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Thread: [RPG] Sword and Sorcery Play-by-Post

  1. #491
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    My bulky armor would slow me down if I tried the riskier routes. I must tread carefully. I place my trust in my comrades reaching the blade before being spotted (otherwise I am acting as a decoy). I attempt to take a counter-clockwise path to the center, doing my best to hide. I see an empty treasure chest and think that it could be useful. I attempt to use it as cover when moving about. I make a hole facing in each direction so I may see around me at all times, but only large enough so that I can see. I start my trek to the blade.
    Yay! : )

    Confused to what is going on, she watches as the Zataka, Goldleaf and Sancireph scatter in different directions towards the center of the island. Despite her crews' protest, she dashes towards Zataka to try and get more information out of him about what is going on when she sees him use the treasure chest as a mobile hiding place. She freezes for a brief moment in the utter shock from such a desperate tactic coming from him before she runs for the nearest cover to him. *Katrien will be shadowing Zataka until she can talk to him, while keeping out of sight of Erasmut for as long as possible*
    (Read 10-18-15)
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  2. #492
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Zataka you manage to spot something in the sky.
    At first you thought it was a really bright shooting star, but then you realize what what it truly is.
    It's a freaking meteor and it's getting bigger and heading straight for you and Katrien!
    What do you do?!
    (Read 10-18-15)

  3. #493
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    I notice the meteor heading towards myself and as I turn to cover, I spot Katrien whom I grab over my shoulder and run for the nearest sturdy cover out of the meteor's possible range.
    Katrien pounds her fists on my back saying she can run herself, but I ignore her and keep going.
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
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  4. #494
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    Using my elven agility, I run clockwise toward the opposite side of the ruin, hoping to put it between me and Erasmut as cover. I can only hope there will be a way to climb from the opposite side. Even if there is not, at least being behind them will buy me some time before he sees me.

    My rage has calmed a bit, knowing this serpent is not the one I have sworn to kill. Nonetheless, I still have deep hatred for all their kind. With the strength returning to my legs, I lift the staff with the bottom end in front of me. With a twist of a certain part of the staff, a foot-long, razor-sharp blade extends from the end, Thus armed, I approach the serpent. He has his eyes covered as he counts, and does not see me. ((This is the non-magical feature of the staff I mentioned before))

    (Read 10-19-15)
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  5. #495
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    All of sudden a meteor crashes into where you were all playing Hide and Seek alerting the dragon and causing him to uncover his eyes. The smoke clears and two things have happened.
    Subject to Gamemaster's approval.
    Those of you aiming to obtain the Wyrmkiller notice it's missing. No one and nothing is disturbed by the impact except the sand which was turned to glass, but the sword has seemingly vanished. PROBABILITY is a strange thing.
    Going to veto the disappearance of Wyrmkiller for now, but only if Gigamander is using it. Read the private message in your inbox to understand my reasoning for this.

    A figure also appears with a darkened expression, and the dragon addresses her with an impressed look.

    Erasmute: "Ooh pretty glass! Make more!"
    Gigamander: "I'm afraid we must talk about the temple your using as your personal toy box."
    E: "Why? It's empty and sunken. It makes a great toy box!"
    G: "That temple actually is occupied by the PINNACLE of WATER, Undine and she isn't happy with you."
    E: "What's a pinnacle? Are they nice, you don't look nice. You remind me of the dragonkin I sent there a little while ago."
    G: "Think of them as forces of nature, she rules over water, I rule over fire. She is in a bad mood however that's why you must leave."
    E: "Leave! But this is my favorite spot and i like playing with my toys here."
    G: "I understand your plight, I really do. But trust me, when Undine is mad she causes hurricanes and tsunamis. You get me?"
    E: "Ooh neat! I was wondering what that waterspout I saw earlier was!"
    G: "It's not neat at all, they're dangerous. Even I'm afraid of what she might do if this continues. So what do you say, will you oblige me and stop using the temple as your personal toy box?"

