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Thread: [RPG] Sword & Sorcery 2

  1. #1
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    [RPG] Sword & Sorcery 2

    Sitting in a tavern--the Filthy Rabbit--whose primary theme is skimpily-dressed waitresses wearing bunny-ear headbands--you patiently await your DRINK and your ORDER as you review the victories of your last score. Maybe you're counting your money. Maybe you're looking over that mysterious trinket you found. I don't know, I'm not omniscient.
    At the end of the bar lies a strange man dress completely in back with a wide brim hat, gloves, and BIRD MASK and red tinted glasses. He's been staring at a glass of water but hasn't taken a drank for the last half hour.
    Alternatively In the corner is a mysteriously beautiful woman drawing attention from the MALE crowd with her figure. Although she seems to have her mind somewhere else.
    Who are you, what brought you here, and most important of all what will you do?


    In an effort to keep my creative writing skills sharp, scratch my itch to get a role-playing game started again, and generate activity for AGN, I am starting the second sword & sorcery game. Let's do this shit. As for CJC he's been MIA for 2 months.
    As the thread title suggests this particular RPG will be fantasy themed.


    In short, there are none. The goal of the game is to tell a collective story and have fun. On each Tuesday and Friday, I'll post a scenario for you to react to and you'll post a response--in first person--explaining how your character reacts and what actions and reactions he or she takes and makes. When the next update rolls around, I'll post the results and a new scenario. Repeat ad infinitum.

    Each update will be segmented into sections, with each section pertaining to one player. The player in question will be tagged by the forum, and the first paragraph of such a section will start with the name of that player's character. You will not be required to read the paragraphs of other players (Or even their replies to the thread). I will distill any important cross-character interaction into your next scenario. If you are joining late, links to each update can be found in the second post of this thread so that you can easily jump past the responses to the new scenario. They'll be listed in reverse chronological order and they will be numbered, dated, and collected by setting.


    Rule Clarifications:

    General: Improvisation is a Staple
    You are free and ENCOURAGED to ad-lib. If a fact hasn't been established, it's fair game. If you make too wild an assumption, I will gently reel you back into the narrative. Also, if there is a non-player character and I have not stated they are LOCKED, then they are fair game; you may make them do and say what you please. Other player characters are always LOCKED, you cannot control another player's character.

    General: Summarized Conversations
    When conducting conversation with an NPC or another player, do not feel that you have to write out the literal dialogue. Posting the gist of your conversational goals is sufficient.

    General: The means through which new rules are dispensed
    I'll introduce more rules as they become necessary. When rules are introduced, they'll appear at the top of the update. The game is free-form, though, so just have fun with it. For the most part, if you want to do something your character can do it. One warning, though; if you go Marty Stu expect consequences. Also, try not to get too vulgar, there are kids on the forum (This is not the Veldt). Also, if there's a lot of interest I may split the game (and thread) into two (or more) instances.

    General: I played the other one, can I play my old character?
    Sure, i don't mine.

    Important: The Butterfly Effect
    Sometimes you will be given a Butterfly Effect decision. If you make the right decision something good will happen later on. If you make the wrong one, well expect something bad to happen. The cause and effect do not cancel each other out, as a butterfly flapping it's wings can cause a hurricane to come.

    Important: Dragons
    Do to a flux of energy in this dimension dragons cannot exist. They die if they come to this dimension which is called Nosgoth! I can swear that is from somewhere. Fantasy Realm Generator. meh.

    General: RPG Communication Mediums
    This is strictly a forum game. There will be no IRC or Skype component to this endeavor.

    Locked Characters

    Here is a list of the currently locked characters and the players who have access to them:

    Skie = @TheDarkOne [Pronouns: Rogue]
    Jade = @King Aquamentus [Pronouns: Dragonkin]
    Alty = @mrz84 [Pronouns: Author]
    Shirome (La Croix) Artiste = @Tamamo [Pronouns: Revenant]

    Merlina = Current Game Master [Pronouns: Magician, Slave of Xen]
    Nerinae = Current Game Master [Pronouns: Oracle, Slave of Xen]
    Teras = Current Game Master [Pronouns: Shadow Druid]
    Sophie = Current Game Master [Pronouns: Soldier, Author]
    Lilith = Current Game Master [Pronouns: Demon Queen]
    Xenovia = Current Game Master [Pronouns: Elder Evil, Main Antagonist]

    Roc Kings
    Raven King

    Any remaining characters not listed (like the crossbow burglar) are free game for anybody to post, manipulate, and act on as they please. Even with all this, I am quite generous when it comes to NPCs, just don't go crazy.
    Last edited by Tamamo; 07-13-2016 at 09:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    City of Dreams
    Spoiler: show

    A Voice from the Sea
    Spoiler: show

    Chapter 1 End 2-6-16
    Undersea Exploration 2-02-16
    Anemone Cavern 1-31-16
    Village 1-11-16
    Tavern "see post above"
    Last edited by Tamamo; 03-09-2016 at 04:33 PM.

  3. #3
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    I'm going to try playing a female for a change, if that's allowed.

