Quote Originally Posted by Tamamo View Post
There's a lot of old code that is commented out, unfinished, or just plain unavailable in the quest editor for various reasons.
What are your plans for resolving those issues?
My plan, in general, is to retain what is useful, finish what is practical, rewrite what is beneficial, and crimp out what is extraneous.

Ideally, to clean up as much as we can. We are also working on useful commenting of the codebase, over time.

Some code that is commented out though, we may retain, if we cannot reach a decision. Some of it is there as a record for historical purposes, and I do not personally wish to obliterate it.

There is also new code that is commented out and unfinished, because one or more of us has not yet completed it. That is a new issue.

As far as practical completion and revision, the general priority list is:

Rewrite Link's Collision Box with all objects and map flags, cleanly. Remove competing functions and make one universal collision calculation.
Rewrite warping, and segregate scripted warping from ordinary warping.
Revise weapons, and npcs.
Move script-only features into a scripting class.
Simplify trigger events, and make them cleaner, and more organised.
Add a series of methods to allow contributors to more readily and easily expand the script engine.
Add and strengthen sanity checks in the ffscript code to reduce accidental user errors that can, for example, do invalid things.
Expand, clarify, and generally improve script error reporting.

The culmination of this will make it much easier to do things, such as allowing custom sized player hitboxes and sprites; adding flags (and the flag editor), create less buggy scripts, and make it far easier to work with the source code. I have already made several documents for contributors, and developers alike, that detail holw to add to, or modify ZSvript functions, and variables; and class-components (weapons, items, and link; thus far).

These are separate docs. @DarkDragon suggested inserting the docs in-line with the source, but I feel that doing this will detract from the (already poor) readability. Instead, in-line comments will suffice, and I will eventually bind all these docs and notes into a PDF, as I will do likewise for ZSvript; and if we choose to implement AS as ZScript v9000, for that as well.