ZoriaRPG, the major premise in your post appears to be that if ZC does not support old ZScripts integrating flawlessly with new features, then everybody will refuse to adapt and the change is not worth doing.

I think this position is more conservative than the historical evidence has borne out. Nobody cares nowadays, for instance, that ZAsm is completely incompatible with ZScript and that you cannot easily write ZAsm scripts that interoperate with ZScript. Similarly, if some new hotness like scriptable enemies and weapons works only with AS, I think scripters would learn AS a lot quicker and adapt a lot faster than you give them credit for.

All that said, nobody here is ruling out a 100% working cross compiler, or fully functioning messaging system that supports ZScript and AS side by side. These are separate questions from the main topic here, which is brainstorming a messaging/callback system, a change that will help tremendously in making enemy and weapon scripting tractable, no matter what language the scripts use.

You are right that working simultaneously on AS and ZScript messaging is a spreading-out of scarce resources, but if you and Dimentio care passionately about maintaining compatibility of ZScript, perhaps you can help out with this task. As far as I know nobody (including Gleeok) objects to ZScropt and AS working side by side for the time being.