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Thread: [RPG] Sword and Sorcery Play-by-Post

  1. #401
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Granberia is slapped across the face.

    "Wake up. Nap time is over missy."

    I look around and try to get my bearings I realize that SACRIEPH and that MAGE I saw back at the port are in the room with me with a bunch of pirates. Looks like I was caught. I'm tied up and who appears to be the captain is staring down at me angrily.

    "Who are you and What the hell are you doing on my ship!" The Captain shouts.

    "I don't care much about ethics, that's why. If I want to hitch a ride on a pirate ship. I am going to hitch a ride on a pirate ship. And now I want that stone more then ever. Once I have all three I'm resurrecting him Then I'll make him feel the same pain my entire kingdom felt 2 years ago. I've been hunting D'Arsonius down for 2 long years. And now I finally have him within my reach. He will die by my hands. Even if it costs me my life."

    "Are you nuts, it took an entire cabinet of archmages to seal away that mad dragon!"

    "Perhaps I am, driven by emotion and vengence. That's why I have this."

    I stand up and the ropes fall off. "you suck at tying knots"

    "GET HER"

    I scretch out my hand to the right and a portal opens and the smell of death and decay fills the room and blade slowly passes through.

    "This is the WYRMKILLER, this is the one sword that is strong enough to kill even the most powerful dragons. Many have joined their friends by my own hand in the graveyard. But finally the time has come to take on one of the worst of their kind. The dragon of the bloody flame himself."
    Last edited by Tamamo; 09-30-2015 at 11:24 PM.

  2. #402
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    * D'Arsonius sounds a lot like The Arsonist. Coincidence? Meh. *
    Holding Alisia in my arms, I am reminded briefly of my wife, Milani, who is waiting for me in me home dimension. I help her to her feet and offer to escort her to whatever cabin she is staying at. However I let her know that I am a married man and despite the span of dimensions between us, my heart belongs only to my wife. I cannot do anything for you about your past, no matter how hard I tried. I apologize if my words offend you, but I can only offer my condolences.
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
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    Playing: Final Fantasy XIV

  3. #403
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    I smile and nod, "You are a true gentleman, despite my vulnerability you refused to ravage my body. I thank you for this."

    Assumption you would go and inform the others "they're pirates and can handle themselves." and not take her on by you yourself

    On our way there Sacrieph and Goldleaf run up to us and inform us that the crew is in danger. "Shit I knew she would attack us eventually, takes us there immediately I shall lend you my Holy Blade?"

    We rush back into the room and the following scene unfolds.

    All of sudden the blade begins to glow brighly and begins shouting. "THAT IS ENOUGH!" The blade whirls white light around itself that reach out and touch everyone who is wounded and fills their body's with warmth and their wounds heal instantly. Granberia drops it in shock. "Fire is a double edged sword my child of the Qin Dragon, although you may think it won't have no effect against D'Arsonius since it brings ruin to that which touches it there is another side to it. It provides warmth during the cold winter months and can burn away that which is unclean. It can cauterize wounds as well as what I have just showed you. Use your new powers wisely my child."

    "I see so that is it. Fire isn't just anger and vengeance. It's love, happiness, and all emotion. That is what I was missing. I have been misguided my friends, and I plea for your forgiveness. " She falls to her hands and knees and bows her heads. Alisia is the first to approach stepping forward bending downward with a smile.

    "Have you finally realized your sin and wish to atone it humble warrior?"

    "Yes, Wrath. That was my sin."

    "I see, Zataka if you would."

    Sacrieph, Zataka, Goldleaf: Alisia faces all of you what do you do?
    Last edited by Tamamo; 09-30-2015 at 11:24 PM.

  4. #404
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    I attempt to persuade the pirates to leave Granberia's fate to us, as we have business with her. I ask Alisia if now is the appropriate time. If so, I will proceed to cast the spell as planned.
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
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    Playing: Final Fantasy XIV

  5. #405
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    I send Zataka a telepathic passage to explain that we can only banish her during the transfer otherwise it will consume the host. The Dragonkin seeks atonement for her sins I am not in a position to give her it as you know unfortunately.

    I grab some of the wood and begins carving stakes with a knife. Why the hell would she need stakes CECETTE is certainly not a vampire, but the look in her eyes is one of terrible fear and resentment. They're also quite big, about 2 feet in length. What is she planning.

    How many do I manage to craft?
    Last edited by Tamamo; 09-28-2015 at 11:14 PM.

  6. #406
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Accidental Post, combined with above.
    Last edited by Tamamo; 09-28-2015 at 10:54 PM.