    P.S. "I've decided that assimilate will only work with Salamander. Since the deep emotional bond with spirits required to use it almost always takes several years to develop."
    Spoiler: show

    He's "you know who right?" a crazy bastard, and wants to make sure I don't get my sword back. He's also curious how someone like myself would even be able to use such a thing.

    @mrz84 @TheDarkOne
    Just in case you missed my first post: she is unrecognizable as Granberia but when she changes back... Yeah you will have to wait to see what happens.
    Gigamander Intro

    (Read 10-19-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-19-2015 at 09:26 PM.

  6. #496
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    You watch as Snow does one lap around the frogmen, sniffing them and sizing them up.
    Snow: "Is it time?"
    AoTH: "It is. Remember this well, Rose. I do this as a favor to you, which means when I call, you will come. Do you understand?"
    You nod.
    The wolf begins to howl. As the sound reverberates against the walls, it causes the frogmen to coil over in pain and collapse on the ground.
    One by one each vomits, eructing a frog of normal size and reverting to human (or humanoid, rather) form in the process.
    The captain is the last to do so.
    Captain: "This is... I can't believe it! We're back to normal!"
    He looks at his hands.
    Captain: "I'm... I'm so old. How long have we been like this?"
    He shakes his head.
    Captain: "It doesn't matter. Men! Go and scavenge the other ships for lumber. We repair the damage to the hull and set sail at once!"
    Sending them out of the cabin, he turns to you.
    Captain: "Stranger, I am in your debt. How can I ever repay you?"

    Erasmut shakes his head.
    Erasmut: "When I came here, that toy box was completely abandoned. It's very special to me, it's where I got big. Where am I going to put all of my stuff?"
    You suggest he use one of the ships up here. He twitches his nose at the prospect.
    E: "You're interrupting the game. Come back later."
    A darkspace wyrmhole pops up behind you and he nudges you in. You pop out in Undine's temple again, so you erupt out of the ground and return to the surface.
    Gigamander: "Maybe I'm not making this clear. You take your toys somewhere else, or something very bad is going to happen to you."
    At that moment, Erasmut lets out a shout. The BLUE WIZARD has jabbed him in the tail with his spear-staff.
    E: "GAH!"
    Another portal opens up and banishes the wizard away.
    You create a great ball of flames.
    E: "You shouldn't play with fire. It's hot and it hurts when you touch it.
    He tries to push you into another portal, but you evade him.
    E: "I said after the game is over!"
    Lashing you with his tail, still bloody from being stabbed, he knocks you upward into yet another portal. You're not back in Undine's temple, though. No... you're on the moon.
    You also feel radiant energy pulsing through your body, trying to filter the essence of Salamander out. Dragon radiation... it's reacting with Granberia's cells. This isn't good.

    You take the distraction of the meteor to try and regain some cover. But Katrien is non-compliant. The dragon lets out a horrible shout, and she steps out to see what's happening.
    Erasmut seems to be swatting away the fiery figure. You also note that both Sancireph and Goldleaf are gone.
    Suddenly, the dragon looks your way. You duck behind a rotten tree and he looks away.
    Erasmut: "Ready or not, here I come!"
    He dives into the water.

    Much to your advantage, the strange fiery figure has given you enough of a distraction to reach the far side of the ruined vessels, atop which the goal of the game sits.
    Still, it doesn't look like you'll be able to climb from here. There are certainly plenty of footholds, but the whole thing looks like it will topple at any minute.
    Then again, you ARE particularly nimble. Even if the thing starts to collapse, you might be able to redirect your weight enough to keep you from falling.

    In a fit of rage, you stab the blade down into the serpent's tail. He shrieks out in pain, a sound which is quite satisfying to you.
    However, before you can react he opens a portal through Darkspace and flicks you through it.
    There's something very wrong with this portal, though. It doesn't have walls like a normal wyrmhole should. And you feel as if you are being burned as you travel through it. You shield your body with your arms in an attempt to lessen the pain.
    When the darkspace spits you out, you find yourself in the middle of a desert next to one of those classic saguaro cacti.
    There's a silver scale embedded in your hand; you rip it out instinctively but the wound bleeds profusely, so you bind it with some cloth from your bag.
    You have no idea where you are, but you see wagon tracks heading north. You can't even SEE the sea, though, so you wonder how far you've been flung.

