Quote Originally Posted by SUCCESSOR View Post
I assume you can already. If you take "1/2 Magic" as the minimum rate you can set up your drain rate to just begin at a higher drain rate and change actual usage through the editor, if needed. Say you start the drain rate value at 8. Then it could be varied starting at 4x, to 3x, to 2x, to 1x, to 1/2x.

The half magic icon is a subscreen element and I am not sure how it is triggered but I know how to fake it if you can't figure it out.
It's not even something that matters for my use, as I usually set MP cost by script, and parse all those costs through a filter function.

I just want to fix it, so that people can use the (item) editor without needing to muck about too much, by converting the values of that array to floats on the ZQ side. That'll allow decimal values, like 0.5, or .025, for multipliers of editor-abased magic costs. That shouldn't be too hard to change, on the source side, or so I hope. Of course, changing the quest format to reflect the additions that are on my list, and the expanded bytecode, is another matter. (It's pretty bleah.)