I have pics? I don't fucking know who did it. Why the fuck would I go over to your youtube channel and downrate all your shit? That seems like a childish way to resolve a petty spat at the time. Fucking retard.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anarchy_Balsac View Post
    Original post was a LOT more than a sentence.
    Original post only had one sentence about Zelda 3 and the rest was bitching about you as a person. Fucking retard.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anarchy_Balsac View Post
    ALSO, you DID NOT type up a review, you just straight up 0-starred it, then cried like a bitch when I did it back. You're trying to claim you reviewed it to save face, but you didn't.
    No, I'm saying I was in the middle of typing up a review when you deleted your quest off the database, thus saving me the effort of finishing it. Fucking retard.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anarchy_Balsac View Post
    You are going to be told to fuck off when you tell people that. And the fact that you started all this shit with me cus your criticism was idiotic, and I told you so? Yeah, that's pathetic.
    No, actually, a lot of people would just take the criticism and improve their quest with it, or at worst take it and then silently ignore it. You, however, started name-calling like a dumbass preschooler, cause that's all you are: a fucking manchild, you fucking retard.

  2. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dimentio View Post
    No, I'm calling you egotistical for calling your quest Zelda 3 and acting like it's the true sequel to Zelda 2, when it's a 4th wall breaking edgy piece of fan fiction about Zelda and SelfInsertOC in an edit war. Fucking retard.

    No, I'm saying you're calling your quest Zelda 3 and then acting like it's the logical progression to Zelda 2, when it's inferior. Fucking retard.
    When did I EVER say it was a "true sequel" to Zelda 2? You are making that up. I never pretended it was anything more than a non-canon sequel (and it;s more a sequel to the lost Link Paradox quest anyway).

    Quote Originally Posted by Dimentio View Post
    No, I actually defended you back then even though you were being an absolute cringelord, and I was willing to let that go until you starting acting like your quest was the second coming of god and insulted me over my criticism. Fucking retard.
    No, I NEVER said my quest was perfect, I said your criticism was idiotic, and it was, Your criticism was "You called it Z3, but, but graphics man", and no, that is NOT a legit criticism. Unless you think Mega Man 9 has no right to be called that, cus, you know, graphics.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dimentio View Post
    How would I have pics? I don't fucking know who did it. Why the fuck would I go over to your youtube channel and downrate all your shit? That seems like a childish way to resolve a petty spat at the time. Fucking retard.
    You are a lying, racist sack of shit. The downrating started when Chris Miller told you to stop derailing that thread, but yeah, "just coincidence". You even ADMITTED ABOVE that you spent two years being pissed with me over a drama that no one but YOU still cares about, bitched to your discord buddies about me until they came here to defend you, but nah, it COULDN'T have been you. And no, you DID NOT defend me back then, you condemned me with everyone else, not saying I didn't deserve it, but I AM saying you are a liar who will say anything to save face. Just like you will lie to your discord buddies about you being racist against me. Although you got your racial slurs wrong (I am not black, nor Jewish, but hispanic), the fact is you proved you are a racist fuck. Go ahead, deny that too.

    Original post only had one sentence about Zelda 3 and the rest was bitching about you as a person. Fucking retard.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dimentio View Post
    No, I'm saying I was in the middle of typing up a review when you deleted your quest off the database, thus saving me the effort of finishing it. Fucking retard.
    Sure you were, just as you didn't downrate my YT videos. Just as you didn't act racist towards me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dimentio View Post
    No, actually, a lot of people would just take the criticism and improve their quest with it, or at worst take it and then silently ignore it. You, however, started name-calling like a dumbass preschooler, cause that's all you are: a fucking manchild, you fucking retard.
    Not when that criticism is "But, like, graphics and stuff". And since you are CLEARLY too dumb to go back and read the Let's Play thread, I said SEVERAL TIMES I would indeed talk with you and James 24 about the non-graphics stuff IN ANOTHER THREAD. But you are too busy getting pissy to see that. Go ahead, drop the n-bomb on me again.

