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Thread: [RPG] Sword and Sorcery Play-by-Post

  1. #461
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    I choose to check the traps for crabs.
    GM Text "What do I fine?"
    "In the morning when it's safer I will explore the FORECASTLE with a harpoon and no armor, I'll need to make a breathing reed and some flippers though. I'm going to scavenge for materials so see you when I get back."
    Sancireph, You notice Cecette looking around to make sure no one is watching her as she leaves after me. You may choose to follow her if you choose.

    Outside cecette approaches me.
    Cecette: "I'm coming with you."
    Granberia: "Can you fight?"
    She wraps her arms around me and kisses me
    C: "I am a dragon after all honey, and a Mage. What do you think?"
    G: "Very well. Let's go."

    Rose "she needs a full extended rest until she's at full power again."
    She is quite troubled on the nature of the blood she consumed.
    I wake up light my Kurusu and have a smoke, then turn to Cecette and ask about the Dragon Scale and Tracks.
    Rose: "Interesting, I have a feeling we are in a dragon's bathtub and are it's rubber duckies."
    Katrien shouts.
    Katrien: "Bad Joke Missy!"
    Me and Wallace laugh.
    I decide I will do my best to help fortify the ship after a rest.

    GM Text Boxes
    Granberia checking the crab traps and scanvenging for materials to make diving gear.
    Side Note: I am actually going to make two reeds and two pairs of flippers.

    One of the traps has caught a crab. The other... no such luck. It appears to have been damaged from the explosion, and whatever was caught inside abused the impaired structural integrity to smash its way out of the trap. You toss it back into the water to be carried out with the tide, since it won't be useful.
    One crab... kind of a sad haul. Still, even split among the survivors it might help to make the rationing less intense.
    You begin to search the ship for materials useful in constructing a diving kit. When looking for a breathing reed, you notice the pile of weeds that were collected the previous day. You consider rolling one of them into a breathing apparatus, but Cecette stops you.
    "I wouldn't do that if I were you. I don't like the feel of those plants. They look poisonous; I certainly wouldn't want them near MY mouth."
    Looking outside the cabin you notice one of the frogmen dropped its spear. It's made of bamboo with sharpened stone tied to the tip. Since the handle is hollow, you could easily modify it to make a breathing reed.
    As for flippers... well, it doesn't seem like there's much around here which would work for that. You'll either have to dive without them or go scavenging the other wrecks.

    (Read 10-11-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-11-2015 at 04:55 PM.

  2. #462
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    After witnessing the exchange between Cecette and Granberia, I decide to mind my on business. I volunteer to go searching for more supplies. I suggest checking out the merchant vessel--my natural elven dexterity should be sufficient for me to climb to it without any problems, and it is the most likely to have something useful. I also mention that if any of the ships we search are intact, we can use them to escape from this place.

    Phantom magic ((OOC: Cone Of Cold is evocation magic in AD&D terms)) is not my specialty but it isn't as physically draining, so I am still mostly fine. Nevertheless, I stay behind to assist with the fortifications. As for a final line of defense, I mention that using the spell Magic Barrier around the cabin would prevent any opposition from getting in, but it will only last for about an hour. However, our physical fighters (Sancireph, Zataka, Granberia, Katrien, the remaining crew, and anybody else I've forgotten) can probably hold the outer line, and possibly I wouldn't even need to cast the spell.
    @CJC : I've forgotten, is Katrien locked?

    Katrien is locked under mrz84's control, so he and I may veto actions that you make with her if we feel such action is necessary. Still, you are free to make assumptions which can later be corrected with retroactive continuity (a ret-con), much like Tamamo assumed the diplomacy went well and I adjusted the outcome when such was not the case.
    (Read 10-11-15)
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  3. #463
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    (OOC: Yup, Katrien is now a npc by @mrz84 if IIRC But you may still may assumptions on her behavior, which is much smoother do to retroactive continuity. When you introduce an NPC you have access to it's key as well as the GM who access to all characters.
    For example when I demoted her to vice captain she got pissed. "As any captain would.")

    @CJC Any chance you could go over the 13 schools of magic and give us descriptions come the next update saturday?

    Will do. I'll explain the nature of each of the twelve schools (since Dragon magic has been established as a corruption of other magical forms), I'll go into detail about why I assigned a particular specialty to each character, and I'll talk about how various schools go about achieving similar results (primarily in the execution of elemental attacks, as those are a favorite in the setting). I know the magic system is a little confusing: I was trying to make it flexible enough to cover all the bases while making it unusual enough to be interesting.
    (Read 10-11-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-11-2015 at 02:45 PM.

