I personally think all forum threads should be allowed to be like this. People are finally expressing what they truly feel and think and its not as if there's no audience - if anything there's more audience. Deep down people love conflict and they love to fight otherwise our history wouldn't be coloured with so much war.

Regarding criticism of Zelda 3 by Dimentio though - which is the most important part. You hit the hammer on the head Dimentio, rupee grinding is bad but for very different reasons. You think rupee grinding is bad because its too difficult without it. I think the quest is playable without grinding but the problem is that a player could artificially make the quest easy by grinding too much.

As for your OP screenshots and other criticisms regarding shooting statues etc... Well I tend to treat them as bad graphics more than anything. Doesn't really affect the challenge and is really more of an indication of the quest's difficulty intent than actually being difficult itself. And you know type B culture - bad graphics are A - okay!

Shane - I don't foresee that you'll ever convert a type B player to a type A player no matter how hard you try and persuade them. Had any luck convincing Nightmare? Judging by your recent 1 star rating of his quest I'd say not. And he was one of the most sympathetic type B players I have ever stumbled across - yet his actions speak louder than his words. All his quests are still type B at heart with only cheap buffs to appease type A.

Had any luck convincing Anarchy? Judging by this argument he'll always treat type A as public enemy number 1 and will never ever listen to a word they have to say ever again. If anything your convincing just does the opposite.

The problem is that you see your type A as the only "good" way of designing quests. If its not type A its bad - end of story. You really want to start convincing type B players to change their quests to suit you? How about you start changing your quests to suit us first - like your rite of storm which I think is a 1 star quest. Why don't you make a type B version of it and see if you can win a consensus type B acceptance of your work then we might very begrudgingly make our quests more type A. But until that day happens all you can do is talk and dream.