  7. #407
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    I abstain from using the spell, as that would be of terrible consequence at this time. I inquire what the stakes are for. Surely they can't be used against a dragon. The thought of the dragon from the earlier vision reminds me. Once I am done speaking with Granberia, I inquire with the pirate captain on any other passengers than myself and my comrades. If this boat is truly the one that the completed stone is on, then we could perhaps find it and do something about it before the dragon attacks.
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
    *Bar-Buddies updates whenever-also can email comics upon request*
    Playing: Final Fantasy XIV

  8. #408
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    @CJC I made the assumption dragons were mortal if they're naturally immortal that is the reason he can bask in sunlight with minimum affliction

    Granberia finishes carving her first stake and tosses it over too you with a smile. It's for my friend D'Arsonius. The dragon is three things: A Murderer, A Vampire, and also Batshit Crazy. If he found a drained lake he would slaughter his own brethen and drain their blood just so he could take a bath while singing about trees. That is the psycho that resides inside her chest and these stones I carry. As Alisia said, he needs to be destroyed once and for all. I'm worried though, sunlight should have an adverse reaction on here by now. Yet she has shown no sigh, perhaps he has something else keeping him immoral and that was why he was sealed.

    Granberia pulls out a locket from out of her armor and begins speaking.

    "It's time you know the truth. About who I am and why I have hunted dragons for the last two years. I once served in a royal army of a kingdom in the Far East, the princess had came of age and we we're holding an banquet at nightfall to celebrate. That is when it happened. A VERIDIAN DRAGON from the west with a red stone in it's chest came and grew a 2nd head with scales and eyes as red as blood. It destroyed the castle and began it's slaughter laughing maniacally, we tried our hardest to kill it, but even after dispatching the first head the dragons its' blood lust only grew. It spilled the blood of everyone in the castle that night except for me, including the woman I loved who happened to be the princess herself. Ever since that day I vowed to kill every dragon and trained to become a true dragon slayer. The Wyrmkiller reached out to me from the Dragon's Graveyard and it told me the truth of D'Arsonius and the only way to kill him was to pierce his heart with a stake. This locket is the only memento I carry of the once great kingdom, it belonged to the princess. My nights have been restless and filled with the same nightmare, a CRIMSON dragon roosting on a ruined spire laughing maniacally the smell of burnt corpses and spilled blood mixing into the air. And the woman I loved dying in my arms. That is the reason I have become who I am."
    Last edited by Tamamo; 09-28-2015 at 11:16 PM.

  9. #409
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Setting Elaboration

    Creatures of the Night: Vampirism
    Vampirism is the result of an overexposure to Gourmand magics. This overexposure can be caused by self-indulgence or by infection from a current vampire.
    When someone's body reaches critical mass from the void energies of gourmand magic, it causes all foods ingested to turn to ash (this is why eating results in nausea). The only material capable of sustaining the vampire is thus pure life energy, which they extract from the blood of their victims. However, while the void energy destroys everything entering the body it preserves the physical form as well, creating the agelessness and manipulating whatever magic the undead abomination can muster.

    The void energy is depleted by the energy of the planet: wood, stone, and metal each deteriorate a vampire in a different manner. Wood incinerates a vampire's organs on contact, which is why stakes are fatal. Stone wards against the void energies surrounding a vampire which is why they cannot cross thresholds uninvited (to do so would freeze them in place). Metal (or rather Silver) severs a vampire's nerve connections, causing limbs struck by the material to go limp (as if electrocuted).
    Finally sunlight (which is a combination of these three forces, untainted by mortal drive) banishes the void energies within the body, causing the natural aging process to resume. Since the void was the only thing keeping the vampire alive, resuming aging results in swiftly developing welts and festering until eventually the creature is reduced to ash. Theft of lifeforce counteracts this damage, repairing the vampire.

    When the void energy enters the body but is insufficient to squelch the natural functions of the host, the victim instead becomes D'hampir, a half-living abomination with an insatiable appetite. D'hampir must consume life just as vampires do, but their consumption need not be in the form of blood. Rather they eat everything (generally the flesh of other living things) in an instinctual effort to counteract the void energies growing in their body. If a D'hampir has a steady source of food they can maintain this half-dead state indefinitely. However, if subjected to starvation a D'hampir will eventually transform into a regular vampire.

    Tamamo has correctly assumed that dragons are mortal beings. However, Cecette's partial fusion with D'Arsonius (the crimson dragon, one who happens to be a vampire) has resulted in her becoming a D'hampir rather than a vampire, which is why sunlight is not harmful to her.

    Cecette is not currently attacking the ship. Rather, Granberia is preparing for the fight she knows is coming.
    ...But you'll have to wait for the next update and see what happens.

  10. #410
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    I just realzied I never posted a picture of Alisia I guest I should.

    Character Goals while aboard the KATRIEN'S GLORY

    Granberia: Shove a giant stake though D'Arsonius :)

    Alisia: Save Nadine, check your PM CJC.
    Last edited by Tamamo; 09-28-2015 at 08:56 PM.

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