  4. #464
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tamamo View Post
    I choose to check the traps for crabs.
    GM Text "What do I find?"
    GM Text Boxes
    Granberia checking the crab traps and scanvenging for materials to make diving gear.
    Side Note: I am actually going to make two reeds and two pairs of flippers.
    One of the traps has caught a crab. The other... no such luck. It appears to have been damaged from the explosion, and whatever was caught inside abused the impaired structural integrity to smash its way out of the trap. You toss it back into the water to be carried out with the tide, since it won't be useful.
    One crab... kind of a sad haul. Still, even split among the survivors it might help to make the rationing less intense.
    You begin to search the ship for materials useful in constructing a diving kit. When looking for a breathing reed, you notice the pile of weeds that were collected the previous day. You consider rolling one of them into a breathing apparatus, but Cecette stops you.
    "I wouldn't do that if I were you. I don't like the feel of those plants. They look poisonous; I certainly wouldn't want them near MY mouth."
    Looking outside the cabin you notice one of the frogmen dropped its spear. It's made of bamboo with sharpened stone tied to the tip. Since the handle is hollow, you could easily modify it to make a breathing reed.
    As for flippers... well, it doesn't seem like there's much around here which would work for that. You'll either have to dive without them or go scavenging the other wrecks.

    You begin to climb the sea stack, confident the frogmen could not occupy the MERCHANT SHIP as the climb is too treacherous. Reaching the boat, you come across a rather large hole in the hull. It could be patched, but first you'd have to get the ship off of this rock formation. Still, it makes a nice means of entry.
    Boarding the merchant ship, the first thing you note is the unbelievable wealth of artifacts in the hold. It looks like this vessel was being used to smuggle cultural treasures. There's quite a bit of gold, too, scattered about in trunks and gaudy sacks with dollar signs on them.
    As you step into the ship, you notice that it shifts uncomfortably from your weight. It is almost as if the thing was balanced on top of the stack. ...Placed.
    Uh oh.
    You hurry to the center of the hold so that you can catch your balance and keep the ship from rocking. If you are going to take anything from this ship, you will have to be careful to counterbalance the weight of the object removed. Alternatively, you could arrange for the ship to topple and then pick through the rubble, but that would eliminate it as an escape candidate.

    Mangetsu Zataka,
    The immediate threat out of sight, you decide to go into the cabin and fetch some breakfast. Wallace, the one-armed cook, seems to be struggling with the net you retrieved the previous day.
    "Drat, the damn thing is all tangled!"
    You ask what he's up to.
    "Well, the captain's private washtub is made of teak, so it will float. If we can get this net straightened out, we might be able to paddle out a ways from the island and catch some fish. But this net's got a tear in it and it's all tangled up"
    You wonder how you might help.

  5. #465
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Retroactive Continuity
    (OOC: Granberia is much more resourceful then you think, if it's broken she will attempt to either repair it later or make it into something else.

    I doff my armor at the cabin and grab a harpoon and tie a knife I found lying around to a rope which a wrap around my waist and head to a cliff where I build a bonfire to draw power from.
    Salamander manifests inside the flames.
    "Remember my powers won't work underwater."
    "That's not what it's for Mom."
    Drawing the power of the flames within my body I get a running start and dash for the forecastle and make a leap for the ship. ROCKET JUMP! I now color code my Fire Abilities in orange.
    "Only my daughter comes up with these ideas. *sigh*"

    (Read 10-12-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-12-2015 at 01:12 AM.

  6. #466
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    Repairing nets isn't my specialty, but I will assist however I can. I look for something that could be used in place of the hole, perhaps some strong rope. While I search, I for rope, I check on Katrien to see if she is getting enough rest. I don't want to risk losing anymore survivors so long as I have the power to prevent it.

    *I'd like to say that while I have do partial control of Katrien, I will only correct actions others make with her that I deem necessary to do so. That said, I am confident that nothing truly crazy will be done and leave final say-so with CJC as far as her actions outside of that are concerned*

    (Read 10-12-15)
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  7. #467
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    ((OOC I had an idea with Katrien but since she is locked I won't do that))

    I leave the ship as it is for now and return to the cabin to report what I found. The blue wizard Goldleaf speaks ip, saying he has magic that could easily help, I ask him for more detail. After his explanation, I agree that it is worth a try, but I ask the others for their input.

