Quote Originally Posted by Saffith View Post
To be clear here, the goal is to drop support for compiling ZScript; existing quests would continue to work. If backward compatibility weren't a priority, this would all be much easier.

There really isn't a good way to support both languages at once without undermining each of them. Enemies, weapons, and especially Link are all a complete mess, but we can't make any major changes to them without potentially breaking quests that depend on their weird behavior. Replacing them with scripted versions would fix that; their behavior would be part of the quests and unaffected by future updates. Continuing to support ZScript, whether or not the objects themselves were written in ZScript, would mean either keeping a lot of the weirdness we want to get away from or completely overhauling the language (which would be about as big a change as switching).
So when updating a quest from 2.5 to whatever version adds AngelScript, would there be a way to remove certain ZScript scripts that are broken? Or are they so incompatible that all scripts would be removed from the file? I'm fine with ZScript support being dropped, but I'm wondering how hard it will be (if it's even possible) to update a 2.5 quest over to the next version.