Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
What I want to know is how the compiler can figure out what to do with that when it's not allowed to optimize it away. -_` ...Does it still compile if you add the volatile keyword?

As far as the code goes, I have no idea. Just rip it off like a smelly band-aid. :) Actually, I hate all the joystick code in ZC. If porting ever goes somewhere I volunteer to rewrite it.

Ah wait a minute - variable length arrays in c++! Cool. Saffith: What compiler are you using?
He's using gcc via MSYS/MinGW. Same as me, now.
@DarkDragon There's plenty of unused rubbish floating in there. I believe that variable-length arrays are legal in some C++ standards. They are defined in C99, for instance, and IIRC some extensions supported them for a while (?).