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Thread: [RPG] Sword and Sorcery Play-by-Post

  1. #411
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    I draw my blades and approach Navine. I sense the demonic presence inside her and am prepared to battle it once it emerges. I will try not to harm the girl in the process, but the demon must be destroyed. The dragons will come when they come, but when Zataka casts his spell I need to be ready to attack before it can find a new host--I will have only minutes.

    I notice Sancireph standing over the barmaid with his blades ready, but he does not appear to be threatening her--it's more as if he is waiting for something. Meanhile, noting what Granberia has said about the dragons, I use a nearby pail of water as a scrying mirror to see if I can divine where the dragons are, and if they are coming here.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  2. #412
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Granberia: Granberia finishes crafting the stakes and walks over to Goldleaf and hands him one of the CRIMSON STONES. "That is scrying magic is it not, it's part of a set of three and one of them is inside CECETTE's chest."

    Alisia: I step between Sancireph and Nadine and tell him not to be rude to our guest and follow up with a telepathic message. "Me and Zataka, have plans for her. Worry not the barmaiden will survive." This allows you to see her for what she truly is and she immediately blocks you again. Her heart is black, and she is plotting something sinister.
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-01-2015 at 11:49 AM.

  3. #413
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    I touch the stone for a moment but do not take it. In my mind I see an image of D'Arsonius, but he appears to be injured. But how? And by whom? If he is controlling Cecette, what will happen to her if he dies? I remove my hand from the stone and the vision fades. In the water I see Cecette. (@Tamamo, fill in here what I see Cecette doing).

    "Do not attemot to deceive me. I know what you are." The edge of one my blades is now pressed against her throat. "Make one wrong move and your head leaves your neck." One of the ship's crew then proceeds to bind her hands, then blindfolds her, standing guard over he with his own sword, as I await the emergence of the demon.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  4. #414
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-02-2015 at 12:44 PM.

  5. #415
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    (OOC: Some things I would like to clarify as well.

    First, earlier posts mentioned Sancireph sensing a demonic presence in Navine. Why are you only now saying that she is blocking him? This was never stated before.

    Secondly, Sancireph, being an aasimar, has an innate ability to sense celestial and demonic presences. It's not something that can be "blocked." He may not be able to tell who or what (ie, he doesn't know it's a succubus or that it's Lilith), but he knows it is there. Thus, he is prepared to battle the demon, whatever form it takes. You may have noticed that I never mentioned the demon's name in any of Sancireph's actions.

    Thirdly, I apologize for forgetting that you no longer control Cecette. That was an oversight on my part.

    Lastly, Goldleaf was only able to scry D'Arsonius when he touched the stone Granberia offered him. That is the only reason he could see him. The injury was to add a new element to the plot as I don't recall the D'Arsonius character being specified as locked. If he is, then you can disregard that)
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  6. #416
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-02-2015 at 12:15 AM.

  7. #417
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    I'm just going to retire Alisia, it's not worth this scuffle and I don't see characters with intercharacter personality development and multiple outcomes working out except in death. I'm bringing back the vampire romance plot, but it has changed quite a bit. I also did this.

    Spoiler: show

    Name: Granberia
    Race: Dragonkin "Jade Empeor""
    Class: Heavenly Knight / Cursed Swordwoman
    Height: 6’9”
    Weight: 300 lbs of muscle
    Alignment: Lawful Good "back to the straight and narrow!"
    Equipment: Wyrmkiller, Mithril Great Sword, Mithril Breast Plate, Soldier’s Insignia "Officer Rank), Purple Cape, Giant Stakes, Dragon’s Tooth "it's a memento from my first battle with a dragon.", Two Crimson Stones
    Origin: Abandoned Child
    Personality Trait: I’ve lost too many friends, and I’m slow to make new ones.
    Ideal: For someone who one lost everything dear to them I care nothing for ideals, but I have one goal in this life. Kill the bastard vampire dragon that ruined my life.
    Bond: I’ll never forget the terrible defeat we faced at D’arsonius wrath and the friends that died that die.
    Flaw: The monstrous dragon that left me as the only survivor of my kingdom still leaves me quivering with fear. I relive the events in the form of a nightmare every night.
    Beliefs: I have done many bad things to get where I am today. But I believe I am now heading in the right direction thanks to the Holy Warrior.
    Story: I have hunted dragons for the last two years. I once served in the royal army of a kingdom in the Far East. The princess had come of age and we we're holding a banquet at nightfall to celebrate. That is when it happened. A viridian dragon from the west with a red stone in its chest came and grew a 2nd head with scales and eyes as red as blood. It destroyed the castle and began its’ slaughter laughing maniacally, we tried our hardest to kill it, but even after dispatching the first head the dragons its' blood lust only grew. It spilled the blood of everyone in the castle that night except for me; including the woman I loved who happened to be the princess herself. Ever since that day I vowed to kill every dragon and trained to become a true dragon slayer. The Wyrmkiller reached out to me from the Dragon's Graveyard and it told me the truth of D'Arsonius and the only way to kill him was to pierce his heart with a stake. This locket is the only memento I carry of the once great kingdom, it belonged to the princess. My nights have been restless and filled with the same nightmare, a crimson dragon roosting on a ruined spire laughing maniacally as the smell of burnt corpses and spilled blood mix into the air while the woman I loved dying in my arms.

