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Thread: [RPG] Sword and Sorcery Play-by-Post

  1. #451
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    I draw my Mithril Greatsword with a smile. I sense something as I ignite it with flame.
    Granberia: "That you Mom?"
    Salamander: "Yeah, be careful Granberia there is a lot of wood around here and some of it is dried and rotten. You don't want to start a fire that goes out of control."
    G: "Thanks for the warning."
    S: "Cheers, and come and visit me sometime, it get's lonely in this volcano."
    Taking SALAMANDER'S advice into account I tone down the flames into a searing hot blade that makes our surroundings easier to see since it's nightfall.
    G: "Neat trick huh Sancireph, I won't be able to use much magic here, the wood might be too flamable and we don't knows if their is gun powder aboard any of these ships Just gonna have to cook us some roasted frogmen with a searing hot giant knife I guess."
    I take an offensive stance. This troubles Sancireph knowing of my Serene Mind ability. @CJC It has no effect on aquatic monsters do to it being of water origins. But also a natural warrior thing I picked up back in the Far East.

    May I assumed you declined the opportunity then? "Pink Text Block"

    (Read 10-10-15)

  2. #452
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    @Tamamo : That would be correct. Sancireph still doeon't completely trust her but she has been of help and shown no ievil intentions. I think he can trust Granberia to keep an eye on her.

    (Read 10-10-15)
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  3. #453
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    *during the dream* I recall that it has been at least 3 years since my departure from my world. I left the safety of my family to that of the
    guardian of the Royal Family, who also helped me during the battle with the "dark lord" I fought. The man had been hellbent on slaying the youngest
    of my newborn quartet children, claiming he would be his undoing one day. The battle that ensued nearly cost my life had the Royal Guardian
    and the Gods themselves not interfered. Instead they separated the soul and body of the "dark lord" from each other and sealed them away. This measure was
    only temporary however. I journey to find out more of this "dark lord", where he came from, what he intends to do with so much power at his command, and
    how I can defeat him once he is unleashed. < @CJC we can discuss more of this via PM if you with to include more of this in the story >

    @mrz84: As you wish. I wanted to give you a little room to explore it more, since the pressing concern about consuming other characters is directly tied to your pursuit of the dark lord. If you want that hunt to take a more active role in the plot of this game, send me a private message with some details and I will work towards that goal.

    *frogmen attack* I will of course lend my blade to the defense of the camp. I enchant my blade with wood so that I can easier defeat my foes is they
    try to escape my reach. I take a defensive stance as the rear guard and urge everyone to be careful and not go near the water (there could be frogmen
    in the depths waiting to drown us). I urge Katrien to rest and only fight if she is in immediate danger and leave the defense of the camp in my hands.

    (Read 10-10-15)
    Last edited by CJC; 10-10-2015 at 03:08 PM. Reason: Read this post 10-10-15
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
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  4. #454
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tamamo View Post
    GM Text Boxes
    What do I dream about?
    As you dream, you find yourself walking through a forest. You see a man. He is vaguely familiar but you cannot recognize his face. He is far ahead of you, barely a shadow in the dusk of the trees. As you run, your boots clog up with mud, forbidding you to keep pace with the man.
    You try to focus on him and get a better view. He is a not a stranger, but rather a phantom from your past. As far as you can tell, the figure is that of your father.
    As you stare at him you note that the silhouette is twisting, reshaping, until he takes the form of Wallace the chef. It's odd how a simple act of kindness can place someone in a family role.
    You try to reach him, but you cannot keep pace. Looking down, you see that it is not mud which is globbing up on your boots, but clotting blood. It draws you down in a vortex. You reach out to Wallace but he continues onward into the woods, until his silhouette merges with the darkness.
    As the pool of blood envelops you you jolt awake, terrified.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDarkOne View Post
    GM text needed for Sancireph's observations.
    You quickly assess the battlefield. There are roughly fifteen frogmen in sight, approaching slowly and utilizing the ruined ship scrap as cover. They look like a scouting party; no doubt they noticed the arrival of the Katrien's Glory in the grotto the previous day and they are assessing the threat.
    A show of force may be more effective than a slaughter here... it would convince them you are a threat and might make them more cautious in the future. ...Or, they'll decide you're too dangerous a rival and send a massive attack force next time.
    You note that each is wielding roughly identical equipment. They are unarmored, wearing only sailors clothes they likely scavenged from other ships. It's also unlikely they have any magical force to speak of, as you'd suspect a wizard would dress differently from the others. There's something about magic users that draws them to gaudy blue moons, after all. Zataka makes a good point, though. They could very easily have more forces hiding below the surface of the water.
    So... a demonstration or a slaughter? Which would be the better approach?

  5. #455
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Kuo-Toa, these guys like mime I dealt with them while acting as a escort and guard for a diplomat. I sheath my blade and approach the frogmen who point weapons at me. I shake my head and smile, using a combination of simple my kick ass miming skills I try to communicate with them and ask them if they have seen a sword in the ocean that doesn't like dragons. And that it belongs to my people and they will be rewarded if they return it! I also juggle fireballs to show how entertaining I can be.

    (Read 10-11-15)

  6. #456
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    I keep my blades drawn in case Granberia's diplomatic approach doesn't work. I watch the ones further away, to make sure they aren't trying to sneak around and attack us from behind. I hear Goldleaf murmuring behind me, but as I am not a wizard I cannot make any sense of his words.

    Knowing that these frogmen are amphibians, they are cold-blooded, so ice magic would be most effective. I murmer to myself the words of the spell (the words alone do not cast the spell--material components and somatic gestures are needed as well) to have it ready. The spell I choose is Cone Of Cold, as it will hit more than one of them at a time.

