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Thread: The Dimentio and Anarchy Show

  1. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by James24 View Post
    Finally, type A/type B goes to the very heart of your beef with Anarchy so I don't see why you find it irrelevant. If both you and Anarchy had understood and accepted the dichotomy before you had played, none of this conflict would be occurring.
    I mean, most of my issues came from Anarchy calling Saffith a fucking retard and saying Saffith was a dev who ruined everything, and him calling Eddy a retard, and him telling me to fuck off when I tried to point out (polite-fully) stuff from his playthrough that I didn't like. Are any, much less all 3, based at the core of Type A/B philosophy?

    This has nothing to do with me disliking his quest, it has everything to do with him being an asshole and him (a 30-something adult at least) somehow acting more childish than me (a 17 (almost 18) year old).

    Quote Originally Posted by James24 View Post
    From what I've played of Zelda 3 (up to the third dungeon), the game is possible to play without any forced rupee grinding but it takes a lot of skill. Are you 100% sure you've got the forced grinding part right Dimentio??
    The forced grinding comes after level 3, IIRC. You need to grind up for a 100% required raft that costs 500 rupees to even access the overworld area with level 4 (and presumably 5 and 6), AND you need to buy the hookshot (around 100ish rupees) in order to even proceed past the first/second room in level 4. That's around the part where I quit, because the game lacked the addictiveness every other Type B quest I've played had for me. Maybe it's because it lacks the thought the other Type B quests I've played had?

  2. #162
    Quest Builder Anarchy_Balsac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shane View Post
    Quoted from 6th Quest Invitational thread:

    "The admins at pure do nothing about it" clearly means you expected them to remove or at the very least change it even though it was a well thought out review by one of the nicest people you'll ever meet in the ZC community. At the time of this post, only his review was on one of your quests so the call out was obvious. And even then you flamed this guy, pretty much insulting his skills showing this is more than just " review-bombing ". I said more than I needed to. I requested to be not dragged into this any further previously, I will be just not answering at this point. Apologies for the serious posts.
    No it wasn't, I was referring to a review that NO LONGER EXISTED because I erased it with a Z3 update. And yes, I have EVERY RIGHT to be annoyed when someone pushes others away with low rating, b/c s/he ventured some place under equipped. Nice person or not, it would annoy most people. Perhaps not you, but it was not an unreasonable annoyance.

    Also, if you're talking about Eddy's Review of the One Week Late adventure, that's idiotic because he was nowhere NEAR that unreasonable with his review. I was referring to someone else who literally gave a 0 star review based ONLY on him/her going some place while lacking in gear, and for Z3. You literally started a hate boner over nothing. I will admit I didn't think he was entirely fair, but I DID feel he tried to be.

    Literally the only video I've disliked is one LP video you made. I'm not the only person who dislikes your content, and I have better things to do than wasting my time downvoting every single video you've ever made, so stop being delusional, kthx.
    THE SAME DAY that Chris Miller told you to shut the hell up in my LP, ALL EXISTING ones got a dislike, then, for WEEKS after that, EVERY UPLOAD had one WITHIN MINUTES (whereas this hadn't been happening previously upon me uploading stuff) . I will admit that @Shane is showing that there is a SLIGHT possibility it was him, but I'd put more weight on the guy who's held a grudge against me for a couple years now (you)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dimentio View Post
    I mean, most of my issues came from Anarchy calling Saffith a fucking retard and saying Saffith was a dev who ruined everything, and him calling Eddy a retard, and him telling me to fuck off when I tried to point out (polite-fully) stuff from his playthrough that I didn't like. Are any, much less all 3, based at the core of Type A/B philosophy?
    Case in point, you can't let the Saffith stuff go, even though I apologized, even though Saffith himself doesn't care and never did (I reached out to him myself), even though I fully admit being in the wrong. You claim not to be obsessed, but you just PROVED you are.
    Last edited by Anarchy_Balsac; 03-26-2018 at 09:49 AM.