    Upon hearing of Sancireph's discovery, I realize that I could use a spell of Levitation to try and get the ship down. It's size might have an impact of the effectiveness of the spell, but if nothing disrupts my concentration, it should work. I explain to Sancireph and he agrees, but asks the opinion of the others.

    Interesting plan!
    (Read 10-12-15)
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  8. #468
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    WALLACE nods and turns asks you to try to find some rope on board, preferably dried it will be useful for repairing that...
    He points to a damaged cannon and hook.
    "It's a grappling cannon. using it we can make a zip line the rope got burnt during the battle with the dragon and JON is trying to repair the cannon itself the hook surprisingly still works. So no problems there. Firing mechanism is shot though may'be the Dragonkin can figure something out we ain't going to find the materials unless we find a similar cannon.
    @CJC since granberia is gone already and rose is sleeping Wallace is being used my bad.
    Also is the post limit still 6?

    It seems a little less important now that double posting is off the table. Don't worry about it for now, and let's see how the rest of the week goes. As long as I'm breaking up the action tennis with my own responses it seems manageable.
    Also, your use of Wallace doesn't violate his character concept, so it's perfectly fine.
    (Read 10-12-15)

  9. #469
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Katrien stirs in her slumber. She's smiling, though. It seems like she's dreaming about something pleasant. From the gestures she's making with her hands, it's likely she's fantasizing about a mound of treasure.

    Jons stares with worry at a crack in one of the two cannons. He hadn't spotted it when they were set up outside the cabin the previous day, but it's a good thing there wasn't any powder to load the thing with; it would have exploded. He asks around if anybody has a welding torch.

    Wallace goes back to repairing the net with Zataka, using some cords the paladin claimed from the cabin's curtains.

    Another crewmember works to board up the windows. When someone asks what she's doing, she says that the frogmen could attack again at any time and if they can be bottlenecked at the door they'll be easier to fend off.

    Sanceriph returns from excavation, talking of a ship precariously balanced atop a sea stack. Goldleaf suggests the ship might be levitated down to the ground, but they need the consensus of the crew before making an attempt as the spell is complicated and requires absolute concentration.

    Rose dreams of counting vampiric sheep.
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  10. #470
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    A manage to make the jump. And splash into the water near the forecastle of the sunken ship which I am still unable to unidentify I take the breathing reed and pop it in my mouth and surface enough to poke it out of the water and enter though a gap in the haul. I swim lower and find skeleton. I swim past it. I surface again to breathe inside the ship resubmerging and head for the captains quarters. when something catches my eye underwater. a book near the skeletons hand."
    Salamander "This book is enchanted Granberia It cannot become wet, it's probably cursed too."
    Granberia "Thanks for the warning. Mom." I say with a smile.
    I continue on ignoring the book and entering the captain's quarters i think, but i find the kitchen, I decide to see if I can find any goods.
    GM Text Here "what does she find?"
    I surface once more and continue onwards and eventually reach my goal, but unfortunately the door is locked.
    G "Alright we're going to need a new plan, let's return to base for now."
    S "Damn, and I was hoping to see Undine and her pet Hippocampus too. Why couldn't you be a water dragonkin Granberia!"
    As I swim by the skeleton I instinctly snatch the book and quickly swim away
    I return with the stuff needed to completely explore ship, "the skeleton since I took the book."

    @CJC any chance I can fight the skeletons when I/we come back here? It would of moved of course since removing it's treasured belonging. "this one was the captain."
    also I'm curious what the nature of this ship is. Perhaps it was an exploring ship?

    Well... self-animating skeletons wouldn't really be a thing. It's possible that a magician could be animating them, but I need to think on this. It will be easier to explain after the next update, as I'll be posting an explanation of each of the magical schools and that can be used as a reference for how the dead are being animated (or rather how the book came to be cursed in the first place).

    GM Text Boxes
    Scavenge for not rotten food in the kitchen. "Obviously canned goods. I can only carry a small amount in my under garments (top and bottom) since I have my reed and book (ship log???) in each hand.

    Alas, it seems this ship has been submerged for quite some time, considering the crew's bodies have nothing left but their skeletons. The kitchen is full of putrescent brown clouds which may have been edible when the ship was sailing but are nothing short of disgusting now.
    Still, you do find something interesting: it's a knife. It's made of a clean, white material. Ceramic? It looks very sharp. You take it, since you are currently without weaponry following your loss of the Wyrmkiller.
    Emerging from the water, you take note that the book you acquired is a DIARY. As you try to open it you feel a tremendous burst of cold, forcing you to turn away. You slam it shut.

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    (Read 10-13-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-13-2015 at 03:55 PM.

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