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Thread: FFC jumps into a changer

  1. #11
    The Timelord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tamamo View Post
    I personally think the 2.x branch is a waste of time. But that's just me. And no, we don't need you anymore @Saffith if your going to make comments like that. I'm more then happy to pick up where you left off. :-/ To be honest if @Gleeok hadn't push the damn source code (whose makefile didn't even compile on windows mind you nor does it remove encryption like planned) out so early there wouldn't be a need for a fucking 2.x branch. But that's just me being optimistic I guess. I'm equally to blame for the Nuclear fallout though. Since I sort of kept bugging him about it. Not to mention I suggested to both of them in private messages over purezc a LONG time ago. And I regret it everyday. In otherwords the 3.x branch is going nowhere fast. Because nobody is doing shit. It's suppose to be community driven. That was the original intent. Or has devs forgotten that. Anyways, I'm done being a megabitch for now. It's probably entirely all my fault anyways The three of us have had a lot of private conversations the past year or so I'm not sure how much influence I actually had, but perhaps my ideas where not as brilliant as I though. My bad guys.
    Actually, the 2.x branch is what you get, when five out of the six people interested in working on this, who weren't core developers, prefer to evolve 2.5, and add in the things we feel are missing, toward a definitive 2.x core, before working on 3.x, which (for the record) still has no roadmap...

    There is no reason that anything we want to add to 2.x can't make its way into 3.x, nor is there any reason that anything that has been considered for either is set in stone. The git repo is still a mess, too, and our group was hoping to put together a 2.53 release, with all clean code in its own repo, to fix this issue.

    For the most part, no-one is going to work on an open source project that they can't download and compile; nor do most users want to start working based on unstable stuff. If you want more people involved, then the foundation should be 2.50.2/2.50.3-ish, stable, equal to what they have available as bins, or very close; and something they can compile without jumping through flaming rings, off of the backs of rabid leopards, whilst singing 'Daisy, Daisy'.

    I'd say that the way it's packaged now is a prime reason that no-one is working on it except for a few zealots who want to add in all of our 'dream features' as our highest priority.

    I'm certainly not here to dissuade any of you from working on 3.x. My main point is that the 2.future group doesn't ultimately care if it's an official release, or a fork. We just feel that by making an official 2.x series of releases, we'd be doing a greater service to the userbase, by not having two different ZCs with similar versioning.

    @Saffith , I personally don't want to lose the bloke who's done almost all the debugging for the last four to five years, either. I just don't comprehend your objections to what we're doing, unless you just haven't read any of the threads, or PMs? We primarily discuss our agenda in a Skype channel, and then I handle documenting it, and presenting it to the public, so this isn't all simply a list of stuff that we expect you, or anyone else to do.

    I really have no idea what you want to do, as everytime I ask, you don't answer. We all have better things to do with our time than argue about this though, which is why I told Gleeok back in January (?) that if we couldn't settle on a plan, our group would just work on 2.53, 2.55, and2.6, and release them on our own, user confusion be damned, because kicking a can back and forth for six months with no finality in decisions on what's going on, is about as close to pure timeiwasting as is possible.

    i.e. It's time we could use to make this thing, instead of debating a 'plan', when we have a solid model that clearly differs from the deprecation philosophy. In a few months that we waste debating this, wasting mental energy to stress, and thus losing interest due to the conflict, we could have been at 2.55 with all the new drawing features, and new other things that people want.

    Instead, whenever we make progress, this argument resurfaces, and honestly, as I've said before, we'll just do our own thing and release it if this continues. At least that means that something will be released in the next three to ten years. Do we really want 2.11 / 2.50 all over again?

    P.S. The five of us involved with 2.future never have arguments like this. We all have similar interests in wat we wsh to accomplish, and are all in the loop. More often than not, problems like this arise from LoC. That's why we all stay in touch constantly, and why we actually plan out our goals in black and white.

  2. #12
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    Are we still going on about this? -Because I could of sworn that the horse had a proper funeral already, you know, with bagpipes and jets flying overhead and all that crap.

    Saffith basically gets to do whatever he wants because he knows what he's doing and he is a respected developer for many, many years throughout the 2.5 process. If you or anyone else can even get close to that level then you can maybe try and talk about how all your ideas are good and everyone else's are shit. That said, Saffith was nice enough to help set the working repository to a more sanitized state (essentially it is currently 2.53+) so that there would be a good jumping off point for everyone that was wanting to work on it. There's really no justification for this type of bickering any longer.

    In the past ZC devs would discuss "plans" or ideas on IM, chat, or the forums. Currently we have weird schedules and are only active enough to use the forums. If anyone wants to work on zc and has an idea to improve upon or create a new a sub-system or feature then I reckon the "ZC Development" forum is a good place to work out the logistics of any particular problem or idea with the code.
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  3. #13
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Okay, so I deleted my above post I'm going to start a new thread and post a link here so we can get this one back on topic.

  4. #14
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    edit: Let's try this again.
    Last edited by Tamamo; 06-24-2016 at 11:46 AM.

  5. #15
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Confirmed fixed by Saffith, in fact i didn't have to do anything. It was done in the latest.

  6. #16
    Is this the end?
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    Oh, this thread still exists, doesn't it?

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoriaRPG View Post
    I really have no idea what your plans are, and you've never really spelt them out for anyone: I've asked you in the past, and never received an answer. If you feel that we shouldn't be adding features like these, then aye, it's a divergence. I've said many times that the ZC3 stuff should be filed under a 3.x version heading, purely for this reason.
    My only goal right now is to clean up the code so that it's possible to make bigger changes without everything falling apart. Anything else comes after that. Even the AngelScript integration was meant to be to that end.

    If what we make works, and people like it, then you can decide if you want to use any of it for zc3.
    I don't consider backward compatibility optional. I don't want to put out 3.0 and have it be unable to play a large subset of quests, especially recent ones. If it goes into 2.x, it goes into 3.x.

    I just don't comprehend your objections to what we're doing, unless you just haven't read any of the threads, or PMs?
    I don't even see PMs here half the time. vB isn't so good with the notifications.

    More often than not, problems like this arise from LoC.
    ... Lines of code?

  7. #17
    The Time-Loop Continues ZC Developer
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    Do you have notifications turned on under settings?
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  8. #18
    Is this the end?
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    Yeah. They just don't seem to clear properly, so I've got 189 of them. There's a prompt that comes up, too, but not reliably.

  9. #19
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    "You have 1,309 messages stored, of a total 10,000 allowed"
    I'll trade you.
    This post contains the official Gleeok seal of approval. Look for these and other posts in an area near you.

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