    Spoiler: show

    Name: Rosaria “Rose”
    Race: High Elf (Vampire "Noble due to Red's Heritage")
    Class: Ranger (Huntress)
    Height: 5’4”
    Weight: 120 lbs
    Alignment: Unaligned
    Equipment: Leather Armor, Two Sai (silvered), Explorer’s Pack, Longbow and Arrows (Silvered), Cloak of Midnight, Ruby Ring, Blade Hat, Kiseru, 3 vials of blood for emergencies. Picture of Red "I still miss her, even if I turned my back on her traitorous ass."
    Fighting Style: Two Weapon Fighting
    Favored Enemies: Undead, Lycanthropes, & Beast
    Origin: Orphan
    Personality Trait: I was, in fact, raised by wolves.
    Ideal: Live and let live, that is the way I choose to live by.
    Bond: I am the last of my tribe, and it’s up to me to ensure the Rakshasa and that vampire who seduced me will both pay for what they have done in full measure.
    Flaw: I feel regret for every life I have taken to this day. I also seemed to have developed a habit.
    Beliefs: Immortality is not a gift, it’s a curse.
    Story: I was born in an Elven village that was slaughtered by an assassin hired by the village’s sworn enemy who we made harmless with his own forbidden magic. I was then sent to an orphanage where I was adopted by werewolves who turned me into one of their own and raised me in the wild. Many years pasted until I met a vampire very different than the others I’ve slain. She was a druid and she seduced me into a new world of bloodshed and madness. We fell in love, and after that she separated the werewolf from my body and turned me into what I am now a vampire. But then I discovered the truth of what happened 100 years ago when I was yet a child, she killed them all with her magic. It was my lover. She was hired by the Rakshasa and he’s still out there and aware of my existence. He’s out there, and I won’t be free until he is dead.

    1. I am currently on a Crab FIshing Boat with some hobgoblins who I have charmed and. They are not acutely fishing they are trying to get back home across the sea. After ship wrecking near SIEGBERT, they decided to steal it. And I hitched a ride.
    2. My hat functions just like Kung Lao's from mortal kombat. "what I wanted something cool"
    3. Red has a Yandere complex now, Surge is recruiting the entire pack and then plans to set sail for me, the wolf spirits status and where abouts are unknown.
    4. I have the following abilties: Bat Form, Mist Firm, Gaseous Form, Charming Gaze, Hunter's Gaze, Domineering Gaze, and can climb walls and ceilings easily.
    5. I made an interesting discovery, I can not only sustain myself off of the blood of other vampires but also steal their powers if I desire! Not only that but if I don't inject venom I don't have to worry about turning someone.

    NPC Pictures
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-03-2015 at 09:42 AM. Reason: Added Pictures