  3. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anarchy_Balsac View Post
    Case in point, you can't let the Saffith stuff go, even though I apologized, even though Saffith himself doesn't care and never did (I reached out to him myself), even though I fully admit being in the wrong. You claim not to be obsessed, but you just PROVED you are.
    I was stating why I started it, dumbass. How the hell was I supposed to know that at the time?

    I was willing to ignore the fact that you got triggered at Saffith, but then you ohsokindly told me to fuck off when I tried to give an opinion on your quest, in your official quest thread here on AGN. So I figured I'd try this """masterpiece""" that got you so worked up originally at Saffith, and guess what? It played like shit, thanks to your gay-ass forced grinding. So when I rate it poorly, and start typing up a review explaining why I disliked it, you throw a hissy fit, try to get it deleted before I could even finish the review, then when Eddy refused to let you delete the rating, you asked the quest be removed entirely, downvote bomb all of Nightmares Quests because I polished them up graphically and thus had my name on them, steal a video from KenMeister and insult him because I do collab videos with him, and renamed your Pure LP topic to insult me. All this because you thought I downvote bombed you (here's a hint asshole: I didn't. I don't need to downvote your pitiful channel to point out how bad it is.).

    For the record, I haven't needed to stalk you. All my discord buddies "helpfully" point out when you've acted like a toddler for me. Grow up.

  4. #164
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    Don't forget to visit the quasi-official ZC channels and downvote everything. there, so that they have some activity.

  5. #165
    one secksy boi James24's Avatar
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    If this was all about a conflict with Saffith and such then why bring Zelda 3 into the mix? You should have just kept your criticism to "Anarchy is bad because he flamed Saffith" not "Anarchy's Z3 is bad because it had rupee grinding amongst other things". Judging from your comments in Zelda 3's lets play and the opening post on this thread it comes across as a type A player criticising a type B quest maker. If the only reason why Zelda 3 was brought into the mix was to give it 0 stars in retaliation for flaming Saffith and other events then that's just not ok.

    Anarchy also has room to learn as a quest maker - maybe its because its only his first quest. He should have known about the world of type A players and their culture and anticipated that they will go into areas unequipped, they will rage-quit when they die too much and they will review bomb quests for completely unrelated reasons. Best to anticipate these kinds of things and exclude type A players explicitly when advertising your quest.

  6. #166
    How many licks to get to the center Chris Miller's Avatar
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    It's just such a type A thing to do. Fucking assholes.

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  7. #167
    Wizrobe VEL's Avatar
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    Wow type A players have their own culture, I never new that. I found these when doing a search on google, uh oh, type a has a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular conditions.

    * The rhetorical What Would MacGyver Do? attempts to
    harness some of the aggressive type A tendencies at Method by defining
    resourcefulness as “not accepting no for an answer” and “looking
    under rocks for what other have missed.”

    The two men who coined the term ‘Type A’ in the 1960s were also goal-oriented, high achieving types. But they wanted to be Type B: easygoing, take every day as it comes type people. Because while many people now use the term Type A as a badge of honor, the two men were cardiologists, and they invented the term Type A to describe stressed patients who were at a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular conditions.

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  8. #168
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    I mean, I literally only put up a sentence and some screenshots about Zelda 3. Also, this entire spat happened because he insulted me in his Zelda 3 thread, hence why I brought it up. I'm not a "type A" player (can we please come up with better names than "Type A and Type B"?). Also, James, if I wasn't a Type B player, why have I played Dungeon Impossible, Isle of Rebirth Hero Mode (hell, I even suggested that to you), Armageddon Quest, and hell, Liberation of Hyrule; much less beaten all of them legit?

    I don't like Zelda 3 as a type B quest. High difficulty != good Type B quest. The execution could have been much better, and when I tried to polite-fully bring this up, Anarchy told me to fuck off and proceeded to disregard my criticism. Hell, I could probably make a harder version of Zelda 3, using only the classic tileset, and people, Type A and B. would like it more than Anarchy's attempt. Though this is in part because it's his first ques,t that does not give him the right to delete ratings from his quest simply because he doesn't like them (the other part of the reason I dislike him, asides from the cringeworthy (and apparently outdated?) Saffith spat).