    (Read 10-11-15)
    Last edited by TheDarkOne; 10-10-2015 at 11:48 PM. Reason: Spelling errors
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  7. #457
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    I stay on guard and alert, ready to defend the main entrance to the cabin.

    (Read 10-11-15)
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
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  8. #458
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    The lime text is what happened, so I removed the original.

    (Ret-Con - The diplomacy was unsuccessful)
    Caught up in your juggling fire, you begin to daydream about how you will make peace with the frogmen. You can feel the great spirit of water UNDINE somewhere near here, and so you fantasize that the frogmen are fleeing a more dangerous force and will assist you in making contact with the spirit in exchange for your help against their enemies.
    Unfortunately as you are pondering such things, one of the frogmen gets a sinister look on his face and slaps your hands away. The flame you had been juggling crashes into the deck behind you, setting the remnants of the Katrien's Glory ablaze.

    (Read 10-11-15)
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-11-2015 at 05:02 PM.

  9. #459
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    ((OOC: @Tamamo I think you should delete that last post. How the frogmen react should be up tp CJC, as he is the GM. No offense , but you are kind of steamrolling and that is not how this game works. This is not a flash RPG. @CJC I apologize if I am mini-modding but I really think the outcome should be your decision and not Tamamo's))

    Thank you for your concern. I know I have been a little lax in the past about retroactive continuity, but I am going to be more proactive about it from here on out. If players make assumptions about actions (as Tamamo has with the assumption that Granberia's diplomacy is effective) I will correct the assumption if it is false, just as any player may correct an assumption made against their character(s).

    Abe: "Jim trips on an exposed root"
    Jim: "Well, I WOULD have tripped on that root, if I hadn't insisted that you go first."
    Abe: "Well, I WOULD have gone first, if I hadn't recently suffered a pulled calf muscle that made it impossible to traverse the jungle. ...Uh oh, did I just type that? Crud, a pulled muscle is much worse than tripping!

    Anyway, it'll be okay.

    (Read 10-11-15)
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  10. #460
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tamamo View Post
    Spoiler: show
    All of sudden a Kuo-Toa in a Captains Clothes walks forward and hats his equipment and follows suit pantomiming and ribbiting for quite a while.
    I nod respectfully and pantomime "that is all."
    He nods, and says something in froggish and they hop off.
    "We we're lucky, Sahagins live on the otherside and are not near as nice; something about UNDINE'S TEMPLE being underwater near here. I want to stop by there but it'll be difficult without some sort of magic or diving gear.
    "I guess these guys are are actually just refugees, trying to hide from their own so they don't have to fight a pointless war with the Sahagin for control of the island. Seriously though there is nothing here anyways except a ship graveyard."
    "But something isn't right, Undine despises war. She is a peacful spirit. Unlike my hot headed step mother."
    "We should head back to the cabin now, tomorrow we'll explore the Sahagin territory and try to see about that temple. If I can convince her to Contract with me she can not only help me get the WYRMKILLER back but also get us off this cursed island."

    @CJC Yes that just happened. Now we have frogman deserters, UNDINE who is most likely pissed off (which might explain the turbulent seas Rose experience perhaps?), and two warring fractions. You get to keep your silver aquatic dragon though.

    SALAMANDER IS LOCKED and under my exclusive control. NO YOU CANT HAVE MY MOTHER CJC! "just kidding, it's a normal lock"

    I'll pm you my Idea for UNDINE.
    Caught up in your juggling fire, you begin to daydream about how you will make peace with the frogmen. You can feel the great spirit of water UNDINE somewhere near here, and so you fantasize that the frogmen are fleeing a more dangerous force and will assist you in making contact with the spirit in exchange for your help against their enemies.
    Unfortunately as you are pondering such things, one of the frogmen gets a sinister look on his face and slaps your hands away. The flame you had been juggling crashes into the deck behind you, setting the remnants of the Katrien's Glory ablaze.

    As the diplomacy fails and the frogman shoves Granberia, she loses control of her fire and sets the ship ablaze. Luckily you had prepared a cone of cold (a communion with spirits... PHANTOM magic) and you unleash it in a blast of fury towards the flames. They are doused, but as the cold sweeps the ship you notice it drives the frogmen to flee. You shrug this off as an instinctual avoidance by their cold-blooded nature; a freezing blast would have easily incapacitated them had they tried to hold their ground.

    The frogmen have retreated... for now. The sun has risen and it is the start of a new day.
    You each need to decide whether you will work on scavenging duty or fortification duty.

    If scavenging, note there are three key landmarks you can see from the deck of the Katrien's glory which have not been explored yet:
    Some manner of MERCHANT SHIP teetering precariously on a sea stack at the center of the island.
    A large WARSHIP located on the far side of the island. It appears to be mostly intact.
    Finally, there is the forecastle of a mostly submerged ship, sticking out of the water on the coast directly west of the Katrien's Glory.
    There may be other, smaller vessels as well, but these are the largest and the ones closest to being seaworthy.
    Also, though the frogmen fled the Katrien's glory, they're likely still out there waiting to spring an ambush. If you choose to scavenge, expect combat.

    If fortifying, you will need to:
    Find or fashion tools to conduct repairs (so that a nearly intact ship might be repaired for escape).
    Find a source of fresh water.
    Set up traps to ward off further attacks on the cabin.
    Board up some of the entrances to the cabin to counter the possibility of a flank by enemy forces.
    Fortifying is safer than scavenging, but work needs to be done to keep moral high. If you choose to fortify, expect conversations.

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