  8. #418
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    The paladin sympathized with your plight. Was it simple respect, considering your angelic history? Or was he sincerely empathetic to the situation? You sense that he too has been parted from someone he loves, and he affirms this when he says his heart belongs to his wife, even if dimensions keep them apart.
    You admire his strength in an unbearable situation and wonder if you should change your plans.
    Sancireph draws his blades and approaches the barmaid. You reach out to him with your mind and tell him to wait. He is not backing down.
    You feel Navine's body is directing its energy towards that stump on her right shoulder. It is growing; this situation is giving Lilith strength. Perhaps if the tension were extended she might be able to be amputated. You decide to push the matter further to make such an option viable, but you are suddenly interrupted by the harsh rocking of the ship. Something has slammed into the hull. The others run towards the deck, but Navine does not.
    Lilith opens up to you.
    "Poor little wounded bird, longing for your plundered egg."
    You ask how she could know such things.
    "You should play your cards closer to the vest. All those telepathic manifestations let me read you like a book. The valkyrie a mother? Hilarious! No wonder they stole it away."
    You are overwhelmed with rage. You manifest your sword in Alisia's hand and hold it to her neck.
    "Don't be dramatic. She dies, you die, I die. But you don't have the heart to do it. You don't have the DARKNESS. At least... not yet."
    You ask what Lilith wants.
    "I want what anyone wants in this world. Form. A body to call my own. This little witch is a fine halfway house but she's no four-star hotel. I need a form which I can shape in my own image."
    You offer yourself.
    "That's sweet, but you aren't exactly in any shape to make such a deal. You're in the same boat I am. You too require form, form which you lack. But I've been watching, and I know what we can do."
    You ask what Lilith means.
    "That bump on the left shoulder... I can't touch it. I can feel it, though, faintly. The light inside of it tingles, like acid eating away. It's a wing."
    A wing?
    "I've got one too. The lump that's just me. And that little scuffle with the fighter made it bigger."
    You ask where she's going with this.
    "I heard your little thought to amputate me. If you want to plot, you need to quell your emotions before you do it. Especially when you're sharing a body."
    You tell her that you hate her and you won't hear any more of this.
    "Oh, you will. It's really quite brilliant. We'll go ahead and let me be amputated. You as well. Just not yet."
    She takes control of Navine's hands and makes a shadowpuppet butterfly on the wall.
    "As the darkness passes through this hapless witch, it gives me strength to grow. When there is enough mass, I can separate from her body and take my own form, independent of a mortal's pestering conscience."
    She depicts one wing of the butterfly being ripped off.
    "You can benefit too. With enough mass you could gain a physical form. And such a form here would be of unimaginable power back home. Have this witch grow you a body and then take your vengeance."
    You ask what Lilith wants.
    "Easy. Encourage the darkness while you encourage the light. We'll both grow strong, we can leave the witch in peace, and then we'll part ways. It's a win for everybody."
    The sound of combat rings from the deck above. You guide Navine up the stairs to see what is going on.

    Thinking back on your capture, you recall that the BLUE MAGE was puzzled as you spoke of your hunt for the CRIMSON DRAGON OF FLAME. You can read his lips muttering as he adds numbers in his head. Your statement of a two-year hunt doesn't seem to agree with him.
    In a fit of rage and feeling trapped, you begin to lash out at the crew, painfully disarming them in sprays of blood and leaving them as crumpled heaps on the floor. The heat of your rage grows as you fight, until you are interrupted by a blinding flash of light. You see a VALKYRIE standing before you, ethereal. Your instinct is to stab at her, but as your mighty WYRMKILLER touches her form she grabs it, and great waves of green flame burst forth from the blade. These rings of fire envelop the injured crew and seal their wounds, leaving only slight marks where the sword had maimed them.
    You nod to the figure, exclaiming that you understand the meaning of her appearance. Fire need not always be a force of destruction.
    Knowing your task, you proceed to craft giant stakes. D'ARSONIUS is currently infesting CECETTE with his undead presence. From the feel of the two stones in your hand, you suspect the third is the manifestation of his BODY. Working the wood with your flaming blade and ignoring the crew gathering around you, you manage to craft SEVEN giant stakes. If you can use the wild energy of the wood to kill D'Arsonius' body, perhaps Cecette can be salvaged.

    You've been sailing with this pack of charmed hobgoblins for about a week now and the limitations of the fishing boat are starting to get the best of you. Glaciers are constantly bombarding the sides of the vessel and it is only a matter of time until the damage sinks the ship. You decide it is probably best if you switch vessels; these little monsters should be strong enough to take any merchant cruiser you happen across. To your advantage you see one ahead of you. It looks a little better armed than you'd like, but you should be able to take it with the element of surprise.
    You take the form of mist, surrounding the fishing boat as you approach and creating a smoke screen. As you draw near, though, your form is broken when a two-headed dragon erupts from the water. It seems set on attacking the vessel you were going to steal.
    You're close enough to climb to the deck of the ship, though you doubt the hobgoblins will be able to scale the hull like you can. As such, you leave them behind to sink in their clunker and you board the deck.