  7. #497
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    I think for a moment and look over the cabin and see a stake launcher hanging on the wall. I pick it up.
    Captain: "So I was not mistaken, you're one of those unusual types aren't you who can walk in sunlight and hunts her own kind."
    Rose: "Does it still work?"
    Captain "It works just fine, I killed a shark with it last week!"
    Rose and the captain laugh as she fires a stake into the wall.
    Rose: "We shall consider this your thanks. It will prove quite useful."

    ACQUIRE STAKE LAUNCHER AND 20 STAKES "oh yeah, I'm a vampire slaying machine now honey."

    I revert back to my normal form do to the lack of a energy source to fuel my fire and begin gasping for air. Granberia is distraught.
    Granberia: "The moon? Why are we on the moon Salamander."
    Nothing but silence...
    G: "Damn she can't here me cause there is no wood to power flame here."
    Granberia eyes her body noticing she is badly burned.
    "Damn, I really shouldn't abuse that power, but I had to. I didn't have wyrmkiller."
    Wyrmkiller: "It has been to long Granberia."
    G: "How did you get here!!"
    W: "Math magic most likely, He's either helping us or he's trying to confuse us. One of the two I know his formula to mess with me now, it won't work for a while, he'll need a new one. Never the less it is good to back in your faithful hands my trusted servant. Alas I suggest you get ready, you've got company."


    (Read 10-20-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-20-2015 at 12:44 PM.

  8. #498
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    @CJC @TheDarkOne @mrz84
    Important Updates regarding the Pinnacles
    The pinnacle of earth resides in a desert if you want to go that route and have Goldleaf attempt to contract him you can TheDarkOne. CJC can handle this if he chooses to allow for it, unless he wants me to.

    Who ever kills the dragon get's the contract now since Granberia failed her task. (This is what Undine wants, a dead dragon or for it to leave and never return. She also won't trust Salamander for a long time. Not the first time her sister went and mucked things up for her.)
    Killing the dragon isn't necessary. Undine wants the source of the frogweed removed, which she BELIEVES to be the dragon. There is another source (the primary source) within the temple itself, which will need to be removed directly.

    There has been a change, the pinnacles are locked NPCs and under CJC's control until you contract them which you gain access as well. There will be seven spirits total, they have both magical and non magical abilities. Making them good for non mages like Sancireph or Rose(nope).

    At Gamemaster
    I know I'm rent-a-what-cha-ma-call-it here, but I'm doing it for the greater good! I'm actually trying to spread the spirits out among the players of which there are four right now (possibly we can allow multiple characters but you must be a mage if we go this route right now any character has access, but only one character per player). You want to pick a spirit for your knight Gringham btw or is he dead for good? BTW feel free to VETO some or all of this. Your the game master it's your decision.
    This is fine.

    List of Pinnacles: Tenative
    WOOD: Bawu
    METAL: Brass
    STONE: Pygmy
    INCENDIARY: Salamander
    CRYONIC: Undine
    VOID: Shade

    (Read 10-20-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-20-2015 at 03:44 PM. Reason: Completion: But subject to CJCs Approval

