No, I'm calling you egotistical for calling your quest Zelda 3 and acting like it's the true sequel to Zelda 2, when it's a 4th wall breaking edgy piece of fan fiction about Zelda and SelfInsertOC in an edit war. Fucking retard.
No, I'm saying you're calling your quest Zelda 3 and then acting like it's the logical progression to Zelda 2, when it's inferior. Fucking retard.
No, I actually defended you back then even though you were being an absolute cringelord, and I was willing to let that go until you starting acting like your quest was the second coming of god and insulted me over my criticism. Fucking retard.
How would I have pics? I don't fucking know who did it. Why the fuck would I go over to your youtube channel and downrate all your shit? That seems like a childish way to resolve a petty spat at the time. Fucking retard.
Original post only had one sentence about Zelda 3 and the rest was bitching about you as a person. Fucking retard.
No, I'm saying I was in the middle of typing up a review when you deleted your quest off the database, thus saving me the effort of finishing it. Fucking retard.
No, actually, a lot of people would just take the criticism and improve their quest with it, or at worst take it and then silently ignore it. You, however, started name-calling like a dumbass preschooler, cause that's all you are: a fucking manchild, you fucking retard.