Quote Originally Posted by ZoriaRPG View Post
I feel your pain. Now firefox is dropping extension support, entirely. All of the extensions and plug-ins that we use, will cease working with FF 53.

The Mozilla team simply does not care. I'm on the verge of exploring alternatives based on the older Mozilla code, or just compiling my own browsers.

I mucked about with the linker options, and I think that I have the libs linked. they seem to be working,

New libs, only.

ugh. PNG and JPEG loading do work, but only on the second and later attempts. Something is not linked right, or the libs are not loading when the first instance of loading a file is called.
Why is there a jpgalleg.dll in the zip? As I already tried to explain, you need to build jpgalleg as a static library. Static and dynamic libraries both have the same file extension (.lib) but they are very different things.

The steps for doing this (works for me on MSVC 2015) are:

1. Run Allegro's CMake with SHARED set to true (checked).
2. Compile Allegro (only). This will generate alleg44.lib and alleg44.dll.
3. Run Allegro's CMake with SHARED set to false (unchecked).
4. Compile loadpng and jpgalleg (only). This will generate jpgalleg.lib and loadpng.lib (no .dlls).
5. Copy all .libs into libs/win32 in your ZC folder
6. Rename jpgalleg.lib to libjpgal.lib (or alternatively, change the name in CMakeLists.txt).
7. Build ZC
8. Copy alleg44.dll into whichever folder you are running the ZC .exes from.

Alternatively, you can skip steps 3-8 and instead build jpgalleg and loadpng from the standalone source, like we used to do (sources are in other/ldpng15.zip and other/jpgalleg-2.5.tar). These don't have Visual Studio projects so you'll have to configure and build them yourself (way easier than CMake, amirite?)