(Okay, this week has been a little crazy and I think it's left everybody just a touch sore. It was not my intention to aggravate anyone; I simply became confused because more happened than I expected. At the players' request, we will fast-forward to dusk back at the ship.)

Rule Clarification:

ACTION: Game Pace
To avoid confusion in the future (particularly for the game master), please keep the following in mind:

1.) I am much more likely to miss a call to insert text at the center of a post than I am at the end of a post.
This doesn't mean I'm not reading your posts. By the contrary, I read every post during the week and then I read it again as I am writing the update.
Unfortunately when I'm sorting through the posts the second time, I frequently forget that there was information necessary in the post (as I take it as a whole).
As such, I encourage players to place a call for Game Master text at the end of a post, so that I can respond through action tennis instead of waiting until an update. This will benefit you as well, as the information you receive could influence how you wish the characters to react.
(As it is unfair for me to make this request without making a similar concession, there will no longer be calls for "Act Medias Res". Instead, when a scene requires additional clarification I will write in a flashback in the current update, which you may respond to just as any other scenario.)

2.) I read posts twice. If the post changes between my first and second reading I will become very muddled.
At the moment I realize there's no way for you as the players to know whether or not I have read a post. Starting with this update, I will edit the word (Read) into the bottom of posts I have examined already (as I have the unholy moderator power to do so).
I kindly ask that if you see this text at the bottom of one of your posts, please refrain from editing that post. I have likely already starting brainstorming what will happen and such an edit will confuse me.
(As a concession on my part to make this fair, I will not edit updates or Game Master responses at all once posted. I will--in my best effort--ensure that the update covers everything it needs to before it is posted. If I forget something, well, then it's a bummer on me; I'll try to fill it in later with action tennis.)

3.) I might need time to come up with a viable retort. Likewise, other players may need time to construct a response. Please refrain from double-posting.
When characters were distinguished by post it was okay to respond multiple times in a row. Since it has now been popularized to post actions for all of a player's characters simultaneously, I ask that before posting a second round of actions you allow at least one other player (or the game-master) to post. This may give you more material for your second post and may even change your plans completely.
(To make an equal sacrifice, I will refrain from surprise updates from here on out. Updates will only occur on the weekend, likely on a Friday or Saturday night. There will be no more Sunday or Tuesday updates interrupting the player interaction.)


(Character limit exceeded, update will be in the next post)