ZoriaRPG, I believe the first collision triggers Link's "invulnerability" phase, so the second fireball strikes and does nothing because Link is temporarily invincible.
EDIT: Since the projectiles on screen are indexed just like enemies, that would mean the first fireball created gets to do damage, then invulnerability is triggered and the second fireball does nothing. This is the same as hitting a bubble to evade an enemy attack--the 0 damage hit triggers invulnerability provided it has a lower index than the enemy attack (on a one frame double collision).

Rather than make it a quest rule, could this be made one of the miscellaneous features of a shooter enemy? Maybe make it a distance variable, with 0 overlapping the two projectiles into a single shot. This would let quest makers define how much the fireballs are offset, to create some unusual 'bullet hell' situations with the build-in engine. It would also save a quest rule, which Saffith said was a nearly exhausted list.

Also, sweetness on the new version, good work ZC Development team!