    @Shane , Okay fine, I said ONE star when I meant to say ZERO, but I also said "too hard" which was NOT a criticism Eddy levied against me. His review was about him not liking the overall way my quest played, it wasn't about the difficulty. So it was still pretty dumb of you to assume I was talking about him, given that difficulty wasn't one of the things he criticized. There's also the fact that I had updated it AFTER his review WITHOUT purging his review. Kinda dumb to assume I had a problem with it if I didn't erase it when I had the chance, no? And again, HE DID NOT CRITICIZE THE DIFFICULTY. So you were out of your mind either way.
    Last edited by Anarchy_Balsac; 03-30-2018 at 08:03 PM.

  3. #173
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    Not gonna deny I'm a racist, we're all racist deep down inside, you fucking mexican.

    "Not when that criticism is "But, like, graphics and stuff""
    If you fucking read the thread, I said I was confused by the choice. I didn't say your quest was a shitty quest, I said the choice confused me, and you told me to fuck off.

    "And since you are CLEARLY too dumb to go back and read the Let's Play thread, I said SEVERAL TIMES I would indeed talk with you and James 24 about the non-graphics stuff IN ANOTHER THREAD."
    Nah, too much effort to make a new topic to discuss an obscure quest nobody gives a shit about. Except me, obviously, since I'm still wasting my time shittalking it for some reason.

    " The downrating started when Chris Miller told you to stop derailing that thread, but yeah, "just coincidence"."
    I had no reason to downrate you until you started ratings bombing me. If you want me to downvote you, I can fucking downvote you so goddamn hard, you'll be shitting salsa from all the tacos you've been eating, pablo

    "When did I EVER say it was a "true sequel" to Zelda 2? You are making that up. I never pretended it was anything more than a non-canon sequel (and it;s more a sequel to the lost Link Paradox quest anyway)." Why get pissy at people for calling LttP Zelda 3 then? Seriosuly, get back behind Trump's wall where you belong.

  4. #174
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    You're lucky photobucket went paywall, I'll find ANOTHER site in a day or two and post your racist rep comments that I screencapped. Let's see you save face once I do that.

  5. #175
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    *Sigh* .... You know I can see your rep comments, right @Dimentio ?

    Not cool...
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    Like I said: IDGAF.

    We're all racist, and I knew you were white when I called you the N word (I saw your cringey master hand and crazy hand videos). Also, the discord server literally has hitler emotes, I don't think anyone really gives a shit that I called you a jew.

  7. #177
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    It would appear that this particular dumpster fire has run its course. And while it was a glorious dumpster fire, worthy of song, all good things must come to an end. I will, however, leave General Bitching open for the time being.

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  8. #178
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    Well wasn't that special? (Dana Carvey Show R.I.P)

    All random nonsense aside:
    @Dimentio , even though it took you 8 pages to fess up about starting the whole poop-slinging fest with Anarchy, we already knew it from the start. I even let the purezc staff know that this was not at all a one-sided affair last week after you played the helpless victim role to help get Anarchy banned at purezc. The point is that this sort of shit doesn't help anybody, especially the ZC devs or forum mods, or even the ZC community as a whole. It was a long time ago that Anarchy went off the rails at Saffith - I even heard it directly from Saffith, also regarding a few other members, who were causing him some frustration at the time - and while that was a complete overreaction you have to realize that sort of thing is not uncommon drama for ZC. In fact, before 2.5 someone would bitch about a new bug or feature every month - heck, sometimes every week! (and these were from long time ZC contributers too) - and if everyone held that type of grudge there wouldn't be any forums, everyone would either be banned or gone. Yes, Anarchy did make some jerkish comments; they haven't gone unnoticed and he was already warned for them by my understanding. You just have to find a way to let things go and not take everything so personally. If somebody is harassing other members just let the mods take care of it. This cross-site trolling/flaming war is no good for anybody. All it's doing is pissing off everybody else, both here and at purezc. Just take a deep breath and realize how stupid this whole thing is. Let it go man.
    Last edited by Gleeok; 04-04-2018 at 04:24 AM.
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  9. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
    Well wasn't that special? (Dana Carvey Show R.I.P)