    Character: Skie
    Race: Human
    Class: Rogue (calling her a thief is a deadly insult)
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Appearance: Skie is slender but not skinny, not especially strong but wiry and quick. She wears a midnight blue tunic under studded leather dyed to match. A back sheath holds a short sword and she has twin daggers at her belt. (Nobody can see this, but she also conceals two throwing knives in the top of her boots). She wears an amulet with a blue stone in the center, thought whether it is magical or ornamental is not apparent. Her hair is auburn and her eyes are dark green. She has an odd star-shaped scar on her right temple. just above eye level.

    Skie has been drinking some hard stuff for the past hour and is pretty well soused. She is on her fifth tankard and her last few coins. As she tips back her tankard, she notices the man in the bird mask--why is he staring at her? What's with this guy?
    Last edited by TheDarkOne; 01-19-2016 at 10:37 PM.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  4. #4
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    The man approaches you and orders you another tankard and a begins speaking. His voice is softer then you expect. You also note that that he smells of Lavender.

    "You look like your the kind of gal who can disarm traps. Name is La Croix, I'm part of a mercenary group who recently lost two of our best units. One was a BARD the other a PALADIN. It's a darn shame, but we need to move on. Need to find replacement units before we can go on our expedition and get the treasure our employers ask for. And our boss pays us all very well, room and board included. What do you say. We got a deal?"

    You notice the other woman has left the tavern yet you don't recall hearing the door open or close? Something is strange about her. The men would of been talking about her, as beautiful as she was. But they seem to have no recollection of her even being there and have gone back to drinking.

    everyone else can either wait until the next update on saturday or join in the bar and either choose to talk to Delilah (beautiful woman) or La Croix (plague doctor). Note that this is a butterfly decision one choice is good, the other is bad. Choose wisely.
    Last edited by Tamamo; 01-19-2016 at 11:15 PM.

  5. #5
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    I consider his offer and even through my liquor-induced haze something seems a little fishy. How would he know that I can disarm traps? Or that I am in need of money? I finish my tankard but do not take the one he ordered for me. I question him about his "employers" and the treasure he wants.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  6. #6
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    A femine voice emanates from behind behind the bar.
    "Hmmhmm, your smarter then you look. That's enough La Croix."
    A female mage appears from behind the counter and snaps her fingers, La Croix turns into a crow and flies to her shoulder.
    "Name's Merlina, and you've passed the test. There was no employer, and no expedition. I'm actually looking for people with wits about them to not fall for shady guys and investigate the disappearances of men in a near bye village about 2 hours east of here near the coast."
    The barkeeps face goes gloomy.
    "I heard about that, all of sudden a woman starts singing at midnight and then by morning some of the men would of vanished."
    A drunk old sailor spouts off.
    "It's them mermaids I tell you!"
    "Mermaids don't exist, you drunk."

    Interesting this woman appears to not be hiding anything that was powerful Lycaon magic she used just now. She could prove to be a powerful ally. Also this old sailor might be on to something about the mermaids, perhaps he has more information if you lend him your ear.
    What do you do?

  7. #7
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    Magic has always fascinated me. I have little talent for it beyond simple sleight-of-hand, but I liked seeing that. I'm interested in her offer, but I wonder if the sailor will tell me something more about the mermaids. I start to ask him. With a glint in his eye and a grin, he says he'll tell me all he knows for the price of a tankard. The lightness of my coin pouch prevents that, but I reach for the tankard La Croix bought for me and offer that to him instead.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  8. #8
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Merlina joins you at the table and the old sailor takes a sip of the tankard.

    "Aye, that is good ale. The story your gonna hear is not a work of fiction. Everyone else here will tell you it's the result from the trauma of losing my ship and crew but i saw what I saw. 30 some years ago i fell in love with a mermaid. A few years later I would meet my wife and break things off with the mermaid. That was my mistake. You see mermaids are possessive creatures. Very Possessive, and they consider mates their property. It's her I bet you, she's back for revenge. And she doesn't care if she destroys the entire village in the progress."

    Merlina's familiar shakes his head side to side almost if he understands the conversation.
    Merlina turns towards you. "We need to head to that village right away I have a bad feeling about this. Also I hope your not afraid of heights"

  9. #9
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    "Heights are of no concern to me. I've climbed up to third-story windows without a rope. If there's coin to be earned, you can count on me. But let me make one thing clear. I am no thief--I might not have much money, but every coin I do have was earned. So now that we have that out of the way, we can leave whenever you're ready." I am still drunk, but my highly-trained senses have not completely left me.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  10. #10
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Skie @TheDarkOne
    Merlina leads you outside and her crow hops off her shoulder and grows into a gigantic bird. A roc with red goggles.

    L: "Surprised human? This is my true form. All aboard and hold on tight, it's gonna be one long ride to the village."

    Merlina climbs aboard the rocs back and wraps her arms around it's neck.

    M: "Hold on tight."

    You follow suit and after an hour make it to the village around noon. Merlina snaps her fingers and La Croix assumes his humanoid form with his glasses in the shadows.
    There are several women around but no men. Perhaps you should ask around for more information.
    You also can see the docks in the distance, empty of ships.

    What do you do?

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Armageddon Games is a game development group founded in 1997. We are extremely passionate about our work and our inspirations are mostly drawn from games of the 8-bit and 16-bit era.