For the sake of manual color conversion between standard images and ZQ palettes, however, I think keeping the RGB values display is the best option. Using the arrow keys to raise/lower RGB values makes it relatively easy to match colors, while having to convert RGB to HSL adds a level of overcomplication that would put people off, myself included. (And yes, I'm aware of "Grab," but that comes with complications of its own.)

Though, I suppose you don't have to limit yourself to a single option, and perhaps stacking an HSL values display onto the existing RGB values display so that both could be seen/edited would be ideal. You could have a button to switch between the two, so that the arrows currently used to raise/lower RGB values could also raise/lower HSL values. It is an odd interface though, because of the way changing one value changes the entire display, and sometimes it can become an outright hunt to find the color you're looking for. Besides, I just don't know how many people, outside of advanced image editors, work with HSL. Computer design is RGB, print production is CMYK, and color management and other color mastering applications for both desktop and print almost entirely use LAB, so it's a very obscure option. I also agree that an RGB color picker would be both easier and more familiar for people to work with.

More to the point, I'm not even sure how ZQ would handle hex, since its color system works in increments of 4 up to a total of 64, rather than increments of 1 up to a total of 256. Wouldn't there have to be some kind of rounding system in place if somebody enters a hex value somewhere in-between the current color restrictions of 8-bit?