I pretty much anticipated problems like that, and I made it a point months ago to make a stand to continuing the 2.x line, rather than halting its evolution towards 3.x, and blindly forging ahead to v3....Right now, as i understand the plan, we've rolled back (or are in the process of rolling back) to 2.6 flat. The three of us who were working on this, pretty much vocalised our desires, and now we're all on the same page.

May I suggest that you consider working on improving our present scripting language, moving as much as we can to variables, via setters/getters; and making 2.x as good as it can be for the present? The rest of us are on that page right now, and there is no reason that we can't add other scripting languages into ZC later on, using exactly the same basic internal vars and functions.

In fact, some of my parser modifications, and planned additional modifications, are for the strict purpose of allowing various forms of syntax.

I've already started adding things to ZScript that would, ultimately, make it as versatile as AngelScript, and more modernised. We need
people willing to collaborate on that, and there are three to five of us who are already doing that, albeit slowly. The pace will improve, the more that we accomplish, but it'd be nice to be able to delegate tasks to specific individuals, all based on their own personal goals, and expertise.
The basic idea is that any environmental factor can be modified by the scripting interface. I think that, bit by bit, we can accomplish that goal, without major paradigm shifts.

I know that you want ZC to move away from Allegro 4. I can even share that goal---to an extent--but that is an incremental process and we're simply not ready to jump into that at present.

I have also suggested working with the allegro 4 basecode directly, to make our own modified version that fixes some of the present flaws, as a stopgap. Migration to some custom engine really isn't viable right now; and migration to ag5 is a huge pain in the arse; but we do have a plan of sorts that pretty much everyone is on-board with, so perhaps you'll want to be a part.

All that said, you're a talented individual, and there's no reason that you can'twrite up whatever you want on (as a fork), and perhaps we can work with some of it, if you are adamant about your model. Hell, you can always release your own ZC version that is entirely custom, and if people like it, they'll use it.