Quote Originally Posted by Saffith View Post
Just seemed a bit more logical to me; I tend to think "using" a key means doing something in addition to consuming one. Doesn't matter much, though.
I suppose it's fine. I don;t think most usersd would latch onto ConsimeKey as an identifier, simply because it is nonstandard language for hos the typical user would use the function. I remembered where I saw UseKey(): I thought it was from my work on std.zh, or on my lockblock scripts, but it was from link.cpp. :p

I put the functions in std.zh as-is for now. I had previously added NumLevelKeys(), but that's unimportant, as that is in the 2.0 version of the header.

I need to update this thread to beta 11, and the update will be in beta 12.

One thing that I would like to do, before the release of 2.53, is to go through and optimise the std.zh functions. In particular, in any case where we can use ++n instead of n++, I want to change the syntax; purely for performance reasons. (++n is 33% faster.)

If you have any ointerest in assisting with std.zh stuff, that would be fantastic. I'm going to clean up std.zh v2 in a few weeks, and we can all start debating that.