Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
To answer the back-end concerns: I've switched various 'multimedia' libraries many times for other hobby projects in the past, sometimes halfway through a project, all without changing a single line of program code. I can drop in an allegro5, SDL, sfml, GLFW, etc. library to a project and all it needs is about 12-20 functions 'wrapped'. That's it. Trust me when I say that none of this really matters. The [only] important thing here is designing a very small concise API that can replace allegro calls directly in ZC; it doesn't matter where it goes after that, and who cares anyway?! ~Open a window; get an OpenGL context; get input; done.
That makes sense. Wrapping Allegro code into a small set of functions (and cleaning up the code a bit in the process) seems like a helpful modification no matter where the project goes, in terms of switching to Allegro 5, or SDL, or what have you. I will take a stab at doing this in the free time I have here and there.

More urgently, though, we need to do something about the status of the repository, and establish standard procedures (if they don't exist already?) for how patches by contributors are reviewed, what standards are expected from the patches, etc. Do you have thoughts on this?