  9. #499
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    With the little game of hide-and-seek becoming quickly out of hand, I once again grab Katrien over my shoulder.
    Z: "My apologies my lady, but my first priority is the safety of both of us. I know you can outrun me if you tried, but I want us to stay together if we are to both survive this little game of his"
    K: "That doesn't mean I like it! I'm not some child you know! I can take care of myself!"
    Z: "That may be, but I am not taking any chances."
    Katrien pouts while I run from Erasmut, drawing my greatsword for an attack if the chance arises.
    (Read 10-20-15)
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  10. #500
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    You take the stake launcher and leave the warship.
    As you emerge, you notice the scores of FROGS hopping towards the center of the island, as well as the lingering silhouette of the SILVER DRAGON.
    He's popping in and out of the water, poking his head into the various ruined ships.
    Erasmut: "Are you here?"
    You see some of the former frogmen cowering as the dragon makes its rounds.
    E: "Found you!" he shouts, and one of them vanishes without a trace, leaving behind the planks of found wood he had collected.
    Something catches your eyes, though. It's a book, sitting on the ground mysteriously. You turn to mist, float over to its proximity, and then condense back into the form of a woman to retrieve it.
    Before the dragon can spot you, you duck into the Katrien's Glory.
    What is this book? You open it and a blast of cold air hits you in the face. You laugh. It's quite refreshing, actually.
    Sound cries out from the book.
    Book: "Woo! You're getting very cold. You feel the sudden urge to close this book and put it back where you found it!"
    You laugh again.
    Book: "...Please?"
    There seems to be some entity residing inside of the book. It groans when you turn the pages.
    Book: "GAH! Watch the binding, watch the binding!"
    The book is the vessel of the lingering essence of a Psionic mage: YURI. What's left of his body was in the submerged ship, clutching the document.

    You leave Katrien behind some shelter while you charge at Erasmut, whose back is turned. You leap into the air, ready to cleave the beast with your great sword.
    Unfortunately he turns and sees you.
    Erasmut: "Found you!"
    A twisting portal of darkness opens between you and Erasmut, and as you are mid-jump you cannot avoid it. You pass through and land in a strange room, made of blue limestone and flooded waist high.
    Those strange weeds are growing all over the walls. There's also a member of the crew of Katrien's glory in here, though it's one you haven't seen with the explosion.
    Crewman: "Oh! It's the paladin! You have to help me. That swordswoman was going to help me but then she turned all flame-y and flew away. I've been down here for two days and there's nothing to eat."
    He looks mournfully at the junk on the walls.
    Crewman: "Except that, I guess, but it looks pretty poisonous. Do you have any food? Or better yet, a way out of here?"
    There's a door in the room, but it doesn't seem to have a handle. You also note that Milani's pendant is vibrating; it's almost DANCING on your chest.

    You begin to climb the pile of ruined ships to make your way to the goal of the game. If you can lay hands on it all of this madness will cease.

    Leaning on your training, you turn to the cactus as a source. You slash it open with your staff and freeze the juice inside, forming a mirror. Glancing into it, you see three images forked before you.
    Your fate is at a crossroads:
    There is some manner of oasis with a religious structure, located at the center of the desert. You would need to travel west to find it, but the image is distant, indicating the journey will be long.
    Alternatively, there is a port town, dry but bustling with commerce. You suspect it is the western port of the Mael sea. It might even be within teleporting distance with a darkspace incantation.
    Finally, there is a pulsing light. It is an indescribably powerful source of energy, located directly beneath you. You cannot calculate how deep, but it is within the range of your magic if you're clever: you can predict the location of an air pocket, warp to it, and then predict another pocket until you reach the necessary depth. There does not appear to be any source of sustenance there, though.

    You close your eyes and focus on the spirits that are available to you in your current predicament. There are a multitude of AIR SPIRITS hanging around you, it seems that your trip through Darkspace brought some oxygen with you. You can entreat them to follow you and recycle their oxygen so that you have a continuous source of breathable air, but this will require concentration and prevent you from casting other spells.
    Salamander has gone quiet. If you're going to escape this place, you will need her help. Perhaps there's something somewhere that can help you (or at least be used for fuel). Who knows, many DARKNAUGHTS likely store their junk on the moon, in the dark where people can't see it.
    The air is brisk, but not unbearably cold. You suspect this is because you are communing with the air spirits around you.
    You start walking, towards the darkness. Strange, the earth is so beautiful and quiet from here. It's hard to imagine; on the surface it seems like hardly a moment passes without something catastrophic happening, but up here it is still. Silent. Peaceful.
    Last edited by CJC; 10-20-2015 at 10:37 PM. Reason: Changed NPC Name

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