Using my elven agility, I run clockwise toward the opposite side of the ruin, hoping to put it between me and Erasmut as cover. I can only hope there will be a way to climb from the opposite side. Even if there is not, at least being behind them will buy me some time before he sees me.

My rage has calmed a bit, knowing this serpent is not the one I have sworn to kill. Nonetheless, I still have deep hatred for all their kind. With the strength returning to my legs, I lift the staff with the bottom end in front of me. With a twist of a certain part of the staff, a foot-long, razor-sharp blade extends from the end, Thus armed, I approach the serpent. He has his eyes covered as he counts, and does not see me. ((This is the non-magical feature of the staff I mentioned before))

(Read 10-19-15)