    Recalling the conversation with the angel residing inside the barmaid, you begin to wonder what triggered her fall. She spoke of her mistake, but you sense something else. She is desperate; a piece of her has been stolen away and she is straining to acquire the power to retrieve it. What did she lose? Not her light... even now you can feel it despite her presence as an inhabiting spirit. What could be more important than that to a valkyrie? Then you think of your wife, and you finally understand. The thing she lost wasn't some component of her angelic self, it was someone she loves.
    You then think back to Granberia's change of heart and your conversation with her. She was making unusually large stakes, for D'ARSONIUS THE CRIMSON FLAME. She describes the sacking of a kingdom by a two-headed chimera of RED AND GREEN, the fall of a princess and the incineration of a palace. Some of the details seem askew... you wonder if perhaps she has combined a memory of the past with a vision of the future.
    Putting that thought aside, you ask the crew if they've seen a veridian stone.
    "Well, I haven't heard of anything like that, but the treasure's always divvied out by the captain. You should ask her. I think she's on deck right now."
    You make your way to the deck, but as you reach the top of the stairs the boat shakes violently. Something seems to have struck the hull. An iceberg? You rush on deck to see what is going on.

    When the stowaway spoke of the dragon D'ARSONIUS, she mentioned she'd been hunting him for two years. You swear you heard one of the crew mention that the dragon was sealed by a cabinet of archmagisters... but that can't be possible. Perhaps your magic is bleeding into your senses, because the RITE OF DRAGON DISSOLUTION is not common knowledge. What's even stranger is that the subject being referenced--D'ARSONIUS OF THE FLAME--is a literary figure. He's mentioned in children's stories but you've never encountered any evidence he actually exists. Even if he did, the stories are very old, it would have had to have been centuries ago.
    Later she shared her own origins, of a draconic CHIMERA attacking her home and destroying the kingdom. The tale is almost identical to the children's story, but more detailed and with a different ending. You try to recall the fable.
    There once was a woman said to be so beautiful that simply looking upon her would bend the fabric of reality. Good things always happened to those around her, and so her mother brought her before the people and on the site of a single blooming rose they built a great nation. The princess was placed in a towering spire, where her beauty could settle like morning dew over the land. But beauty has its price, and the princess caught the attention of a terrible monster. D'ARSONIUS. He saw her from afar and coveted her power. Three times he came to the great city. The first time he offered his great hoard of wealth for the princess, but the Queen refused. The second, he offered to destroy all of the nation's enemies, but the Queen refused. Finally, on the third visit he resolved to simply take what he wanted. He wreathed the kingdom in a barrier of flames which would incinerate everything they touched. With the citizens as his prisoners he demanded the princess in exchange for their release.
    The princess climbed to the roof of her spire and stood before the mighty dragon, facing him for the first time. When he saw her beauty directly he was so stunned he could not speak. Closing his eyes, he kindly asked if she would come away with him.
    The princess said nothing. Instead, she raised her hands to the sky. A great storm formed above her, putting out the flames around her kingdom. Black smoke filled the sky, obscuring the spire. The kingdom looked up on their princess with hope that she had defeated the monster, but when the smoke cleared there was no one there. No princess. No dragon. They had vanished without a trace.
    When you learned the fable in your training, you recognized it as a warning about the great risk of PROBABILITY, the wrath of math magic spiraling out of control. Yet the stowaway spoke of the matter as if she was there. The kingdom had not been spared the wrath of the monster, and the princess had died in her arms. Does that mean Granberia is herself centuries old? But she spoke as if the event was a fresh wound. How could such a thing be possible?
    You shake away such contradictory ideas and focus on the task at hand. Sancireph and Zataka seem to be focusing on the barmaid, so you decide your energy is best directed towards the threat of the dragon. Using a pail of water to form a mirror, you scry on the location of CECETTE.
    She's submerged, the salt is burning her skin and she is moving towards a light source. Wait, there's an object in the way. What is that? It's made of wood. Oh... oh no.
    Your vision shatters as the boat is violently bashed by a large mass. The dragon is here already. You can hear fighting from the deck, so you rush to their aid.