    Maybe I give too many craps about presentation? I understand that fangame creators can't be expected to appeal to everyone, but you can do a lot with boosting presentation in minimal time. Also, my main reason I brought up Zelda 3's look in the thread was because it's calling itself Zelda 3 and saying Link to the Past isn't. If he's going to be so egotistical to make such a claim that his fangame is more deserving of the title of Zelda 3 than the legendary Link to the Past, I expect him to back it up with a product that *is* of higher quality in every regard. I would consider Isle of Rebirth Hero Mode more deserving of the title of Zelda 3, than his Zelda 3.

  9. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dimentio View Post
    I was stating why I started it, dumbass. How the hell was I supposed to know that at the time?

    I was willing to ignore the fact that you got triggered at Saffith, but then you ohsokindly told me to fuck off when I tried to give an opinion on your quest, in your official quest thread here on AGN. So I figured I'd try this """masterpiece""" that got you so worked up originally at Saffith, and guess what? It played like shit, thanks to your gay-ass forced grinding. So when I rate it poorly, and start typing up a review explaining why I disliked it, you throw a hissy fit, try to get it deleted before I could even finish the review, then when Eddy refused to let you delete the rating, you asked the quest be removed entirely, downvote bomb all of Nightmares Quests because I polished them up graphically and thus had my name on them, steal a video from KenMeister and insult him because I do collab videos with him, and renamed your Pure LP topic to insult me. All this because you thought I downvote bombed you (here's a hint asshole: I didn't. I don't need to downvote your pitiful channel to point out how bad it is.).

    For the record, I haven't needed to stalk you. All my discord buddies "helpfully" point out when you've acted like a toddler for me. Grow up.
    Your complaint was:

    "Oh I don't mind 8 bit but you should have updated the 8-bit"

    You are going to be told to fuck off when you tell people that. And the fact that you started all this shit with me cus your criticism was idiotic, and I told you so? Yeah, that's pathetic.

    I mean, I literally only put up a sentence and some screenshots about Zelda 3.
    Original post was a LOT more than a sentence. ALSO, you DID NOT type up a review, you just straight up 0-starred it, then cried like a bitch when I did it back. You're trying to claim you reviewed it to save face, but you didn't.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dimentio View Post

    Maybe I give too many craps about presentation? I understand that fangame creators can't be expected to appeal to everyone, but you can do a lot with boosting presentation in minimal time. Also, my main reason I brought up Zelda 3's look in the thread was because it's calling itself Zelda 3 and saying Link to the Past isn't. If he's going to be so egotistical to make such a claim that his fangame is more deserving of the title of Zelda 3 than the legendary Link to the Past, I expect him to back it up with a product that *is* of higher quality in every regard. I would consider Isle of Rebirth Hero Mode more deserving of the title of Zelda 3, than his Zelda 3.
    You are LITERALLY calling me egotistical for saying a PREQUEL, is, in fact, NOT a SEQUEL. Do you see how dumb you are now? And as for your claim that your discord circle-jerk spent weeks refreshing my youtube page and downvoting every upload, not you, pics or it didn't happen. I'm open to the idea it could have been Shane, but he only recently became obsessed upon his own idiotic assumption that I was bashing someone who I clearly was not. It's a LOT less likely to have been him, than someone like you who's had a years-long blood grudge now.
    Last edited by Anarchy_Balsac; 03-29-2018 at 08:39 PM.

  10. #170
    Octorok Shane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anarchy_Balsac View Post
    I was referring to someone else who literally gave a 0 star review
    Quote Originally Posted by Anarchy_Balsac View Post
    'The most annoying thing is when some idiot one stars your quest for being too hard
    Last edited by Shane; 03-30-2018 at 12:09 AM.

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