    All random nonsense aside:
    @Dimentio , even though it took you 8 pages to fess up about starting the whole poop-slinging fest with Anarchy, we already knew it from the start. I even let the purezc staff know that this was not at all a one-sided affair last week after you played the helpless victim role to help get Anarchy banned at purezc. The point is that this sort of shit doesn't help anybody, especially the ZC devs or forum mods, or even the ZC community as a whole. It was a long time ago that Anarchy went off the rails at Saffith - I even heard it directly from Saffith, also regarding a few other members, who were causing him some frustration at the time - and while that was a complete overreaction you have to realize that sort of thing is not uncommon drama for ZC. In fact, before 2.5 someone would bitch about a new bug or feature every month - heck, sometimes every week! (and these were from long time ZC contributers too) - and if everyone held that type of grudge there wouldn't be any forums, everyone would either be banned or gone. Yes, Anarchy did make some jerkish comments; they haven't gone unnoticed and he was already warned for them by my understanding. You just have to find a way to let things go and not take everything so personally. If somebody is harassing other members just let the mods take care of it. This cross-site trolling/flaming war is no good for anybody. All it's doing is pissing off everybody else, both here and at purezc. Just take a deep breath and realize how stupid this whole thing is. Let it go man.

    Pretty much this. I brought this up weeks ago, on the PZC Discord server, and Orithan accused me of victim-blaming or some such nonsense. I'm sick of seeing the anti-Anarcy discussion at every turn:

    Making it sound like it's entirely his doing and that you are reacting to his actions, is nonsense, and we all know (and see) that.

    Moreover, what's on display here, is a complete disregard for your own actions, and reactions; as much as anything else. Did Anarchy overeeact and do shyte that he shouldn't've done? Sure, probably; lacking true evidence, save coincidental. It's equally possible that one of his mates did the stuff, or that someone else didn't cade for what you are doing, and troll-rated your videos.

    Regarding the 0-star rating: The entire argument of 0-star reviews being based on a personal standard, rather than the 'general consensus of the community' regarding what a rating means is rubbish. In fact, I recall you arguing against that, when Lunaria and the PZC staff argued over how the ratings scale should work!

    In this world, you reap what you sow: You're lucky that I'm not the one who adjudicated your ban duration. I'd've slapped you with 14 or 30 days.

  10. #180
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    I would prefer it if you didn't put words in my mouth with the topic title; I do not, nor will I ever consider Anarchy, to be """Type B""". If you want me to stop dramaing, being a dick and trying to change my thread titles to opinions I do not hold is not the way to do so.

    Also, Anarchy called me out publicly, numerous times, yet got little warning besides a slap on the hand here. I make this thread, and now I'm the bad guy? And I'm sitll the bad guy, even after he goes as far to attack someone innocent who wasn't involved in this drama, at all? Fucking. Wow. I really have to appreciate AGN's priorities.

    Regardless, fuck it, he wins or whatever. I don't give a shit about this thread anymore. I've already convinced everyone who has a brain cell that Anarchy's a giant douche, there's really no need to shout insults at a brick wall at this point. This drama continuing is only going to result in Anarchy attacking more people unrelated to me (regardless of whether said people consider it his fault for being a douche, or my fault for """provoking him""" (seriously, that's a real fucking dumb argument right there. Either you're implying that he's not accountable for his own actions because he's above the rules, or he's not accountable because he's an inferior lifeform. Pick one or drop the argument)). I find it hard to believe anyone can actually defend someone as toxic as Anarchy, but hey, that's just my opinion.

    Anyways, I'm out. This thread was cancer, but I hope some of you enjoyed my dramafest. Bye.

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