    While your focus had been on the stowaway Granberia, the approach of the barmaid draws your attention. You feel the flash of celestial light and infernal darkness as she approaches. You ask what they're doing here, but before Zataka can answer you have a vision of a VALKYRIE. You immediately identify this as the celestial presence, but something is very wrong. She is wreathed in flames, the wrath of vengeance is about her. You fret what she might do. Still, she tells you that the intent is to extract the evil from the barmaid and then banish it. You cannot trust that she has not been corrupted by the dark force within the body, though, so you raise your blades as if to strike, calling her out for her infernal intentions. You hear an unfamiliar voice escape through the barmaid's lips: "Kill me and she dies too".
    The ship suddenly shakes violently and you can hear shouting from above. The fallen angel will have to wait. You hurry to the deck.


    On deck, you see the pirates fighting the VERIDIAN DRAGON CECETTE. Half of her scales have turned red and she is now sporting a second head, which is munching on one of the crew. The captain draws her new enchanted sword and speaks the word of power, setting it ablaze with holy light. She tries to slash at the dragon but it knocks her overboard into the icy water.
    The green head launches a bolt of lightning, tearing down the mast. Meanwhile, the red head swallows its meal and sets the deck ablaze. The green head bites at the neck of the red head, as if trying to dislodge it, but the red head rams its with its horns and the green head falls limp.
    You note that the red head is missing its left eye. It looks like it has a fairly significant blindspot.
    What do you do?

    (Characters Present:
    So... essentially everybody)

  9. #419
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    I tell some of the still living crew to tend to the wounded and try to rescue the captain from the waters. I enchant my blade with fire to use as a means of acting as a shield from the fire while enchanting my armor with wood so that I may use its increased reach to harm the red head. As I approach, I use every once of my skill and abilities to get to the red head's left eye so I may plunge my blade into it (which I will enchant just prior to doing so with a wood enchantment).
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
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    Playing: Final Fantasy XIV

  10. #420
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    The dragon begins speaking in lunacy
    "Oh Granberry I'm home! Let's have a cook out honey! It'll be great, I'll eat everyone and burn down the ship. It will be one hell of a crazy party just like last time!"

    "SHUTUP YOU BASTARDS!" Granberia's body is wrapped in Green flames as she summons the radiant powers of the WYRMKILLER within.

    "Oh don't be like that, Granberry don't you want to just sit by and watch like you did all those years ago. How long has it been. Too long I believe!" He laughs maniacally as he slowly lowers a screaming pirate into his mouth, slowly chewing it to death."

    CECETTE cuts in as he enjoys his meals slowly fading screams.

    "Don't you love me Granberia, you should join us and hand over the stones honey. You'll make a great Vampire, or would you rather become a Dhampir like me?"

    "I...said... Shut... UP!!!"

    Granberia's eyes turn emerald as she rushes forward with all seven stakes pointing towards D'Arsonius and revolving around her.

    "Did you tell them how it all happened, how you led them like sheep to there own slaughter. How you told me where the castle was just so you could prove to them you were the strongest warrior in the world!"

    The green flames vanish and the stakes fall around her, she crumbles down to her knees white as a ghost, "No, your wrong."

    "You killed her Granberia, you killed them all! YOU LET THEM DIE! You just stood by and watched as your friends and even your lover died! They would all be alive."

    She covers her ears at this point and shuts her eyes.

    "You're a nothing but a murderer Granberia, you and I are very much alike."

    She screams bloody murder and the ship goes quiet. Then she collapses on her side in a pool of blood, white as a ghost. The wyrmkiller vanishes.

    "Well look who we have here, a vampire who has lost her way and now feasts among her own kind? How delightful! You and I are very much alike. Why don't we become friends."

    "Why don't you go back to your crypt and stay there, you Leech Maggot."

    I take to my bat form and move quickly to the crimson wing and stab him in the joint with both of my Silvered Sais.

    "Oh now you've made me angry! You're gonna regret that you stupid elf!"

    I do a back flip off his wing and assume a battle stance, and smile.

    "So says the dragon, who I can't fly."

    He acts in madness as he does a somersault in the air screaming something in Draconic and smashes me against the deck with his tail and rolls over back onto his claws laughing.

    edit: The reason I disabled Granberia for this battle is cause when we Fight D'Arsonius in his true form, we will need rest to be at full power. Plus he fills me with fear and I wanted to add that in some how. But something is going to change that when she sleeps next time.
    Last edited by Tamamo; 10-02-2015 at 11:11 PM.

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