Quote Originally Posted by ZoriaRPG View Post
@Moosh Get your arse over here, and detail that problem you had with simultaneous collisions with your 'Death' enemy.
Okay, so it was a dark and stormy night...I was scripting a scythe swinging attack for a boss in Freedom in Chains. The attack had a slash animation made up of about 20 gradually shrinking circle draw commands. I wanted the whole thing to have collision, so I put weapons of approximately the same size under each circle and used ghost.zh to make them only last for one frame. I assumed it would only hit Link once per frame, but in testing it was an instant kill, way more than I'd set the weapons to deal. I figured ZC combines the damage of every weapon colliding with Link in the frame he gets hurt and so I switched to scripted collision instead. With only one weapon being created under Link when he collided with the attack, it worked fine.