Normally I leave fishing to those proficient in it. However, the warship I wished to inspect can wait for the moment. I would bring my greatsword, but due to its massive size it would weigh the makeshift boat too much. Instead, I borrow one of the spare scimitars from the crew in case the frogmen decide to attack. I clasp my pendant for a brief moment and ask for my wife to see this vessel on a safe trip and back.

You and Jons drift out in the teak bathtub, hoping to catch some fish with the repaired net. Unfortunately, Jons is as much a greenhorn in fishing as you are.
The first time he tosses the net, he doesn't think to hold on to it. He's forced to dive into the water after it, and he emerges covered in algae and some of those poisonous weeds you scavenged the other day. GRAVEBLOSSOMS.
The second time, both of you toss the net while having a hand on it. You wait for it to feel heavy and then pull it up, but only manage to snag one fish. As you try to pull this fish into the boat, it slips through the repaired section of the net, as the weave is larger.
You both decide to give it one more go, this time tying the net to one of the oars and lowering it into the water slowly. Indeed, you feel a weight pull down on the net, but when you pull it up you find not fish... but an ALLIGATOR!
It attacks you, Zataka!
(Read 10-15-15)